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Sony: ‘E3 2009 One of Our Biggest in 11 Years’

E3 is returning to its roots, and so there's no better time to be a part of it than 2009, especially with word from Sony that they are preparing for one of their largest E3s in 11 years. That's a pretty damn bold statement, but certainly an exciting one to hear, for sure. SCEA's Head of Marketing, John Koller, spoke to VG247 this past Game Developers Conference and left the web outlet with some choice words:

“It’s going to be a big E3. We’ve just started planning what the announcements will be, but I’ve been here for 11 years: this will be one of the larger E3s in terms of software and just discussions about where we’re going from a brand perspective and where each of the platforms is headed.”

Of course, any massive announcements can be expected to arrive during Sony's E3 conference this June (in about six weeks), and you can expect the likes of God of War III and Uncharted 2 to serve as two of the highlights, in addition to the long awaited Twisted Metal PS3 game that Sony has been hinting at since TM: Head On for the PS2.

“I think some of the big announcements are going to come of the software side. We talked a bit at Destination PlayStation, and came out with about half of the PSP line-up, maybe even less, and the balance we’re going to be talking about in the months leading up to E3 and at E3,” said Koller. “The same goes for PS3. There’s a really strong line-up of games that’s going to help drive a lot of business.”

Now, the one thing that'll make this E3 the most explosive for Sony is a: PS3 price drop, timed exclusivity for Grand Theft Auto V, new Metal Gear, and…that damned Final Fantasy VII remake. Okay, so that's four things, but you get the idea; we want them all.

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15 years ago

I'll believe it's one of their biggest in eleven years if it actually turns out to be. Till then, it's all hype and hot air.

Though I do want their E3 presence to be phenomenal.

15 years ago

Yeah! Sony is known for talking everything up about their big announcements, and then letting us all down when their big announcements turn out to not be so big after all.

15 years ago

I think Sony NEEDS a big E3. In recent memory the show has been a constant disappointment for Sony fans. Ever since they announced that massive PS3 price tag 3 years ago it's been one s***ty show after another for them. I want Sony to surprise me in their keynote for the first time in god knows how long.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

Gonna' have to disagree there. Sony's E3 events have been consistently the best these last few shows with the exception of 2006. 2007 was good. And 2008 I recall being very good, as well. (2005 was a disaster for all, imo.) CERTAINLY better than the horrible Nintendo conferences (which have become infamous for people walking out midshow), and the always hollow and boring Xbox conferences (MS' only good ones were in 2006 and 2003, I recall).

Last edited by ArnoldK PSXE on 4/20/2009 2:01:05 AM

15 years ago

Being better than the other 2 and actually being good are not the same thing. The best part about last years keynote was the LittleBigPlanet charts and graphs thing they did. And that was only because it was an extremely creative way to go about it. Other than that what did they bring to the table? A bunch of all-too-short demoes for games we had known about for months. Announcements for a couple of new PSN games (Fat Princess FTW) and then trailers for GoW3 and MAG which contained absolutely no real footage or any real information. As far as I'm concerned Sony did a really good job of making a less-than-decent conference LOOK really stylish and well done something MS and Ninty are not good at.

And the reason I say NEED a good showing is because like it not Sony still has quite a bit of ground to cover to catch up with MS from a sales standpoint, a spectacular show would go a long way.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

I'm just saying that I don't think they've been disappointing shows. They weren't mindblowing, but they were certainly the only conference where games were actually shown as opposed to worthless peripherals, "game" to be used with said worthless peripheral, and/or lame features and announcements about things the gaming populous will never use (the typical Xbox conference).

15 years ago

I think MS's show last year was pretty good with the exception of You're in the Movies. They had a couple big announcements including the one big one that made the show floor shake. And I liked that they spent a good portion of their time giving long meaningful looks at their upcoming games. Not short five-minute blue-ball inducing looks the way Sony did. It may also have to do with the basic marketing differences between MS and Sony. Sony begins showing stuff for most of their games at least a year early much of MS's stuff (at least last year) was new. Banjo, Halo 3: Recon (f*** the new subtitle), Final Fantasy, Viva Pinata, etc. come to mind as things I had never seen before their E3 show. Sony seemed to be recycling a lot of footage, trailers, info from stuff they had been showing for months. And ninty… just… sucked.

