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PSXE Poll Update: Exclusives Reigned Supreme At E3

Well, E3 is over and not surprisingly, the PSX Extreme readers found the unbelievable exclusive software to be the best part of Sony's press conference.

It began with a bang when they unveiled a huge gameplay demo for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , then moved through the likes of MAG , Gran Turismo 5 (and Gran Turismo PSP ), ModNation Racers , Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , and the shocking announcement of Final Fantasy XIV , then concluded with a gigantic roar: that ridiculously sweet gameplay demonstration of God of War III . On top of which, we really didn't see much for Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time and White Knight Chronicles , two more exclusives that are going to get a lot of attention, and they briefly unveiled Rockstar's new PS3 exclusive, Agent . So it's no surprise that y'all got a big thrill out of such titles, and we needn't remind you that Uncharted 2 will absolutely explode this November. If you aren't in the multiplayer beta, have no fear; our impressions are coming soon, just so you know exactly what you're missing.

Now, as we're almost exactly halfway through 2009, it's time to ask what your favorite gaming experience has been thus far. And no, it's not fair to say, "oh, I just got around to playing Final Fantasy XII in 2009, so that's my favorite." We're only talking about games that released this year, so which is it? The immensely awesome Killzone 2 ? The hectic finger-smashing resurrection of a franchise known as Street Fighter IV ? The recent bad-assery of inFamous ? Or maybe you went and got sneaky and imported Demon's Souls … Well, whatever, we wanna know; vote now!

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15 years ago

Of course, exclusives make our ps3 what is is today =D

Also…is Demon's Souls already here yet? O.o this is a hard one with both infamous and k2, hard to think these games have come out only in one half a year @_@ jeez. gotta go with…….k2 i think so

King James
King James
15 years ago

Demon's Souls is out in Japan and ppl have imported it because it has subtitles.

15 years ago

If that's how then I don't think that's fair since there hasn't been a real US release yet..

King James
King James
15 years ago

There will be a US release. And ppl have been importing games for yrs. Its more economics than it is fairness.

15 years ago

I never said they haven't I'm just saying, it's not right to include a game that hasn't actually released in the US yet in a poll about game released in the first half of the year. Also even if people do import, the amount truly isn't as great as a regional release of it. But anywayz, it doesn't matter, I was just wondering cause it seemed kind of weird.

King James
King James
15 years ago

oh ok. Well he did say "Or maybe you went and got sneaky and imported Demon's Souls…"

15 years ago

Listen, a game released in 2009 is a game released, regardless of where it has been released.

On the import topic, I just found a new import store with great service, free EMS shipping (if you order five games), and a large catalog of games that are out of stock on other sites, including rare games. Best of all, he sells used copies that are mint.

It's like I have a personal shopper in Japan, and it is much cheaper than those deputy services.

Yes, I've seen one or two games that were outrageously priced, games that I bought far cheaper on Ebay. Ironically, he has an Ebay store, too, which is where I found him.

But, by and large, his prices are in-line with Play Asia… cheaper if you go used and if you factor in free EMS shipping.

One other thing, he also uses a point system like most Japanese web sites do. He gives you one, two, or three points for each game you order. On your next order, you can redeem those points on a 1 point for $1 dollar basis.

I'm sorry for the exuberant enthusiasm; but as someone who has been importing games since the Saturn/PS1 days and paying steep prices (Tronix, NCSX, Play-Asia, and too mnay now-defuct sites), it is nice to finally be able to tap the Japanese used game market without getting gouged by a deputy service or Ebay, especially since I went to buying the bulk of my U.S. games used to save money.

Another importing tip, I recently learned that Rakuten (a large Japanese online shopping mall) now offers an international shipping site where you can buy games directly from Japanese sites.

I was going to use Rakuten until I found this new import shop that allowed me to get 95% of the import games — I've been out of the import scene for the past few years because I got married, but this site has allowed me to catch up cheaply) — I've been looking to buy in one order.

Hit up sushief dot com.

Tell him Peter sent you.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Don't forget Heavy Rain, Demon's Souls, FAT Princess, FF13 Versus and Agito, Afrika, and all the other PSN titles, DLC, and exclusive PS3 content like Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Last edited by King James on 6/14/2009 10:37:10 PM

King James
King James
15 years ago

Oh and I forgot those two MMO's SOE is coming out with: The Agency and DC Universe Online

15 years ago

dont forget invizimals. assassins creed 2 add ons from psp version of assassins creed bloodlines.

King James
King James
15 years ago

I thought if I started naming PSP titles, it would get unfair because M$ doesn't have a portable.

15 years ago

Most games I've played this year have been great experiences,If I had to chose thought it would probably be inFamous.

15 years ago

I just love the fact that 360 owners act like they have so many games to look forward to this year. Really? What? Oh yeah……Halo. OMG……I just saw a Parappa sketch on Robot Chicken…holy %#&@. That was awesome.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Well now that got Milo. LOL. But seriously, they got a handful a games…again.

