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Katamari Forever A PS3 Exclusive, Confirmed For US

Being a big fan of the first two Katamari titles on the PS2, I was somewhat disappointed that Beautiful Katamari was restricted to the Xbox 360. Of course, I have a 360 so I could still play it, but those who didn't likely felt somewhat cheated.

Well, we heard about a month ago that Namco Bandai had plans for a new installment that actually would show up on the PS3, and according to GameSpot , Katamari Forever is exclusive to Sony's platform and yes, it will come to North America. Unfortunately, we still don't have a release estimate for this region, but it's enough to know US gamers are getting it, and we do know that it should release in Japan some time later this year. Katamari Forever will boast "the largest selection of stages, modes, and songs of any game in the series, with a new storyline, visual effects, and graphics in 1080p resolution." It'll support two-player multiplayer and if you're not familiar with the concept, we suggest looking up reviews for the other titles. It's a little difficult to explain and it always sounds loopy if we put it into words: you play as a little Prince who has to "roll up" as much of the environment as possible and return it to the cosmos…or something to that effect. See, we told you it was loopy; we gave you fair warning.

Anyway, we'll try to find more information on this latest Katamari ; it's great to know that Namco is trying to regain their fans after leaving the PlayStation owners high and dry with Beautiful Katamari .

Related Game(s): Katamari Forever

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15 years ago

I love Katamari. It better have co-op like We Love Katamari. Where you and a friend both control the same Katamari and have to communicate. So much fun. Made me and my friend laugh every 10 seconds.

15 years ago

Never got to play Katamari, but i love the wackness of noby noby boy, so i'll have to check this out.
Is it as trippy as NNboy?

15 years ago

Katamari Damacy was way trippier than NNBoy. I remember when I bought it, I had no idea what it was about. All I know is that I saw a cow, a rainbow and a pile of trash on the cover. I had to get it.

15 years ago

Its going to be on BluRay disk, I always thought it was going to be a PSN game. Hopefully it won't be $59.99.

15 years ago

After just checking out some UTube vids on this game, I got to thinking that this game's inventor must've been watching some Animal Planet show, all about one lil ole Dung Beetle.

Hmmm, I haven't made up my mind if I'd really like these Katamari games or not, but it's vely, vely interesting.

15 years ago

This one might be worth importing…it's not like the dialogue in the Katamari games makes any sense in the first place 😉

15 years ago

Interesting, It's a shame 360 owners will miss out but I'm glad the franchise is hitting the Playstation.

15 years ago

Cool… I don't see why Beautiful Katamari wasn't multi-platform to begin with. And with as strong as the continual PlayStation support has been, this just shows how important the PlayStation 3 has been to developers.

15 years ago

Sweet I missed out on Beautiful Katamari and always said I'd eventually get it. A buddy of mine said it was the same levels from previous games with a few new ones so I ended up passing. I still have the first two on PS2, I won't be missing this one. And that is kinda weird it's not a PSN title.

15 years ago

Very excited, i love these games, can't wait for this game it's going to be great.

15 years ago

Is katamaria good?

15 years ago

Only if you like really wacky games! And J-pop. I actually was able to find some of the songs from past titles.

15 years ago

yes!! its one of the best games ever, just because of how original it is. its a great game to just play and enjoy.

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