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Fans Weigh In On God Of War III Collectors Content

When SCEA asked the fans what they might want to see in a Collectors Edition of God of War III , the suggestions quickly began to roll in.

And according to Kotaku, one of the most requested features would be to have a re-release of the first two God of War titles on Blu-Ray. Of course, the biggest issue is that the PlayStation 3 no longer allows for backwards compatibility for PS2 software, so you'd have to make the full transition from the old generation to the new. But if they can do it, it'd be huge as far as the fans are concerned. They were also asked if other features and pieces of content would be appreciated, and among the choices were:

How's about that cinematic movie compilation? There's a lot of nifty stuff to choose from, and if you're a true fan, you'll want at least some of these options. Hey, if we have to pay a significant amount more for a Collectors Edition, than the publisher really should ask us what we want, right? That's only fair. We figure all developers and/or publishers should do this in the future, because after all, if the pricey package doesn't appeal to us, we have no problem with the standard edition.

Related Game(s): God of War III

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15 years ago

This would be an automatic buy for me!!

15 years ago

God of war I+II on a blu-ray disc would stupid,dope and unstoppable to the max.

15 years ago

Only thing I gave below a 5/10 on the poll was the T-Shirt lol.

But whatever they come up with, I am sure my money will be spent on the CE no matter what. =)

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

I dunno. I t-shirt with Kratos in his most bad-ass pose with the words "F**K the gods!" written across the bottom would be sweet.

15 years ago

Yeah but I dislike graphic tees. If they just planted "GoWIII blah blah blah" on it, it would still be a waste. And then it would be at the bottom of my drawer sitting there forever like some of the others I have wasted $ on, haha. I'm guilty of my own stupidity I guess.. 😉

15 years ago

i love wearing t-shirts of the games i bought. i rated it a 10.

i have the dragonball z, soul calibur 4, mk vs dc, and will probably have the ghostbusters one if i pre order it. no im not a teen im 30. i just like having the shirts to wear.

15 years ago

Tees are a waste of time. T-shirts I have gotten from DVD Special editions have always been x-large. I believe Soul Calibur IV tees were xl. That is a great indicator that they would have a shirt I can't even wear. It's a waste of time. I am not that fat. It just makes an insult to me.

Last edited by pillz81 on 4/22/2009 3:28:25 PM

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

I don't know… Re-releasing it for PS3? I have my PS2 copies so I'm ok 🙂

15 years ago

Absolutely! Let the CE be the GoW trilogy! Pleeeease!

15 years ago

All of the above? But if I had to choose, I'd like the sound track, exclusive packaging, and both GOW I & II on the disc. That last one is an exceptional idea. But wouldn't it only work on b/c Playstations?

15 years ago

The point of re-releasing them on BR is so that they would be playable on all ps3s

15 years ago

I think it's great that they are taking suggestions but the standard edition will be just fine for me 🙂

15 years ago

Im more concerned about the Uncharted 2 collectors edition. Once that rolls in i will start to get pumped up for GoWIII.

15 years ago

i'd love to see god of war 1 and 2 re-released on blu-ray, if that happens, this'll be my first collectors edition ever bought =]

15 years ago

Full game soundtrack

15 years ago

They should put God of War 1 and 2 on a blu ray for sure, because I lost and gave away my copies of God of War for the PS2. It'd be nice to have them in one disk too, maybe with improved cutscenes or something?

15 years ago

yup just voted…t-shirt 5 everything else more or less 10…1&2 on BR good good…i'm jazzed for the music, i just hope it's from all 3.

15 years ago



As if you wouldnt put God of War I & II on the same disc as the only 10/10 Choice?

Everything else was a 1 for me.

Its the only thing that actually seemed usefull.

T shirt… OH WOW…not

15 years ago

I think that if they did include the first two GOW games then Sony might have found a money printer. I think it would certainly encourage many fans that still havent upgraded from PS2 to PS3. I think that this could also set a precedent for other franchises. Imagine buying a new Syphon filter game with the previous games included. or say Zone of the Enders 3 with the first and second games included. This could be huge for Sony and maybe encourage more 3rd partys to include simular feature on there collectors edition and breath new life in to some of the older franchises. It would set a standard in value for money just like blueray's that include A digital copy, is doing at the moment.

i would be happy to pay £70-80 for CE GOWIII if it includes the first probably would be able to buy all three games for that price. GOWIII = £49.99. GOWII = £20 est GOW = £20 est
Would save £10 by buying the Collectors Edition

Last edited by dante_zero on 4/16/2009 1:05:50 AM

15 years ago

Whoa, backup a little. There talking about including God of War 1 and 2 on the CE version.

