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Namco: Splatterhouse Won’t Assault Shelves Until 2010

The development saga of Splatterhouse is a little confusing, but let's just say that it's in Namco's hands with the help of some of the original designer's staff (Bottlerocket). Unfortunately, this gory action-fest wasn't at E3.

So, Joystiq asked Namco what their plans were with the game, and if it was still slated to arrive in 2009. Unfortunately, it's not, but that doesn't mean the game won't ever release. Many times, it is the widespread belief that when a project misses initial deadlines and development goals, there is less chance that it will see the light of day. And while such a belief is often valid, Namco was reassuring in their response:

"Namco Bandai Games America Inc. is hard at work on Splatterhouse. Development is in full swing and we are committed to bringing it to the Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2010. This will give us time to polish and incorporate all the content to deliver a top notch game worthy of this classic video game franchise."

Siliconera says Splatterhouse will launch in "early 2010," but either way, it won't be on store shelves this year. This may be disappointing, but if you hadn't noticed , there are plenty of huge titles on tap for 2009, and we're guessing you don't even have the time for those. Come the holiday season, you'll be scrambling about for both time and money, so perhaps this delay is a blessing in disguise.

Related Game(s): Splatterhouse

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15 years ago

This game has fail written all over it.

15 years ago

I am looking forward to this as I enjoyed the previous Splatterhouse games. I am just hoping it will be good given that they have extra time to polish it up.

Last edited by tlpn99 on 6/18/2009 1:11:08 PM

15 years ago

I too loved the old school splatterhouse games. The only thing this game and those have in common is the name. This is a train wreck of a game.

15 years ago


agreed. i played those originals so many times and upon seeing the trailer for this, i was confused. Another GoW clone.

15 years ago

not my type of game

15 years ago

this is probably not gonna sell too many copies since god of war comes out around that same time

15 years ago

Compared to the original arcade games which were great, this splatterhouse update look like crap should be cancelled while there's still time.

15 years ago

i was actually looking forward to playing this game in 09

well better get back to infamous

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
15 years ago

Seems like hack and slash has really been making a come back… this, Castlevaina, Dante's Inferno, Darksiders, Bayonetta, and last but not least GOW 3.

15 years ago

Glad to hear they're taking the time to polish it into hopefully something that can deliver.
It doesn't look that similar to GoW, there were other hack+slashes before it came along after all. I especially want to see how the regeneration turns out, there should also be a good variety in crude weapons and I hope they can push the limits of gore in games a bit like they said, I hate torture-porn movies that are all about gore but in games it can add to the fun.
But this game had me when they said the soundtrack is all mastadon, all the time. I've never really listened to them in particular but metal isn't combined with games nearly often enough. Even the short trailer tune got stuck in my head.

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