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FFXIII Advent Children Demo: Not Worthy Of The Fans?

Many gamers in this country were upset when they learned that the one-hour demo of Final Fantasy XIII , which would be included in the Blu-Ray release of "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children," would only be available in Japan. Well, perhaps they won't be so annoyed when they read this.

According to FinalFantasyUnion and an article that doesn't pull any punches, Square-Enix has said that the demo in question won't be "reflective of the game's current build as it was built using an older version of the engine that was used during 2008." Therefore, we have to realize that whatever you see in that demo isn't indicative of the final build, which may really get under people's skin. There's also the question as to why Square-Enix would even release this demo so early; they did it with the playable demo of Final Fantasy XII that came with Dragon Quest VIII , but that demo turned out well. This time, with a demo that isn't even using the same technology Square-Enix is currently utilizing to complete development on FFXIII, the fans are a touch irritated. On top of it all, if you want the version of "Advent Children" that comes with the demo, it'll cost you an additional $10, so that's not helping in terms of incentive. Perhaps the bottom line is simple: really, what's the point of such a demo if we can't even get a good idea of the final product?

Well, let's be optimistic. Let's say the demo is great and everyone seems to love it. Doesn't this mean that the full game will be that much better, considering Square-Enix's usage of a more refined tech? Maybe it's best to view the situation in this way, but even so…

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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15 years ago

wtf? None of that makes any sense. Is our congress running Square-Enix?

15 years ago

Well the root of this nonsense whether it's the United States Congress or Squeeeenix is the same:


15 years ago

Square Enix = FAIL

15 years ago

utterly confused by this move.

15 years ago

i think they maybe doing this cause they make more if people import it, but this makes too much sense and we all know Square-Enix and Sense don't go hand in hand this gen

15 years ago

This seems similar to what I go through pledging for a fraternity… They want to see how many hoops their fans will jump through for them. They probably figure they have so many fans that they don't need to worry… what makes it even worse is the fact that they are probably right 🙁

15 years ago

The demo does not have the same engine, because after 2008 they had to revise the engine to support Xbox. "PS3 version not affected by Xbox port" my @$$.

15 years ago

I don't want it now. SE fails at everything.

15 years ago

why does this not surprise me? lol

15 years ago

Haha squeeeenix you pigs!

squeeee squeeee!

15 years ago

That zany crew over at SE is just full of antics.

15 years ago

I don't think it's that stupid.

15 years ago

So has anyone tried it yet? Or are there articles about the demo anywhere?

15 years ago

It's not out yet.

15 years ago

The game sure does look good from what has been shown so far but I am going to resist temptation and will boycott this game.

15 years ago

Who gives a sh**. It's graphics. If they are good, then expect them to be even better when the game comes out.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/14/2009 12:58:36 AM

15 years ago

SE reminds me of Paris Hilton. Just when you thought they couldn't be any dumber……

Last edited by slackernz on 4/13/2009 11:49:53 PM

15 years ago

I do not care, demos are pointless anyways. I'd rather wait for the finished version than spoil myself with an unfinished build of a game.

15 years ago

Just finish the damn game already.

15 years ago

Demos are always sh**.

Another epic everyone hate on SE thread.

The Killzone 2 demo was a 4 minute piece of sh** and I loved the final version.

Oh and Uncharted, that had a horrible demo. Yet it's one of my favourite games to date!

I bet the FFXIII demo is sh**.

Wouldn't surprise me at all.

Most demos are sh**.

Last edited by RoyBrown on 4/14/2009 12:23:28 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

…having played as many demos as I have, I'd have to disagree.

15 years ago

i thought the demo for killzone 2 was a tad bit rubbish, but the final product was amazing. Then again, i was in the beta for that game, so that demo didnt do enough for me.

The demo for uncharted was exactly the best either, and it turned out extremely well

Not sure if id call every demo rubbish.

