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Upcoming Issue of Famitsu Confirms New MGS?

Konami has always gained a lot of attention at nearly every E3 they've been at for the past 10 years. And it's thanks to one game franchise: Metal Gear Solid. There's a new storm brewing for E3 2009, and with a countdown said to reveal an all new Metal Gear game, people are hard at work trying to uncover anything before the actual announcement. One such tidbit comes from Japan, a 7-11 store of all places.

Found on 7Andy's website, 7-11's Japanese name, is an entry for the May 30th issue of Famitsu. Spotted by a NeoGAF poster, the issue's contents are also listed on the Japanese website, with one entry translated literally to "New Metal Gear." Now, this wasn't printed on the multiplatform Famitsu magazine, but rather the PlayStation-centric one. The May 30th issue will arrive just two days short of E3 and all of its announcements and conferences. So we urge you to mark May 30th on your calendars, as well.

Whether or not this project is, indeed, a new Metal Gear game, remains to be seen. Because for all we know, it could just be a downloadable episode for MGS4, which would still be extremely awesome, albeit not quite the hardware seller a full game would be.

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15 years ago

Any info if the multiplat magazine for the same week/month had anything about MGS5?

15 years ago

i was reading on Kotaku, they searched the upcoming publications for the 360 devoted Famitsu, No Metal Gear Solid once again. Xbots really need to stop making things up or just buy a PS3. it wanted Queers of War that bad, i would just buy a 360 instead of making up lies.

15 years ago

Unnecessary 360 bashing.

15 years ago

I love MGS, it is probably my all time fave game and then comes Grand Theft Auto.

However I do like Gears Of War 1 and 2 and note I said Gears Of War not "Queers Of War" I have both machines and I like them both I dont say a game is crap on one machine or the other. If a game is bad in general I will say it's crap cos of this and this but not cos of the machine it is on.

While the name is funny and made me smirk a bit please don't say stuff like that on here it can cause a flame war lol.

Another example and people have been told off for this is saying stuff like the 3fixme, once again while it is funny to some it is not to others. I know friends that have had Xbox360's returned for being faulty. I am trying to get them to purchase a PS3 as well but it is not working at the min due to lack of funds etc.

Anyhow another MGS will be good I have said this in the past let's just hope they do it right and not churn out Snake again. Another character would good if done right. 🙂

Last edited by tlpn99 on 5/22/2009 2:46:07 PM

15 years ago

Every site is gooing to have at least one person bashing a console. Either way, I don't take it seriously, and neither should anybody else. On a PSX site you think not a single one of us is going to have a 360 related joke? Did PS3 owners not endure 2 years of constant bashing on the games and the console's price? Fair play, I say.

Granted he may have gone too far with the "Queers of War" bit, but again this IS a PSX site. Personally, I thought it was funny, so I gave it a good Roger Ebert thumbs up lol. Obviously, not everyone will, but I say thumb him down and get over it. Advice for you though Jawknee, maybe try not to read too much into "the console wars". I say that to everybody actually who's reading this. I'm not defending him here, but please for anybody taking it too serious, just ignore it.

Hell, my favorite series of games gets bashed by critics and fans alike, but I don't care. Anybody here like SaGa Frontier? Probably not. In fact, most people will say it's utter garbage, but I don't care because guess who likes it? ME! I don't waste time trying to prove it's any good to anybody, but there is a cult following and we love it. Also, I previously owned a 360 awhile back, but I don't feel the need to mention that just to establish some 'unbiased' status. Can some of you stop being multi-console owning elitists for a second and stop trying to pretend owning one is some crazy indication of fanboy bias?

Whatever let the man vent I say, he's obviously heard a lot of 360 related bias apparently. But again, please just don't read too into it because it affects you obviously. I'd be foolish to tell him not to say such and such about so and so game. Regardless of what I say, he's entitled to his opinions at the end of the day.

15 years ago

I wasn't saying it as I was taking it seriously and if I did then I apologise. what I was trying to say was that some people may take offense to it and it could cause a fan boy war lol. I did infact say and I quote myself here "While the name is funny and made me smirk a bit please don't say stuff like that on here it can cause a flame war lol" that is all I was saying and if it caused offense then I was only trying to warn a fellow commentator like we all comment on here that it could possibly cause offense.

I just dont like Console bashing in any way. Regardless of what console you have it would be like me saying allegedly "Super Gay Mario Worlds" (Ninty peeps) "Gayzone 2" (PS3 aka Killzone 2) "Queers Of War" (360 peeps) there is no need for it what so ever at all. If you don't like a game explain why dont just blame the console it is on.

15 years ago

Oh I wasn't trying to be argumentative here really. Seriously though I've seen tons of posts on here with "M$", "3fixme" etc. My comment wasn't really aimed at anybody, more like anybody who has the potential to take it seriously. All I'm saying is, this is a PSX site so there's always gonna be some form of MS hate. As far as console bashing goes, like I said, I don't care for it. I don't like MS and I'm not fixing to write a 10 page essay on why. Besides Jawknee did say he would buy a 360 if he really wanted "Queers of War". lol

As for fanboy wars, again I'm just saying this IS a PSX site so I wouldn't expect many hardcore gears fans to drop by. That's my whole point really. Did I mention the SaGa series is one of my favorites lol? I know about my favorite games getting bashed, believe me haha. But yeah I'm speaking about people in general taking any of it too seriously.

