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Overlord II Demo Available On PSN

With inFamous and Prototype already on store shelves, and Batman: Arkham Asylum delayed until the end of summer, you may need another option this month.

Well, may we suggest Overlord II ? You get to play as an evil Sauron-esque overlord, who only wishes to take over the world with the help of his dark army. If it's similar to the original (and it should be), the game features an interesting mix of action and strategy elements; you can control the demon hordes and issue orders, or simply dive into the battle yourself. If you're not convinced, Codemasters has revealed that a playable demo is available for download on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The 360 version released last week and the PS3 demo for the PSN should be up now. Perhaps it can be best described as one of those "guilty pleasure" titles, provided the game mechanics are solid and the concept proves to be as fun as it sounds. Another option for June may be Red Faction: Guerrilla , but you may want to change gears a little and try something relatively new. Besides, who doesn't want to be a colonel from hell…?

Overlord II is scheduled to launch on June 26. If you want more information, including new media, head on over to the official site .

Related Game(s): Overlord II

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15 years ago

wait … I downloaded this last week off of PSN … did they take it off, only to re-release it?

15 years ago

I know! I downloaded and played Overlord II already. It was okay like Overlord I, but I don't think I will buy it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

It may have been, I'm not sure. But I changed the title just in case.

15 years ago

It was on the US PSN last week but only came on the EU one today. Not a big shame though because it does suck.

15 years ago

shall have to give this a go it sounds ok 🙂

15 years ago

Overlord never really appealed to me. I do think that it is very humorous though. When the demon got his eye stuck to the block of ice in the demo, I laughed my ass off.

15 years ago

One question, do video-game developers compare their projects to others of different companies during the developing stage of their current project? Honestly, I think that releasing a demo version of this game only contributes unfavorably for this company since they just warned people about how horrible this game is in almost every single aspect. I think that companies in any kind of industry should be more knowledgeable about the current consumer demand. Anyways, this is only my very humble opinion but, I find hard to believe that anyone in here would enjoy this piece of crap.

Last edited by napoleon85 on 6/11/2009 12:54:58 PM

15 years ago

Ya this has been out for week already. Jeez Ben pay attention :p. It's okay though. didn't you have some sort of little event you were at last week?

15 years ago

Well I am going to pick this one up, I did enjoy the first one. Sometimes a game is just fun to play

15 years ago

Played it last week, and it wasn't as fun as the original.

15 years ago

You have an excuse B Dukats. You were living it up in LA with all the cool news games coming our way.

15 years ago

I love the 1st one and played the demo of the 2nd one and its just as fun 🙂

15 years ago

Yeah, I D/L'ed the OL2 demo last week & just started into it for a short bit last night.

But so far for me, don't know exactly what it is, but there's something that seems to be a bit off in this new demo.

It just isn't giving me any of the "WOW" factor that I got playing the 1st Overlords demo.
(I did like my minions getting over with some Wolve-jacking for their joy-rides though)

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