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Sony Only Shipped 150K PS3s?

So the Japanese launch of the PS3 was cut in half from 160k, to 80k. Our American launch got halved from 400,000k to 200,000k units. Then came news that weekly shipments of 100k systems is pretty dark unlikely. Then came more news that there won’t be anywhere near 1M PS3 units before year’s end, and that the figure would be closer to 600k. So here’s some more news for you…AmTech analyst PJ McNealy claims that Sony didn’t even ship 200k units.

In fact, that number is closer to about 150k units. The exact numbers specified was 125,000-175,000 systems, which includes 15,000 units being used for kiosks. On a slightly more whimsical, albeit non-quite related, note…McNealy says that Nintendo shipped anywhere between 425k to 475k Wiis. Additionally, he says he expects to see Nintendo ship 1.5-2 million units before the year’s end.

It should be noted that a lot of stores are getting a trickle of PS3 shipments, and that a fairly large sized shipment of consoles is supposed to arrive in time for Black Friday and the weekend. So keep your eyes open, folks!

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