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Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition: Night-Vision Goggles Included

Okay, what the hell ? Have publishers just gone ape with the idea of Collectors Editions for blockbuster titles? This is just nutty .

What you're looking at here is a picture of the super special Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition (and yes, it's the Xbox 360 version but if you can find a picture of the PlayStation 3 Prestige Edition, do us a favor and send it over). You can watch the official unboxing over at YouTube, and it's quite the eye-opening exposure. Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling opens up this insane package, which actually includes working night-vision goggles . Furthermore, the game will come in a nifty steel case, we'll get an art book and a custom-molded plastic head for proudly presenting those goggles, and even a voucher to download the original Call of Duty off the PSN or XBLA. The price? Well, that wasn't announced in the video but we have to assume it's likely going to cost an arm and a leg. You know, for almost any other game, we'd label this as "blatantly over-the-top," but after all, Activision has predicted that the release of Modern Warfare 2 will be the single biggest entertainment launch of 2009. The sheer number of people who bought the original title over the past couple of years is staggering, and you can bet a whole lot of 'em will purchase the sequel.

Anyway, we'll let you know when the ungodly price of this Prestige Edition drops, but we suggest putting aside some extra money just in case. Take out a second mortgage, or something.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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15 years ago

While sweet looking I expect this to cost a ton of money. Night vision isn't cheap.

15 years ago

So lets ask these suckers to release this for $100 and WITH the game!

I still won't support Activision and I don't think these marketing gimmicks are going to make me support them at all.

15 years ago

I'm sorry but not only am I going to have a drink and jump online multiplayer, I am also going to grab another drink and go outside that night with my new toy. SO GOOD.
BUT LETS ALL WONDER JUUUUUST HOW MUCH? I am saving up for RB: Beatles edition as it is. Thank god I just got a good job.

15 years ago

Good lord, how many thousands of dollars will that be?


15 years ago

Not so many as you might think….

You can find a night vision monocular set for under $150 if you look, even just googling it.

15 years ago

That would look mighty fine on my desk.

15 years ago

All I need to know is how much and I'm there =)
If anything I'm just gonna have to guess it's going to be about 150$ but knowing Activision, they'll want to jack up the price (I mean look at how much it is for toy instruments.)

I'm gonna guess it's something like this. $59.99 USD for Normal Edition, $79.99 USD for Hardened Edition, and $120-150 USD for the Prestige Edition. I mean sure this is a sweet CE, but still, there's no way Activision is giving out the newest and sweetest high-tech Night Vision Goggles. I mean jeez they sell toys for 10-30$ that do just as much and at least 'work'. I mean sure these can't be compared to that, they'll probably be GREAT. But nothing comparable to the 2000+$ sets the Military Uses.

15 years ago

The cheapest binocular set I could find was about $400

Search for ATN Night Sentry Gen 1 Night Vision Binocular.

15 years ago

going to preorder tomorrow

15 years ago

I've looked at Gamestop and they don't have a listing for it.

15 years ago

wow, this is going to be expensive, i cant imagine the goggles work, for a decent but low quality pair of night vision, you might be able to pick up one for $200 cnd, i wouldnt buy anything less (i wouldnt pay less then 400 cnd myself) these goggles if they do work will be the lowest of the low… but im going to see about picking these up, or i could use the money on a hand gun and play real life call of duty 😛 just kidding, that wouldnt go well with the cops

15 years ago

just watched the video, im kind of surprised that the thing actually works, but they are probobly really cheap, they are from the looks of it made out of plastic, and im sure that you will see some bright red light when the thing is on, its probobly like the eyeclops night vision kit, made out of plastic and really cheap, but i have to admit, they are a nice pair of goggles, im surprised they didnt do something like this with splinter cell…

15 years ago

I must admit that I'm a sucker for "special/limited" edition games but even I think this is just way over-the-top. I'm betting it's gonna cost at least $300+.

15 years ago

idk it may not be worth it, if it is gonna be actually cheap and when you wear it on your head it may break

15 years ago

I watched the video and from 3:39 through 3:43 they show the PS3 edition. As much as I am a sucker for CE packages this will cost too much. The only I would buy the Prestige Edition would be to resell it on Ebay after it went out stock to make a large profit. Since I buy games to play not to make a profit I most likely will not opt for the Prestige Edition.

15 years ago

im sold on this as long as it isnt too expensive

15 years ago

If it's less than 150 bucks I'll try to get this.

15 years ago

that's ridiculous.

i must have it

15 years ago

Thats just way to much for a Special Edition, that aint going to be cheap…. why go to all that effort for a FPS?

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

because this particular FPS is the follow up of the best multiplat FPS ever made

15 years ago

Well said Canuck Pride.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

thank you triple "W"

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

hey everyone!
correct me if i'm wrong, but wasnt the cod logo in modern warfare 2 confirmed again?? cuz if it has been, then it's gone A-WAL on Mr.Robert IW guy over there…

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

oh! maybe we wil be able to purchase this in a filipino market next month..


15 years ago

because they know how its going to sell.
its beautiful i hope more publishers start to put some quality and content into the LE of their games.
there getting a little boring with a booklet of screenshots and figurine but thats it.
how about something more interesting and usefull.
something different, like what assassins creed 2 has with the black edition thats number 1 on my pre order list did it yesterday.
expensive though 160AUD meh its worth every cent, lets hope the game is im shure it will be.
now i need to get a psp so i can finish bloodlines and find out what hapens to desmond.

