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Arrest Made Over PS3 Shooting

Rememer the kid who was shot outside of a Wal-Mart on the eve of the PlayStation 3 launch? I'm sure it angered many of you fellow gamers when you found out that Michael Penkala was shot in the chest, with a shotgun of all things, after he refused to give two armed robbers his wallet that had $2500 in it. Now the best news of that entire fiasco was that Michael somehow survived the shotgun blast…in fact he even handed over his wallet to a Wal-Mart employee and told him to give it to his friends outside waiting in line. But there's additional news that's every bit as good…one of the gunmen, a 20 year old Woodstock, CT resident, has just been arrested, and a warrant has been placed for the arrest of his 17-year old accomplice.

Though what's unfortunate is that Penkala didn't have health insurance, so whatever profits he had attempted to make by eBaying the PS3 ended up at a loss to him. He claims that his medical bill will likely end up in the six-figure area. To aid him in the paying of his bills, a fund in Michael Penkala's name was opened up in his home town of Webster, MA and can be found at: Commerce Bank, 25 Worcester Road, Webster, MA 01570.

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