Last edited by aaronisbla on 4/14/2009 3:34:02 AM

15 years ago

Uncharted's demo was great, what are you all talking 'bout.

It was the main reason I bought the game in the first place.

15 years ago

You gotta be kidding me! 10 extra bucks for the demo?!? It seems like they find a new way to disappoint us all every now and them. Instead of trying to please the fans, they sell us a demo…for ten extra bucks! On top of that its old technology.

Sheez, you can get a lot of great PSN games for that money.

15 years ago

Technically it's Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete [First Print + FF13 Trial Version] So I'm guessing it's also a limited edition type version, like a collectors thing..but I dunno…maybe different case?

15 years ago

I don't see how this is such a big deal, a demo isn't supposed to show you the final product (though it should give you a good view). I think the main thing about this demo is gonna be the gameplay, I'm guessing the gameplay will be almost identical but oh wells, I already have it pre-ordered and I'll be playing this demo sometime during the 4rd/5th week of April. 🙂

15 years ago

It really shouldn't matter too much; the idea is see what is in store… at least the concept is communicated across to some extent… I am sure for many fans it will still be worth the wait!


"i am home"

15 years ago

The point of the demo is the extra $10 per disc and additional sales generated by fans hungry for FF XIII news.

I have no problem with the mention of an early build, but the statement from SquEnix ~<Square-Enix has said that the demo in question won't be "reflective of the game's current build as it was built using an older version of the engine that was used during 2008.">~ has a rather ominous sound to it.

I have to doubt that they would deliberately gimp the game for the final release so that the 360 port and PS3 original are closer to each other in quality terms. That said, there are only two possibilities, either the demo is really poor compared to the current build of the game, and they want to temper the disappointment. Or the quality of the demo is visibly better than the actual game and they want to make sure people's expectations are appropriately deflated.

Either way it feels like a cop out.

Oh well, what's one more cop out from SquEnix? They couldn't even confirm/deny whether TLR would appear on PS3 – not that it's worth worrying about that game, and they have had nothing but disappointing news for Playstation 3 customers since before the launch of the PS3. That's a hell of a long time for former fans of SquEnix and their games to put up with substandard support, and poor games on a competing platform.

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
15 years ago

Why don't you guys stop wasting your time waiting for Final Fantasy XIII and play some of the fantastic games available for the PS3?
Nobody wants a crappy, rushed product. I think we can all agree on that.
Square Enix is just trying to milk as much money as they can out of this "demo". Well guess what? They're not getting a dime out of me.

15 years ago

They wouldn't anyway, do you live in Japan? Haha, otherwise you'd have to import it.

15 years ago

Of course it's not using the latest build of the engine, the engine is still under active development. How would it even be possible to get this demo otherwise?

I kind of wonder if certain folks aren't just looking for excuses to complain…

15 years ago

I don't really see much of a problem of having a demo not be the full build. I can remember the DMC4 demo saying that it wasn't reflective of the final game, along with a couple other capcom games, but I don't see anyone complaining about that. They probably had a slight graphical upgrade and maybe some tweeked controls and the like is all.

15 years ago

Well Demos are just a work in progress, you cant have a go at them for that. I'm still curious to see videos.

15 years ago

I read a whole bunch of details about the game and the demo and TBH it sounds pretty dumb to me. Yeah, I know, crazy right?

15 years ago

Wow I have to say that if people do like the demo…then it would instantly mean that the final version would be great. That is…if Square Enix isn't lying to us right now and that they don't slack off on the final version. But hey I'm looking forward to it. Sure the U.S. will not be getting the demo, oh well – we can just watch the uploaded videos of the demos.

We all know that a demo won't reflect the final work of course…it's just the project in progress. Where they have come so far. But…this demo…was where they were like 1 year ago. Anyway I wish the best for it.

15 years ago

The extra $10 for the demo is because there won't be any DLC.

15 years ago

Dude it's just a demo, relax.

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