15 years ago

We don't like console bashing here because we like our clean reputation. We don't stoop to the fanboy/fangirl level.

15 years ago

lol it was a joke and it obviously did its job in making some of you laugh. I used to own a 360, i liked it while it worked, but lets face it, its a piece of junk. While not liking Gears is a matter of opinion, the fact that the 360 is a piece of **** really isnt debatable. Sorry if i offended anyone. i wasn't trying start any "flame wars" i just dont like Gears. in my opinion its the most over rated game evah! I would really like to like MS but im sorry, i dont. they are a dirty company and build junk and flood the market with it, they bride 3rd party devs to withhold content from Sony. Its disgusting the way they do business. In my opinion they have done more to hurt games then help. 99% of the time, more competition is good in a free market system, but everyone has to play fair, and MS does not.

15 years ago

I'm going to get a lot of stick for this, but howcome you guys are so slow with the news?

Anyways, I can't wait for this new MGS (?) to be revealed, the countdown was a let-down.

15 years ago

Slow? I found this news on another site – it was pure good fortune that I stumbled over it – just an hour or two before Arnold posted it here. There really are not very many mentions of this (or at least there were not just a couple of hours ago) on the web. I think you're being a little harsh.

15 years ago

They are slow sometimes, they usually do a pretty good job though. I can tell yesterday was a slow day though. But it was on PSU since early yesterday.

15 years ago

It great since PSU reeks of fanboyism I don't really mind if this article is a bit late

15 years ago

Ben usually handles breaking news, but he's out.

15 years ago

Lets see how long it takes for PSX to post this story.–a007324-p0.php

I think I am being a little harsh considering Ben's not around.

15 years ago

The countdown is great

Makes us wonder what the hell it'll be
It will probably be a new MGS

But that's just the surface. I wanna see what direction it'll take. This storm thing will lead to something interesting. The Sun will shine, trust me on that.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

OPHIDIAN: Listen, I don't know what your problem is, but if you have one, take it up with me. Ben's not around, and Friday's are slow. I've also got a bunch of games to review, in addition to being busy with other things.


Last edited by ArnoldK PSXE on 5/23/2009 1:22:56 AM

15 years ago

I have no problem with neither yourself or Ben Arnold, it is a shame your taking such an agressive stance, I hope I haven't offended.

I have a lot of respect for this website and I understand your busy, however perhaps with such a large fanbase you should consider recruitment?

15 years ago

Ooops double posted, sorry.

Last edited by OPHIDIAN on 5/23/2009 12:25:39 PM

15 years ago

I agree, being BUSY is no excuse for posting news late. When that happens, people turn to other sites who have a larger staff.

15 years ago

Speak for yourself, I haven't stopped visiting and posting on this site. If the news isn't as fast as you'd like, guess who has the power to stop visiting? YOU. I agree there are probably other sites that are "On the ball" with their news, but I like the community here. Now stick, I've read some of your posts and I'm beginning to think you're using every opportunity to be contrary.

These posts have now gone way off-topic, and my advice to you is send the staff an effing e-mail. Even if you're trying to constructively criticise this site, when you post it here it comes off as insulting. That's all I'm gonna say, you know this site does a good job, for the most part, and Andrew already said Fridays are slow. If you have a problem, and are seriously wanting to see this site improve, prove it by conducting yourself in the appropriate manner. AKA SEND AN EMAIL OR SOMETHING. I'm sure the guys here are open to criticism.

15 years ago

I have gone one step further brother, I have even posted 'news tips' to help hasten the process.

However I completely agree that this topic is going completely in the wrong direction and with that in mind it would be best for the site if no more replies were made to this post (the administrators being an exception of course).

15 years ago

"They are slow sometimes, they usually do a pretty good job though. I can tell yesterday was a slow day though. But it was on PSU since early yesterday."

"Any info if the multiplat magazine for the same week/month had anything about MGS5? "

Right. Look at the top comment, I was defending the site, but after Arnold came and said that they were just too busy, I added the next comment because I don't agree with it.

For example, if you work at Wal-Mart and a customer comes up to you and asks you something but you have to go clean up an aisle, you don't tell them you can't help them because you're too busy. You refer them to someone else, which is what they should do. It's their job to maintain the site.

They do an excellent job for the most part, and I don't mind if they fall behind with something, because this site is 10X better than something like PSU, but I also don't think that's a good enough reason. But as long as it doesn't happen with critical news, it's fine.

Last edited by n/a on 5/23/2009 5:04:44 PM

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

I hope they can make the main character, whoever that may be, move more fluid and realistic than how stiff Snake was in MGS4.

And please don't make me sit through those horrible loading sequences….UUGGHHH!