15 years ago

for one i wish sony would market their games.
if they marketed them half as well as modern warfare 2 is their sales would be alot better.
every single game shop i go into.
every single one, EB game HBHIFI game gametraders the gamesmen.
even Kmart big W and target who are mainly clothes stores they just sell games on the side.
they all have MW2 posters lined on the walls its almost become wallpaper.
the games not out for another 4 months and theres this much advertisement.
imagine how much theres going to be come release.
but not one spec for uncharted 2 or ratchet.
same thing 1 month b4 prototype came out all stores were filled with prototype posters and not 1 for infamous.
mayb thats why sony exclusives sell so poorly.
im still to this day seeing adds for halo wars.
but have not seen 1 for infamous and only seen 2 for killzone 2.

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

I hope the normal Special Edition of the game has everything in this except the goggles.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

my thoughts exactly

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

my thoughts exactly

15 years ago

pre-ordering prestige edition as we speak. not to sure how the image quality will be with those goggles. night vision CAN be quite cheap but for anything half-decent you're going to be forking out $500+.

15 years ago

where did you go to pre order? i cant seem to find it

15 years ago

why the hell would you want night vision goggles?? Why not give something actualy useful like a mug or something!!

honestly listening to peopl say this looks cool..but it better not be expensive…but better be good quality…but might break if its on your head..


Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

lol the cod waw CE came with a canteen, and a disclaimer "DO NOT USE FOR CONSUMPTION' wonder if it would be the same if they packaged a mug with MW2??

Lol "fully operational night vision goggles!!! *not for actual use*"
lmao, that would be funny as hell

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
15 years ago

I'm guessing it will be around $200 or so. Which is almost the price of an entire console, isn't that right Mr. Kotick? Price cut indeed.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

"Cut the price of your stuff, but we will raise ours!'
hypocrisy at its best…

Last edited by Gregory Freeman on 7/14/2009 7:29:44 PM

15 years ago

haha that looks great would damn expensive though… i'll stick to my preorder of the normal version

15 years ago

It makes perfect sense, rather than make a good game, they wrap a pretty package around a hunk of shit. Gamers fall for this every time. Assassin's Creed anyone?


15 years ago

assassins creed was a good game…..

15 years ago

I rest my case, pretty packaging fools every gamer. And, in your opinion, it was a good game. In mine, it was a repetative cookie cutter hunk of shit, that lasted less time than Heavenly Sword.

15 years ago

If Infinity Ward can't make a game to your standards I dare ask…who can?

I hope that hunk of sh!t isn't the game your talkin bout dude…

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 7/14/2009 10:33:28 AM

15 years ago

Modern Warfare will never be to my standards, simply because they base their bullshit off of fake scenarios. CoD made it's name being one of the most accurate protrayals of real-life battles, that games could hope to get. Then, they simply skip what…3 major conflicts to capture the retarded adolescent FPS crowd. Buy into it, if you desire, but I'll never buy a Modern Warfare game, as long as it's not based on real events.

And, yes, I am calling the game a hunk of shit. What of it?

15 years ago

i had the normal version of assassins creed and tell most other gamers cod4 sucked and u will be laughed at

15 years ago

LoL – That might give me pause, if I actually cared what other gamers think, hell, what anyone thinks. I have my principles, and the CoD franchise took a big steaming s*** all over them. As I said, Modern Warfare, was nothing more than an attempt to steal some thunder from the Halo crowd. Which it did, quite well. The kiddies may be into it, those who missed CoD1 and 2, for the PC. However, those of us who actually made CoD the popular franchise it is, will never forget the slight visited upon us, by those companies. F*** them, I say, f*** them all.

And give me GT5.

15 years ago


You come off pretty abrasive. You need to get laid. You talk a lot of crap about a game that you've never played.

Im glad these games aren't based off real wars anymore. I personally wouldn't feel right if it were based on the Iraq war. I guess you want to blow up innocent civilians…I don't. Thats real war.

Games are for fun. So chill. If Godslim had fun with Assassin's Creed, as did I, then the game did its job. The story and concept was an awesome start for a new IP. The mechanics were unique and graphics were great. The missions were the weakest point and I can assure you the next iteration will see an improvement.

"However, those of us who actually made CoD the popular franchise it is, will never forget…"

An awesome game ultimately makes a game popular. Not the other way around. Hence the massive sales record. So don't give yourself too much of a pat on the back. It sold because it wasn't a piece of sh!t. Glad you don't care about what people think because your in an island all by yourself.

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 7/14/2009 9:58:08 PM

15 years ago

i had tweeted a reply to Rob asking of the price of the pack. hoping to get a response today

15 years ago

it's all right don't panic. i twitted him! nah but seriously now. got unconfirmed reports it will cost $120us or $150au.

15 years ago

I heard that this is going to be priced at $80 USD from some site, but I am not sure how right on that is with those night vision gogs

15 years ago

80dlls is what the hardened edition will cost.
The prestige edition is going to be something like 120-150dlls.

15 years ago

when can we actually preorder this item

King James
King James
15 years ago

And Activision wants Sony to lower their prices?!

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