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Xi Update: Secret Manhole Now Open

If you don't know what "Xi" is just yet, you're already well behind in the game. If, however, you've been following along, don't forget to log into PlayStation Home today.

For those of you who don't know, Xi is a mystery you must unravel within Sony's innovative online social service, and you have to be both vigilant and observant. Nobody is really sure of the ultimate purpose just yet, but in exploring the Home environment, you'll stumble across new clues that will eventually lead you to your unknown destination. Most people just say something along the lines of, "…okay, what the hell is going on around here?!" Nobody knows; that's the point . And now, it's time to take the next step in the mystery: you may have seen that secret manhole cover before, and you probably wondered if you'd ever be able to open it. Well, worry no longer, 'cuz it's open right now. You can check the visual evidence over at VG247, and when you head down to the Maintenance area, you'll have a few more questions. For example, who is William Johnson? Of course, this won't really get you any closer to an answer for the overall "what does it all mean?" question, but at least we're progressing.

Anyway, if you still want to get involved and need to catch up, you can head on over to the official PlayStation forums, which features an ongoing Xi topic. If you just wanna find out what's down there, you're welcome to travel down the rabbit hole…

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15 years ago

Is it just me, or is XI something of a surprise? When Home launched, I never would have considered that the environment itself could be used to fashion what is essentially a mystery/adventure game. I would even go as fas as to say that Xi is a free game for all PS3 owners courtesy of Sony and their Home partners.

Wonder whether we will see reviews?

15 years ago


15 years ago

Not really convinced by this XI HOME game. I walked around a bit and tried to understand what was happening; but gave up soon afterwards… couldn't be arsed to be honest…

I think someone would have to show me how the whole thing is supposed to work. For now I stick to the pool mini-game in the HOME games centre… o-o

TheWorldEndsWithXI 🙂


"i am home"

15 years ago

XI is for all intents and purposes a way to make people come together with other people that they don't know and work for a common goal forging friendships and connections. At least that is the way I see it. It is a gimmicky "meet new friends and connect" game to bring the Home community a little closer. Give the PSN as a whole a more unified feeling. I don't think this is really a bad thing and I think that is what Home was intended for. We have something that no other console has and they want to utilize it fully and wholly and make a cohesive network of users. I mean look at Live. Go on I will wait….. Ok did you see that? A bunch of friend clusters who bash and bad mouth and talk sh*t to other friend clusters. In all seriousness though I don't have anyone on my Live friends list that I don't know in person or that I haven't met through PSN and know I can game with them. There just isn't that feeling of community as much as everyone wants to say that the Live community is the best it is because all their friends are people they know with maybe a few exceptions here and there of people they have extensively played COD with.

God I am writing a lot today. Must be because I should be doing a 5 page essay on "Bus Stop" the play.

15 years ago


Having to write a 5 page essay on anything is enough to make anyone rant a little….

15 years ago

haha, dude I can't help ya. Where's Beezledrop at? He's a private detective.

15 years ago

You make some fair points there coverton341!


"i am home"

15 years ago

This sounds like an ARG to me, like or the Superintendent forum posts on

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

I couldn't find the third piece of ripped up paper so I got frustrated and haven't been back to Home since.

I've been playing too many games to be bothered with Home, I guess.

I've got 68 hours into Far Cry 2 right now (cleaning up some trophies) and been playing KZ2 and Resistance Retribution.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

When u get stuck ask for help

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago


15 years ago

I'll take the case! Oh wait, that's harvey birdman. I'm on it like white on rice.

15 years ago

Xi is a brand new area of Playstation Home that is the portal to an Alternate Reality Game. It consists of puzzles, challenges, short videogames and even crosses over into the real world occasionally, such as with the billboard scenario from one of the tasks. So far, it's been a resounding success, -bringing PSN users from all over the world together- in a huge collaborative effort to save the enigmatic Jess from so far unknown and shadowy enemies. The man-hole is for another fragment which is a piece from a puzzle which in turn is a map, I believe. Good call converton.

15 years ago

I think it's a great idea, hey, it got me to set aside a block of time to sneak back into home. Hadn't been in so long I had to redownload all the rooms plus a couple new ones.

I love the environment for the Res5 room, but WTF is up with just a single arcade machine? that makes no sense, I'm not waiting an hour in line to play whatever it is. lol

But mysteries are always fun 🙂

15 years ago

I haven't checked this out yet, might have to look into what it's about. I mean, something that has an area called "manhole" is worth checking out 😉

15 years ago



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