-Alan Wake (its not vaporware after all)
-Halo (again)
-Splinter Cell (Looks sweet. *crosses fingers for PC or PS3 release*)
-L4D2 (Ha)
-Mass Effect 2 (I'm impressed. But Bioware always does that to me. *crosses toes for PC or PS3 release)

5 games. thats it. Sony has done 3 already. Its laughable how ppl ignore that the tide has turned.

15 years ago

Just so you know, Mass Effect 2 is scheduled for simultaneous release on PC and 360. No word on PS3 version, so unless it is on 360 only, Microsoft lie to the people and claim it exclusive.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Yea they do. That's why I wasn't sure. Thats great news. I'll be copping the PC version.

15 years ago

lol i saw the same sketch

i r epic loling at it

15 years ago

I'm pretty sure that Splinter Cell is going to be on PS3 as well. It might be a timed exclusive though. It's really the only 360 game that excites me at all. Alan Wake looks interesting though.

15 years ago

My favourite game for the first half of 2009 is as follows:

1. Killzone 2
2. Resident Evil 5
3. Infamous

15 years ago

This is one of the few times I won't vote for an exclusive.

Street Fighter IV epitomizes what's great 'bout fighting games.

It's the best fighter I've played in almost a decade(last one being Street Fighter Alpha 3).

Waited literally a whole decade to get my hands on a beautiful SF sequel again and it was worth it.

Beautiful graphics and characters.

It will only get better as they update the game further(balance patches, and any other extras)

15 years ago

"only get better"? Now your worshiping this game? lol I'm kidding, street fighter is an awesome game.

15 years ago

I have to go with Killzone 2 since I haven't purchased infamous yet (but I will) cuz well I'm not a big FPS guy but that one really did put everything out there to shame in so many ways.

15 years ago

I really wanted to say Flower because that game has a special place in my heart, and inFAMOUS was a close second for my favorite, but in the end I had to choose Killzone 2. RE5 was great and all… but I maintain that RE4 was better.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Does anybody know about a PSN title called "Trine"? Ben?

15 years ago

I have, I'm getting it for PC 🙂

15 years ago

wasnt that the best downloadable at gamespot

15 years ago


Don't know what you mean.

The little I've heard about it is this

Action Rpg
Lots of puzzles
Side platform
3D graphics blended with 2d

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 6/15/2009 12:45:42 AM

15 years ago

There was a "Trine" spell in FFVII.

15 years ago

Skill Name: Trine
MP Cost: 20MP
What it Does: A golden coloured pyramid hovers over all enemies and deals lightening damage. This is a very effective attack and is useful to have.
Learned: From Godo in Wutai's Pagoda. From Stilve's living inside the frozen mountain and from the Materia Keeper that you fight through Mount Nible on your way to rocket town.
How?: The Materia keeper is the enemy most likely to use this on you naturally. All enemies cannot be manipulated to obtain this skill so when fighting them hope for the best.

King James
King James
15 years ago


Yea it was. I just saw it and wondered why PSXE, IGN, and G4 (the sites I usually check) didn't mention it at all.

15 years ago

FF13 is the reason I bought a PS3 just as FF was the reason I bought a PS2. I don't care if any other game comes out in 2010. I have to agree though when it comes to exclusives the PS3 really shines. Their exclusives IMO show more refined game play and detailed graphics than the 360.

15 years ago

alan wake looks decent though

15 years ago

More like amazing. It reminds me Alone in the Dark, the first several ones I played on PC long long ago.

15 years ago

Alan Wake is the only thing on MS side at E3 that I would want on PS3, Splinter Cell looked pretty dull tbh.

King James
King James
15 years ago

I'm not sold on Alan Wake yet. That Light/dark combat mechanic looks dumb to me. Well, maybe not dumb. More like…uninspiring. It didn't do it for me. I'll have to wait to see how the game develops.

ME2 though, I'm pretty excited. ME1 was very impressive. When Bioware joined EA I was like, "Yes! Multiplatform baby!" Got it on PC and wondered why I should ever buy a Xbox again. 95% of their "exclusives" get released on PC.

15 years ago

@ Kingy

I too played ME1 on PC and loved it but what pissed me off was the inability to use the 360 controller. I have a wireless 360 controller so I can play games on my PC. I'm all for mouse and keyboard but I prefer a game pad when playing 3rdperson games, not to mention my couch is comfy. ME2 better have this.

15 years ago

So far this year, I had so much fun with Demon's Souls and inFAMOUS. I can't wait to play our PS3 exclusive games like Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian and of course God of War III

15 years ago

LMAO, I remember when he said Final Fantasy XIV, I heard everyone around the world simultainiously go ahhh? then he said "Online" and the whole world went "AWWWWWWW"

15 years ago

my games I have fun with so far are Infamous KZ 2 and UFC.

15 years ago

Ben, did you forget about "The Last Guardian" when you wrote the article or did you just decide not to mention it. If you did, I can't believe it! cause I know that thing will be awesome, don't you?

Out of all the exclusives, GT5 will be the first on my list.

15 years ago

Well, Skate 2 gotta be my favorite this year, but since it's not in the poll I'm gonna go with inFamous. 'Twas pretty good too, if not super-awesome-greatly fantastic.


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