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SCEA To Bring “Tons Of God Of War III Footage” To E3

Last year, we caught a teaser glimpse of God of War III at E3 and ever since, we've salivated whenever new footage popped up.

Well, it seems we may drown in our own drool (forgive the disgusting wording), because according to TheBitBag and a supposed "Sony insider," we're going to see a ton of new GoWIII footage at this year's E3, along with a mention of motion-sensing controls. To be perfectly honest, we really don't care about the latter, but we can't wait to see what SCEA might display at the show. We did get a fairly good look at the gameplay thanks to a recent trailer shown off at the SpikeTV Video Game Awards, but with the game apparently almost a year off, we still want more. We need more to tide us over. As for that release date, you can hope and hope and hope for a 2009 launch, but it seems more obvious with each passing day that Sony doesn't expect to see the game on store shelves until 2010. It's a realistic time frame and motion controls aside, the rest of 2009 will be open to all sorts of info, details and media footage. And if SCEA really does what this inside source claims, and delivers a ton of awesome video to LA in June, we're gonna be happy campers.

Is there anything specific you want to see? Any questions you want to have answered? If so, keep a close eye on PSXE during the first week of June, as we'll bring you any and all big news straight from Sony's press conference…where GoWIII ought to make a big splash.

Related Game(s): God of War III

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15 years ago

Id love to see more GOW3 footage!

15 years ago

Some GOWIII would be appreciated.Can't say I am too happy for the motion controls but who knows, maybe they will be better than the wii's.

15 years ago

Id love a release date and some more of that juicy gameplay 😀

15 years ago

MORE MORE MORE GOW III!!!! lol. we've been patient and teased for too long!

15 years ago

Just give me the release date so I know when to show up at my Best Buy. If you insist on showing us footage of GOWIII, please please please don't ruin anything for those of us who like surprises.

15 years ago

hmmm… I'm sure if Sony were to have motion controller, they would make games thats actually worthwhile. Maybe an actual mature game that takes full feature of motion like the Wii was originally hyped up to be at launch. Sony is truly the innovative company that spends money on high quality games. *sigh* What have nintendo done to gaming and themselves?

15 years ago


15 years ago

Haha, this reminds me of an article I read elsewhere that complained about Sony's trailers being "In game footage" too often. Fark all that, I want some gameplay footage that is part of the game! The spike trailer was probably just rendered with the engine, which was cool but I'd like to see some real action inside the story. Not too much, I like surprises too. And we need a release date, even if it IS March 2010.

I don't care about motion controls either but maybe Sony can do something worthwhile with it.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I'm excited for this, but when I saw some supposedly leaked gameplay footage on 1UPs (or something), I was amazed at how not-great the video/game [get it? LOL] looked.

It was just Krato's dodging then jumping/controlling a Cyclops which takes out all the other shielded enemies on the ground.

God of War III is still gonna' rock the Dragon, I probably just saw a lame player playing a very early build.

15 years ago is that NOT awsome?

15 years ago

For real! that sounds cool!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Oh yeah it might sound cool if you haven't seen it.

But the guy was just on the Cyclops for 6 hours and killed everything, repeating the same move lol.
That made the fight look so dumb 🙁

15 years ago

demo is always good. bring on a demo

15 years ago

I don't own a Wii, so I wouldn't mind a motion controller if it is good. Something do do with the GF or whatever. But I wouldn't buy it if it was too expensive.

15 years ago

MORE, MOORREE, MOOORRREEE!!!!! GOW3 will set a defining benchmark for action, gameplay, story, graphics, innovation, sequels, & hype! And E3 is gonna be the place to make sure all the believers an non-believers get an eyeful!

15 years ago

Mmmm! I can already smell the blood!

15 years ago

Cant wait for this 🙂 Kratos is a cool character to play!

15 years ago

The motion conrtols aside what would I like to see? How the combat flows this time around. To this day if I don't feel like playing anything that I have gotten recently, I pop in GoW I or II and go to town.

What got me into the game the most was the simplistic yet tight and combo system (moreso with II).

Also want to see the begining of one boss battle, and the envioments.

15 years ago

I just wanna play the game. I already know its coming, so all I want from E3 is to hear about great games I have not heard about yet. If Konami were to announce a re-make of Metal Gear (Not metal gear solid), even just with the MGS4 engine, I would be happier than a speed freak in the Dexedrine warehouse.

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