Key thing, here, are they porting both games to the new engine, or are they running them in a PS2 emulator?

As in PS2 backwards compatibility on any PS3 that the CE plays on?

Very interesting……

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/16/2009 3:05:57 AM

15 years ago

Hmmmm the 1st 2 games on a Blu-ray disc? thats sounds like a pretty good idea…….. This doesnt sound like its just going to be £10 over the normal edition.

oh and "Access to exclusive downloadable content" BoOoOoOo!!!!!

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 4/16/2009 4:40:00 AM

15 years ago

Ohhh ! Most absolutely definitely, Sir ! Gimme those 2 best PS2 action game in GOW3 CE and I WILL camp in front of the store that I preoder it from. One of the must buy PS3 exclusives that I can't wait to get my hands on gets an amazing CE ? Put me in a cryogenic chamber and thaw me out on March 2010 ! Psyched !

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Someone mentioned this in a different post but all of the CE stuff come in a Chest like the ones you get orbs from in the game. AWESOME!

15 years ago

This would be a automatic buy for myself as well, even though i already have the PS2 GOW1and2 i would still use the blueray versions. Tshirt sounds cool as well but the soundtrack would be awesome. Can't wait to hear the final word on the CE. I have a year to pay for it anywase my as well do the whole thing.

15 years ago

Pay for exclusive content already made before the game is released?


Yet I bet Sony lies and bullsh**s that everyone chose that.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/16/2009 10:25:36 AM

15 years ago

Easy man… no need to get all worked up!

I think they are referring to things like… a Kratos costume in Home or LBP, early demo, etc.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

RoyBrown: You've made 10 posts at this site. I've read them all and you're basically a waste of space. You also tried a sad lie by telling people you work for Team Bondi.

Maybe you should leave.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

LOL Brown, you may be a waste of space but I'll reply anyway.

You should let your anger ouot on Capcom seeing as they may have possibly did the same thing =D

As have you ever thought that the DLC isn't made yet and they let people use the code to download the DLC when it comes out later???

Jeez 😉

15 years ago

Yup, signed-up last night to give my 2cents on what I want in the CE.

A definitely 'yes' for having GoW1&2 in there, and making-of/director commentary stuff. I could really care less about a t-shirt or model figurine…
Also, I'm not a huge fan of the "exclusive DLC for early purchasers" gimmick.

15 years ago

This is seriously the only game series in the world that they could literally cram ALL of the above into, charge $150+, and I'd still be first in line to pick it up. I can't get enough of these games. They are everything I ever dreamed games could be, ever since I was a little kid watching Clash of the Titans and wondering to myself, "how awesome would it be to have a video game about this stuff?"

I would like to also see a documentary about Greek mythology and how the game creators draw from it and put their own twist on the classic tales. I would watch said documentary while wearing my Kratos T-shirt.

15 years ago

Id buy this….but first I need a PS3(sigh).

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

I'd love a T-shirt (not as much as the stuff you guys have said).

So I can have a fight wearing it and I'll know that the rage of Kratos will give me power.


15 years ago

i would love to get a kratos figurine or something

but not for that 10 dollars extra

15 years ago

God of War and God of War II cinematic movie compilation. That sounds god to me, professionaly edited together in HD to make it look like a big blockbuster movie.
When I played both titles, I tried to get a mate to buy it for his PS2, although he is hooked on Pro Soccer games, he never bothered. I tried to explain the story to him which peaked his interest. The cinematic movie should show him how amazing the stories are.

Not keen on the T-Shirt, gaming T-Shirts always look cheap or nerdy. I prefere polo shirts to T-Shirt and a GoW III polo shirt with style I would pay for as long it only had a simple styling on the GoW III logo.

15 years ago

graphic novels of CoO, GoW and GoW II would be awesome!

15 years ago

god of war the franchise is Massive I would want a poster a good one thought not cheesy…the cinematic 1080p movie would be jaw dropping my xbox 360 gamertag is xIx K r a t o s 🙂 huge fan cant wait to drive to that midnight releaSE

15 years ago

Yeah i can remember getting an email from sony asking me to full out a questionaire on this very thing,basically you just had to tick the boxes that you wanted with the GOD OF WAR3 collectors edition and for doing so you got a GOW3 screen saver and a very nice one at that,i would like to get the whole GOW titles in the collectors pack but to be honest i would get it no matter what lol.

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