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Kojima Wants To Act As Producer For A Western Developer?

Japanese developers have noticed the turning of the tide over the past few years, and the top minds are starting to realize that they can't ignore the Western gaming crowd any longer.

And although the Metal Gear Solid franchise has always fared well in North America, Hideo Kojima has gone on record several times this year, saying he wants to "start from zero" and appeal to a whole different audience. Now, according to Kikizo Games, he's taking it a step further: apparently, the mastermind says he'd like to try acting as producer on a game from a Western developer. Said Kojima- "I'm not sure when this will happen, but yes, I'm very interested. There are many development companies outside of Japan working with Konami, and I believe that they're all special in some way." If he does decide to do this, he says he won't be trying to take over the entire operation; he'll still give the developer "freedom" and he'd just try to "help them do what they do best." Of course, we all know that if this did happen, the developer that hired Kojima as a producer would most certainly benefit from his wisdom and expertise. This may sound worrisome to some of you die-hard Kojima fans out there, but you needn't worry: he's not about to leave Konami and the team he built to jump on board with another outfit. He's just examining his options for the future.

Now, if we could just get more information on this new project he's working on… We know a lot of you believe it to be a prequel to Metal Gear Solid with Raiden as a main character, and it might just be that. Stay tuned for the unveiling at E3.

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15 years ago

You could take a developer that is worth crap, Let Kojima helm a project for them, And it would probably get at least a 9.0 minimum in most reviews.

I'm not worried at all. 🙂

15 years ago

Sounds like he just wants a western pay check. Call it giving the developer freedom or "help them do what they do best" but that sounds to me like doing nothing.

15 years ago

I'm going to miss Japanese styled games.

15 years ago

Me too. Me too.

15 years ago

sounds good their trying something new, btw off topic sumwhat….didnt a few of us have a conversation about u guys finding a new picture of kojima in another topic =p
he be lookin like brain from pinky and the brain in dis one LOL

15 years ago

Billy Bo Bob Brain was the shiznit.

15 years ago

This is bad…very bad…

How 'bout he "helps" Naughty Dog!? :O

15 years ago

Actually Naughty Dog and Kojima would probably make something stupendous together… nice suggestion!


"i am home"

15 years ago

I hope to god he doesnt work on a FSP, that would be devistating

15 years ago

Yes because FPSes are so not immersive right? He's never really worked on one so it would probably be one of the things he would like do. I can imagine him a Cliffy working together.

15 years ago

I hope he makes an RPG.

And for the love of god something not asian with emo or children for characters and not turn based, there is enough of that shit.

15 years ago

You fail too much son.

15 years ago

I agreed with all of that until you slagged off the turn based system.

15 years ago

I'm sure he could contribute a lot to a title he already has high interest in; Assassin's Creed. Perfect fit.

It would still be nice to see him work with GG. They are great at making titles, but could use some more insight with story. I think it's time to start a fund to get Kojima plane tickets to Denmark.

Last edited by Nynja on 4/16/2009 12:29:29 PM

15 years ago

*crosses fingers*
remake of MGS123 plz
actually im just hoping its not an RPG..
rpg's bore me

Last edited by Jian2069 on 4/16/2009 5:05:20 PM

15 years ago

After Santa Monica finishes GoW III, maybe Kojima could produce a new Sony franchise with them?

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
15 years ago

I'm a Hideo Kojima fan. I'll support whatever he chooses to create.

15 years ago

A lot of people would hate me for saying this…but I want Metal Gear to end already. I mean Metal Gear Solid 4 was a great ending…it left everything answered except for the fact about who the hell Sunny's dad was – aka: Olga's husband.

But it was just so epic. Solid Snake has passed on yes, but now people are saying that they want Metal Gear to continue on. ……….really????? Are you really sure you guys want to continue on…I'd love to see some new stuff from Kojima. I also want to know how Zone of the Enders is. I never played it before so I'd like to try it out.

But whatever he does…he'll still maintain a passion in video games no matter what.

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