15 years ago

Stop whining

15 years ago

Ohhh this is upsetting dont get me wrong, i loved MG, but it was over…. It ended with dignity, Now its just going to go down hill, Like India,DieHard,Rambo 4.

The gameplay will be spectacular no doubt but the story if connected at all, will go down hill. If they can prove me wrong on this, ill be the first to give them a round of applause.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Rambo 4 was the best one of the bunch. Stallone looked bigger and meaner than he ever did!

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend the movie…..good story and awesome action!

15 years ago

im just afraid this is just the PSN version for PSP/PS3 of the original MGS.

15 years ago

could be, but that countdown teaser site certainly isn't.

15 years ago

It probably is. I just heard something about the ESRB site has it listed as PSP and PS3 now.

15 years ago

i hope its a ps3 exclusive, we dont want no panzy a** xbox messing up our great game

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

yeah because if it is multiplat then there be an intro,level,cutscene then end credits,lasting a whopping 1hr 10mins just like resi 5 🙂

15 years ago

It will offer groundbreaking online play with up to 2 players !!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

If it is a new MG game i'd like to see a naked snake/Big boss game set in between portable ops and metal gear.
Maybe a game about how solidus found raiden?
Even though ninja Raiden was hardcore i can't imagine playing a MG game as anyone other than one of the snakes(liquid,solidus or naked snake)solid snake deserves some alone time!!!

15 years ago

All I have to say is Kojima is a genius and Konami more so for keeping him on. Thinking of past E3's, Kojima has always made it worth while with the way he introduces a new game. The best was transition from PS1 to PS2 with MGS2:SoL. Remember that?
You know you loved it!
Can't wait 'til E3.

15 years ago

PS3 exclusive= E3 in the effing bag for Sony.

15 years ago

this man speaks the truth

15 years ago

I really don`t think it`s a exclusive for the PS3. Because haven`t Kojima said that he would like to "move" to western audience? Make games that that can attract them?

15 years ago

I believe they meant the games, not the console…
I think them making an FPS would be wierdly cool,

15 years ago

Yeah, they're talking about using western influence for appeal. Like take Kill Bill for example, it mixes Japanese and western influence in attempt to capture a wider audience. And I wish people would stop associating Xbox with the "American" label. It makes it look patriotic or something to buy one in America lol. I believe it's made in freakin China anyway.

15 years ago

Only Square Enix things moving westward means you must go the 360 route

15 years ago

I really don`t think it`s a exclusive for the PS3. Because haven`t Kojima said that he would like to "move" to western audience? Make games that that can attract them?

15 years ago

Well, just left the KOJIMA PRODUCTION "NEXT" site, which is showing in some of the lightening claps…

97:20:06 + 5 + E + 3

So I take it to mean….
At exactly the time of 97:20:06, Kojima will unveil his brand new Metal Gear 5, at E3.

15 years ago

If it's multiplatform then we can assume right away that its M$ and their dirty little deals. When the hell are they going to stop stealing exclusives? That all they do these days in order to win the so called "Competition" they
Steal Exclusives
Dirty little deals
Toss money to make it exclusive to Xshit Lag 360
use unmoral/unethical business practice and many more!
Wait I might sound like a fanboy! But in reality I'm not I really don't have anything personal against M$ cept their behavior in the gaming industry this kind of shit actually bring down game quality when the developers and game makers should actually be trying to improve game quality instead of thinking bout the competiotion! Just writing my views sry if I offended anyone!

15 years ago

I hope MGS come out soon!

15 years ago

Well you guys know what I want out of a new MGS already.

I'll probably have a nerve-attack if she ends up being the main.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

I've already posted this on a different thread but what the hell!

this is sorta off topic but that konami/kojima countdown site reminded me of a scene in MGS4 where raiden is going on about being totally alone & he says something to snake like'it even rained the day i was born'and snake replies something along the lines of 'you were the lightening in that storm'(or rain)
now i'm probably a million miles off but could that site be depicting raiden's bithday storm?
if it is indeed a Metal gear game,could it be starring raiden?
I'm just guessing here!
Any thoughts?

15 years ago

I agree with Ultimadream…Snake had a good run now leave him out of the story play you should be playing Raiden or sanc…but as you got on through the story you hear people talking about a legendry solider(snake) and it could be talking about past games and stuff would be kool.

@ Lord carlos
I agree with you..soon as i read what you put i remembered it i dont know the what excaly raiden & snake said but it was sanc along them lines…Good memory(Y)

15 years ago

It won't be Raiden
It'd be ****** up if he left his family again like that just for that.

I also personally don't want to ever see Raiden as the main character.

15 years ago

Are you guys kidding me? So fighting off like 10 frogs with no arms and a sword in his mouth, break dancing with Geckos attached to his legs, stomping on Vamp's chest while a knife is through his foot, getting run over by a huge ship isn't enough to make him a bad ass?

I cannot understand people that say Raiden is annoying and that he's a wuss and they don't like him.

Raiden is the s*it!

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