15 years ago

honestly, MS only good thing was the unveiling of FF13, a multi platform game last year, the rest was hogwash

15 years ago

They showed MAG. 256 players online in one battlefield, divided into 8 man squads. C'mon!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

We STILL haven't seen MAG we saw a CGI trailer that showed what MAG may or may not end up being like at some point in the future. That's not exciting it's interesting but altogether anti-climatic.

Last edited by SHADOW on 4/21/2009 12:04:13 AM

King James
King James
15 years ago

Shadow, you think that MS did a good job at E3?! All I'll give them credit for is FF13 announcement. All the rest was known news, expect for Halo OSDT, those Wii peripherals.

If that's good to you, then I have to ask…what do you consider "great"?

15 years ago

KJ: I've already outlined my feelings on the 3 press conferences my reasons for liking the MS conference more than the Sony conference goes well beyond Halo and Final Fantasy. If you don't agree with my reasoning fine, too each his own, but don't do that whole overblown indignation thing, and try to get me to outline my argument again. It's annoying and unnecessary. That being said I like it when companies actually surprise me, and not in a bad way (PS3 price I'm looking at you). I like seeing something for the first time and just being like, "Hell yeah! that's the greatest thing ever." The closest I think we've come to a great press conference in recent memory was Sony's 2007 gdc keynote where they showed Home and LittleBigPlanet for the first time. Sure, the home fire sizzled out long before the actual release but those were things that seemingly came out of left field and were truly exciting. The other thing they did was spent meaningful time talking about the two products as opposed to spending five minutes going through a bullet-point list of features and a short teaser trailer (MAG announcement last year).

King James
King James
15 years ago

Always respected you're opinions Shadow. That's why I asked. I didn't know that you already explained yourself tho. I read your responses but I guess I missed it.

And yes, I do disagree you. I think its only natural to spend more time on explaining each topic, when you don't have material to cover. And that goes for ANY presentation. And that never flies with me. That M$ conference seemed centered around sales-bragging(boring). I hope they do better this year.

Last edited by King James on 4/21/2009 6:17:04 PM

15 years ago

I'm now 27 and I still get giddy this time of the year in anticipation for E3 like I did years ago. I love the hype and excitement the whole thing generates for weeks leading up to the event. I agree that Sony had better have quite a few things up their sleeves.

Please show/say anything but TeamIco's next game.

15 years ago

Sure wish i having event like this in my country,yet our gaming industry still way behind…..way…way…behind.

Even sony didn't do anything about the ps3 launch…..have to wait 2 years befor official launch here….
by the way i'm in asia….Malaysia to be exact.

sory for bad english…

15 years ago

your english was fine. Most people use slang anyway so it sounded pretty normal

15 years ago

Hopefully they can back up there words. Quite a few "Big" Announcements from Sony in the past have been less than underwhelming. But they say it well be about software AKA games (Hopefully). There are a bunch of games people know about that still need "Offical" announcements. So I hope most of them will be addresed.

If they announce Twisted Metal for PS3, they would have won me over at this E3. If its a FFVII Remake… I might have to change my pants.

15 years ago

if they were to announce a FF7 remake and if it was to be exclusive, that would totally win over a lot of people

15 years ago

That would literally make people's heads explode. There would be brains everywhere.

15 years ago

It seems you really want a new twisted metal and I am with you there, whether it be TM Black 2 or TM 5 I'll be happy with either.

15 years ago

I personally want an update on Heavy Rain, if its anythign like Farenheit (Indigo Prophecy) Its going to be fantastic.

15 years ago

Yeah Indigo Prophecy was freaking great and Heavy Rain is supposed to be a spiritual sequel so it's one of my most anticipated games.

15 years ago

Credit crunch,recession,tough economic global climate, I seriously doubt anyone is going to make a fuss about 2009 E3, last year was proof.

15 years ago

Arnold, I am quite excited about the whole thing. Just a thought; would you ever think of dedicating a part of the site to these events such as E3 2009? I think it would be great for you to integrate and display a Twitter stream directly on the front page, as well as a branded section of the site where all E3 videos could be accessible in a very 2-3 click process.

