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More Evidence For Star Ocean PS3?

This rumor likely won't die out any time soon, primarily because people keep finding snippets of information that could indicate an eventual port. As usual, though, the question is: legit or bogus?

A new image has surfaced and role-playing fans everywhere are giving it a ton of attention. It was posted on the Dutch site in the forums (scroll down a bit to groente12's post), and it's also shown here: as you can see, it's a PlayStation 3 listing for Star Ocean: The Last Hope . Now, as most of you are aware, Square-Enix decided to make the latest installment in their long-running RPG franchise – one that has typically been on Sony consoles in the past – exclusive to the Xbox 360. This quickly became one of the biggest reasons to hold a grudge against the veteran publisher, and it didn't help matters when they refused to comment on the possibility that The Last Remnant would never actually come to the PS3. Remnant debuted on the 360 last year to a lukewarm critical reception and while PS3 owners aren't exactly gnashing their teeth, it's still annoying that Square-Enix may be ignoring the previously confirmed PS3 version. So it seems like a strange time to find evidence of The Last Hope coming to Sony's next-gen machine… But hey, it could be legit; who knows?

The only odd aspect of the pic, according to my play time with the game, is this- it's a battle picture taken some time early on in the adventure, because Edge – the main character on the left – only has 1117 HP at max. I'm about 20+ hours in and he has about 3500 HP. However, the character to his right on the bottom of the screen there…? Yeah, I've never seen her before. And you don't "miss" new characters in this game… It's probably nothing; I'm just saying.

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15 years ago

Its inevitable. I think thats the trend from now on (thanks to the fat checks). All games come out on Xbox then to PS3, but the sales in the end will still be the same. So people will think both platforms are equally popular.

15 years ago

Im using my ps3 browser so Im not sure Im getting the full pic…Ben the girl between Edge & Faize is Reimi. The japanese version has anime pics while the us version has 3d.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I thought it might be Reimi, too, but it just doesn't look anything like her. Brown hair…?

I guess it doesn't really matter. 🙂

15 years ago

I heard it was a fake, but nothing was varified either way. We just have to sit back and wait.

15 years ago

If this is true, I foresee snapped 360 disks and burning newspaper articles in the future.

15 years ago

lol, I hope this is true i need a proper RPG.

15 years ago

This would be great but we'll wait and see.

15 years ago

If it's true (and comes to the US) I'll pick it up used so SE won't see any of my cash.

15 years ago

That's harsh, so you still have a grudge against SE;who can blame you.

15 years ago

I agree, Sqaure Enix died for me. The only way that they'll ever get my respect back is if Versus turns out to be kick ass and all the Xbots get jealous. FF belongs on the PS3, as do all JRPGS. My roommate is an Xbot (Am working on getting him to accept the PS3 as the better system, and seeing results after a year!), and he even said he was sick to his stomach when S-E announced XIII for Xbox.

PSN: MorskiJX

15 years ago

I know SE only publishes Star Ocean, but if I bought it retail they would still get SOME of my money, and I can't have that until they stop being lamos.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Yea, this pic did its rounds on the chans a week or so ago.. ALMOST sent it to you but the general theory was that it was a fake.. I myself believe it to be a fake as well, seeing as how it looks as though it is from famitsu and it wasn't in that weeks nor this weeks..

Also simply looks shopped and the lack of the full pic is cause for suspect…

That all being said, I really hope it is true and believe it will happen, sooner or later…

Last edited by Yogi on 4/23/2009 11:34:13 AM

15 years ago

Damn this news traveled fast over night. I was looking at this on a forum last night. Lots of people saying it's fake, but who knows at this point. It never was stated as an Xbox exclusive since the box art never had "Only for Xbox 360" on it, like Tales of Vesperia did.

15 years ago

not so much on the box art but was elsewhere..

15 years ago

Well, whether the image is a fake or not, I gotta say there is a lot of logic and common sense to the idea of bring this game to PS3.

Just like bringing FFXIII to Xbox360 – allegedly to sell more copies, bringing Star Ocean to PS3 would shift more copies – lots more. SquEnix would have to be brain damaged, to not even consider bringing a fairly traditional JRPG to the PS3, considering how many PS3s there are in their home territory. If they did bring it to PS3, they'd sell more copies in Japan, on PS3 alone than they have globally on 360.

They'd move more than a few copies in the west too – I'd buy it.

15 years ago

Yea, but this is an industry, money talks and M$ is willing to dish out truckloads to put any small dent into the Playstation that they can

15 years ago

And you make more money by releasing them simultaneously. A lot of PS3 owners were turned off Bioshock for having to wait a year for the port.

15 years ago

Meh… I played Star Ocean and I beat it. I wasn't very impressed at all. I could care less either way. It's great for the people who WANT to play this and don't have an Xbox to play it on, but personally I don't think playing this game was worth my time. It's sad how far the Star Ocean franchise has fallen… :

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 4/23/2009 12:47:05 PM

15 years ago

Was it not as good as Till the End of Time?

15 years ago

Sadly I didn't like TTEOT but I feel that TLH is worse. Maybe not gameplay-wise but character and voice acting wise it killed it for me.

15 years ago

Star Ocean 2 is the best, 3 sucked @$$ and i don't know about this one.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Star Ocean 3 ruled man =D

I spent ages 'trying' to find a way to kill Freya. GOD!!!!


15 years ago

Star Ocean 2 is a classic, probably one of my favourite JRPGs ever

15 years ago

This game shouldn't have been in the xbox in the first place so this has to be true.

15 years ago

Couldn't care less. Lame game, and screw Squeenix for snubbing the Sony fans that supported them for a decade.

15 years ago

+1 because you got "couldn't care less" right.

15 years ago

God I hate Squenix… Anyone think they will EVER adequately explain their behavior over the last two years?


Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yeah Sony and SE are working together to destroy Microsoft internally and expose their true colors.

*Reporter asks why SE behaved that way*

SE: "Well there's a saying about keeping your friends close but your enemies closer.
That was pretty much our motto. Though we practically pushed Sony away but it was all part of the master plan.
You get the idea.." *sadistic smiley face =D*

Thanks for listening

15 years ago

Well technically SE published Disgaea 3 in Europe but yeah that hardly counts.

15 years ago

If they port it, they need to take out the damn dash. Well that isn't all that's wrong with SO4..

15 years ago

Interesting……………………………………………………………yep that's all you'll hear from me.

15 years ago

Square knows just where they can shove it. FFX12 might be the last game i buy. Im not boycotting them rest assured, that never works i will however refuse to give my money to a bunch of Douche bags with no love for the system that took them to the next level/generation(PS1/PS2)

15 years ago

I have to say that it is pretty sad to see Sony get the shaft after such an amazing history. When I learned that SO4 would only be on 360, part of me died. Star Ocean: The Second Story is my most favorite RPG of all time, and since playing it I have beaten all others… except the latest. Why? Because I refuse to buy a 360. Who cares about these retards saying, "Buy all three!" As for me, you'd be talking to an Oakland Raiders fan. That being said, I can handle harsh letdowns. However… I hope S-E will do the right thing and prove this rumor TRUE.

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