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Konami Reveals Vandal Hearts: Flames Of Judgment For PSN

Konami's on a PSN announcement binge today; they just announced their second impending downloadable title.

This one is Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment , which will mark the very first iteration of the classic strategy/RPG franchise in this new generation. It's coming to both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade, and it will boast "newly designed mechanics" that ought to combine the speed of a faster, more modern RPG with a flashy new graphical presentation. The story takes place on the continent of Sostegaria, where two rival kingdoms are on the precipice of war. The main character in this plot is orphan Tobias Martin, who signs up to defend his homeland but eventually realizes they're fighting something darker and more insidious than the other kingdom. If you're unfamiliar with the game, despite the new focus on faster gameplay, the premise should still be the same: just think of Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre from the PlayStation days. Both Vandal Hearts and Vandal Hearts II showed up on Sony's first console, and for strat/RPG buffs, they were both solid and entertaining. Perhaps one of the more intriguing elements of the sequel was the fact that one enemy would move at the same moment an ally would move…

The point is, Konami is certainly capable of tossing in a few new twists to gameplay you think you've mastered. Being fans of the first two installments of this series, we're looking forward to Flames of Judgment , which should be ready for download in August.

Related Game(s): Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment

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15 years ago

Cool…the more RPGs this generation the better haha.

15 years ago

Wow! that's good news! I hope they also release Vandal Hearts II for the PSN and Live, I want that game.

15 years ago

Another interesting looking game coming to psn.

15 years ago

We need proper RPGS not strategy games

15 years ago

Granted some real JRPGs would be a great addition to the gaming climate, I don't think we should look a gift horse in the mouth especially given that this seems to be in the same vein as Final Fantasy Tactics which was a very, very solid game that boasted an intriguing story line and a very functional game mechanic.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

lol…PSXE's grumpy old man.
"I'm NOT going to pay a lot for this muffler!"

15 years ago

I agree with you Ultimadream. These Strategy rpgs all feel the same after a while. That, AND it's digital download. Get me a disc and I'll look your way.

15 years ago

This day is just filled with news isn't it? I mean I don't think I have seen this many entries in a single day ever. Granted I have only been coming here since October of last year.

Anyway, on topic this is a great turn of events. I loved FFT and TO but I never heard of this one before. Definitely looks like something I need to play. Hope it comes with trophies. (I know, I know)

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

I've got both VH games, and loved them to death. My ex, on the other hand, absolutely hated them. Just the sound of the music would put her in the mood. Hopefully, this time around, there's a more varied soundtrack. 🙂

15 years ago

I remember VH back in the day, seems like forever ago. I remember liking it quite a bit, but I don't remember why exactly.

15 years ago

ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!? I can finally beat it? This a Re-release/Remake right? Vandal FREAKING Hearts!! I used to rent this all the time when I was a young LADDY!!!!!!!

As you can see I'm flippin my S***.

15 years ago

not a remake IIRC. Vandal hearts wasn't too hard, but getting the final class for ash was a bit hard without knowing where to find the keys

15 years ago

That class was so awesome. Carnage ensued after getting that!

15 years ago

This title just speeded up to the number 1 must have for me this year.

I never thought I would see another title in this series, but Konami knows which titles to bring back to life.

15 years ago

Sweet, this will be one I definitely pick up.
I absolutely adored VH and VH 2. All I really want is a release of the original. Trying to find that now is sooo hard. Ebay why have you forsaken me?

15 years ago

Loved Vandal Hearts.

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