Other content heavy website such as GameSpot can make it difficult to get to what you want to quickly… however, it would be easier to filter out all the crud – and PSXEXTREME could help here, by presenting the essentials with regards to the PS3 Umniverse.


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 4/20/2009 4:04:31 AM

15 years ago

1999 all over again!? HELL YEAH!

Give me Gran Turismo, some great jrpgs, some great action/adventure, and I'll be happy!

It'll be beautiful, I can feel it!

15 years ago

They need a solid E3 display AND continue with support and promotions for their exclusives. Their 2009 fiscal year lineup is gold

15 years ago

It's fantastic to know that E3 is back to normal, that's one show I've always wanted to attend…one day Ophidian…one day.

15 years ago

White Knight for America?

15 years ago

Sure hope so. I'm there on day one.

15 years ago

I am excited to see what Sony and the competition has up their sleeve.I am sure Microsoft will pull out "killer Instinct 3" or a "Perfect dark", Nintendo will probably show some crappy Conduit footage and announce a new game maybe "Mario ice skating universal tour".Hopefully Sony will blow them out the water with new and returning IP's.

15 years ago

Killer Instinct would be great to see. And it's possible since Mark Betteridge, the Rare studio manager, said last year that they "may" make another. And Microsoft that one of the games at E3 this year would be based on a popular fighting franchise. And Rare has already said they want to bring the original to Xbox Live. And Rare has been working on a Perfect Dark sequel. I'd like to see both. I love both franchises.

15 years ago

Silver 20 GIG PS3 for $299 or a new bundle to replace the 160 GIG?

Last edited by psxmax on 4/20/2009 8:35:28 AM

15 years ago

The 160 GIG bundle is starting to go out of stock in a lot of stores. Gamestop does not have it for sale online anymore.

15 years ago

All the software announcements are great, but I had rather hear about their hardware. Since I am saving what little I can afford each month to replace my bricked ps3, I really would like to hear about some version of a ps3 for 299.00.

15 years ago

I feel for you. When my launch system died in December I was upset due to it being out of warranty.

That was until Sony said they would fix it for free.

Good luck.

15 years ago

C'mon Shenmue 3!

15 years ago

Oh if only!

15 years ago

Cautiously optimistic..

15 years ago

Sony's E3 presentations are by far the best. There's no silly gimmicks and there's no "me too" attitude. It's simply this is what we have, this is what we're working on. If they're making claims about this being the best in 11 years, I'm inclined to believe them.

15 years ago

I couldnt care less about anything you just talked about.

Price drop. I have 2 PS3's so who cares.

GTA IV & MGS4 are shit, I hope Xbox gets em both.
I dont want them on my system.

And I have never liked a FF game, never will.

I would like new IP's announced.

I just got into the Fat Princess Beta, loving it.

15 years ago

Fat Princess



15 years ago

whoa…while I also don't like FF and I want new IP's calling MGS4 & GTA IV s*** is blasphemy pure and simple. "Price drop. I have 2 PS3's so who cares" that was real selfish of you.

15 years ago

your either a undercover troll or just a mindless fps player, because believe it or not people actually like the games you've written off

15 years ago

"Price drop. I have 2 PS3's so who cares."

People who don't own a PS3. F***ing idiot. Dumbest statement ever.

15 years ago

Eight year olds, Dude…

15 years ago

<<<<Price drop. I have 2 PS3's so who cares.>>>
Well, that's a real scumbag statement if I've ever heard one!!!!
I for one, was finally able to get a PS3 a few weeks ago.

And even though I now have one, I still feel bad for those who don't as of yet, through no fault of their own!!!!

So the next time you make a self-rightious, self serving, comment like that, then I say "Go f*ck yourself, nobody here need's, or want's any of your crappy comments"!!!!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/20/2009 5:25:51 PM

15 years ago

WKC,TM,GT5,demon soul,ffxiiivs,KH3,LOD2,Legend of legaia 3,rachet&clank,heavy rain,GOW3,UC2,Ni-Oh,wardevil, I want them all.

15 years ago

You sure you don't want anything else with that?

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I'd like some fries.


15 years ago

@Banky A wassup dude, Yeah I want fries,cheesesteak,and bottle vodka.

Last edited by rell on 4/20/2009 6:45:11 PM

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