It's unfortunate that European gamers have to wait another two weeks for the Nintendo Wii, and a another four months for the Sony PlayStation 3. Therefore, any of you overseas gamers may want to check out London's Science Museum, which has announced that both consoles will be on display and playable at its current Game On exhibition. The event begins at 11 a.m. this Wednesday, November 29.
If you've never heard of Game On, it's a Nintendo-sponsored event that gives fans a chance to go back in time and experience over 35 years of videogame classics, with a grand total of 120 playable titles available. And due to those console delays, you won't likely get another chance to play all three next-gen consoles in one place any time soon, so if you're anywhere near London, it might be time for a little field trip.
They haven't announced which Wii games will be on display (obviously, we're all hoping for a "wii" bit 'o Zelda ), but a Sony representative has confirmed that Resistance: Fall of Man , Ridge Racer 7 , MotorStorm , F1 , and Genji: Days of the Blade will all be ready to go.
"Visitors will now be able to see and play all three of the platforms which will dominate the future of video gaming, said museum program developer, Gaetan Lee. "The Xbox 360, PS3 ad Wii will all be in Game On, plugged in and ready to play. Visitors can experience the graphics, interactivity and intensity that are to form the next stage of gaming's technological and cultural development."
The good news? This thing runs for a long time; it won't be over until February 25, 2007, so get your tickets now at the official Game On website.