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Bethesda Announces Fallout: New Vegas, First Details

It looks like the success of Fallout 3 has prevented us from having to endure a massive hiatus between getting a new entry in the series, as Bethesda has just announced an all new Fallout game dubbed Fallout: New Vegas. Notice that there is no digit attached to that name, and that's because this is not a sequel to Fallout 3, but rather a distinct and separate entry. From the horse's mouth:

"It is not a sequel to Fallout 3," Pete Hines, Head of Bethesda's Public Relations said. "It's simply another Fallout game in that universe." Hines added that the game will play out similarly to Fallout 3, stating that it will be very close to the experience of Fallout 3. Additionally, because the game is taking place in, what we assume Hines meant the Fallout 3 universe, we should be playing a story that unfolds elsewhere in the United States (Las Vegas, clearly), as opposed to Washington D.C.

The game is set for release on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC next year in 2010, with developers Obsidian at the helm. If you need a refresher, Obsidian are the folks behind Sega's upcoming Alpha Protocol, Sega's mysterious Aliens RPG game, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. There's certainly a solid history and reputation behind the developer, so expect nothing but great things. Additionally, Pete Hines stated that development of this game will have no affect on Todd Howard's project within Bethesda.

Related Game(s): Fallout: New Vegas

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15 years ago

Hope its FPS!

15 years ago

The FPS elements I thought were the least interesting pars of Fallout 3. Not to say that it needs to be completely eliminated from the next installment but I hope there is less of a focus on it and more of a focus on the RPG elements.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

It's not. It's still RPG – Bethesda said it'll be a similar experience to Fallout 3.

15 years ago

I think myself and many many others who never would of played Fallout 3 if it wasnt for Oblivion and its FPS/ TPS view.

For me its a big factor, I would pick this up if it was only a TPS, but I loved the FPS of F3, I never played it in any other view, so for me its a big plus.

Problem with Fallout is (as explored in teh main forums) that there are way WAY too many out there who remember Fallout for what it was in F1 and F2.
I say get over it. personally speaking Fallout 3 was my first fallout game, so what if it wasnt as good as F1 or F2, for me it was an incredible journey that im still playing months and months later. Very few games offer that these days.

looking forward to Fallout New Vegas, I just hope they add to the exp rather than change it a lot.

15 years ago

It isn't so much about what Fallout used to be but how many FPS games there are out there versus how many RPG games there are.

I really enjoyed Fallout 3 as it offered a hell of a lot more than your typical FPS, but the game after awhile still had that repetitive feel that tends to steer me away from FPS. There was a lot to do in Fallout 3, however it really just felt… monotonous.

15 years ago

Sweet… I really like Fallout 3, except for the plethora of bugs. Otherwise, it's a pretty solid game!

One thing I hope is, if they remove the Level20 cap. That caught me by surprise when playing Fallout 3, and it's annoying! That really made the excitement/adventuring/killing aspect take a few steps back…

15 years ago

Yes I hope they change the level cap back to what ever Fallout 2 had. Actually I hope they change the whole leveling, perk, trait system back to the way Fallout 2 did it. That was a much better system and if implemented into the type of game that Fallout 3 was I think it would have worked better than what they wound up going with.

15 years ago

Ummm….. Can someone enlighten me as to how Fallout 3 was a direct sequel to Fallout 2 and then how this Fallout: New Vegas is going to differ. I mean Fallout 3 did not continue a story of 2 not how 2 did to 1 anyway, but as we all know it is still Fallout 3. Now, bring in the New Vegas game and is that going to do the same thing to 3 as 3 did to 2? I know it is convoluted but is New Vegas going to be set in the same time frame but with a different protagonist in a separate part of the country? If so how is that any different that moving from 2 to 3? And that brings up my point as to why the hell it needs to be called New Vegas instead of Fallout 4.

15 years ago

It was really only a sequel in the aspect of time. It took place 36 years after part two. Which is better than the 80 years between the first two I suppose lol.

15 years ago

Man I just cant stand the horrible animations in Fallout 3. Here's hopping these people do a better job in that dept.

15 years ago

thanks for the credit guys…i posted this this afternoon and no one said nothing

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

Seriously? This has been circulating the net since the very, very early morning (like 5AM). It just took me a while to get to it because A) I went to sleep. And B) I'm all alone while Ben is on break.

15 years ago

I saw that post, and anticipated your complaint.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Hope it runs better than Fallout 3.

15 years ago

Fallout 3 was an awesome game but i won't be expecting anything new or spectacular in this new game. It'll probably be just what they have done for the new DLC on live just on a much larger scale. We'll prob get shit canned from any DLC from this version aswell.

15 years ago

my thoughts exactly

15 years ago

This is the best news …ever. Now i'm officially psyched up for this one! Can you imagine all the improvements they could make to the already awesome Fallout3? Bug fixes, new equipment and perks, maybe a longer more polished storyline, no level cap? or at least have it higher… awesome

PS: New trophies to collect? yay!

Last edited by Zemus101 on 4/20/2009 6:37:52 PM

15 years ago

Any new things or improvements will probly go to microsoft. Bethesda does not give a $hit about ps3 owners.

15 years ago

Vegas! Thats so predictable, honestly!

15 years ago

I know right…cause after all your video game, the one you took years planning out and writing and designing is so much better than anything they could ever create…wait…you don't have one?…well, than that changes the situation quite a bit…

15 years ago

Yeah, yeah that's all fine and good…just waiting for the DLC the 360 has for Fallout 3 comes to the PS3.

15 years ago

So I should not expect to see any DLC going to the ps3 in this version and the old one.

15 years ago

Sounds like it could've just been another content download pack to me. Hope it's more RPG than shooter this time.

15 years ago

Darn… this is kinda cool, but I liked the Elder Scrolls Universe better. I wish they would have decided to make another elder scrolls game :/

15 years ago

They are. Supposed to come out next year. As off right now anyway.

15 years ago

As I said in the above post. Next year. As of now.

15 years ago

they Should make the PS3 version well this time, Bethesda please Make good use of PS3's power, don't rush it just like what you did in fallout 3

15 years ago

Can't wait, FO3 was truly unique. I went back and tried to play Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel on Xbox1 and it was abysmal. Stick to the first person RPG style. I think this time they will be more careful with the PS3 version so we shouldn't worry. Still I'd prefer a game so vast it needs the whole blu ray, but as usual we get to be second class citizens.

Oh man, I am gonna scavenge me some casino goodies.

15 years ago

This is fantastic news!

15 years ago

Are they going to treat the PS3 equally this time? If so, this will be awesome!

15 years ago

who developed Fallout3?

15 years ago



15 years ago

Possibility the same style but no add-on that's disappointing but It should will be great

15 years ago

Todd Howard's new project? You mean GOD HOWARD!

15 years ago

Will buy Fallout Vegas on day one.

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