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Killzone 2 DLC Map Pack Revealed: Steel & Titanium

If you're anxiously awaiting the first batch of Killzone 2 downloadable content, we've got you covered; or rather, GameTrailers does.

The PlayStation blog says you can expect the official pricing and date information some time later today, but the information written beneath this slideshow depicting the new DLC Map Pack tells us the basics. It will be called the "Steel & Titanium" pack and feature two new multiplayer maps for your playing pleasure: the first is Wasteland Bullet, which has you fighting it out on a couple moving trains, and the second is Vekta Cruiser, which – duh – centers on a Vekta cruiser. Now, we don't have the price just yet but they do say to expect this Map Pack to drop onto the PSN at the end of this month. Some sources want to say April 30, which would be logical, but we're waiting for the finalized details to arrive over at the PS blog. We've also heard a rumor that Guerilla is already hard at work on a second map pack, which may be more "retro" than the inherent futuristic aspect of KZ2. Map Packs are common these days, but they make the multiplayer experience that much better, so there's little to complain about.

We are, however, disappointed to see no mention of the rumored co-op gameplay and extra vehicle(s) that might've been included with this DLC. Then again, as we just stated, we don't have all the info yet, so…

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

im first comment!!
well im sure in the future gg will listen to the masses and give us what we have been asking for in future dlc

15 years ago

looks pretty neat…wow…this certainly is one hell of a day for gaming.

15 years ago

The vehicles are the trains and the ISA Cruiser you fight on in the maps.

GG was pulling our legs lol!

But seriously guys, just release some damn co-op already. I mean seriously, map packs?! You release map packs before you release a mode that should have been included in the game at launch?! I don't think you have your priorities straight GG; map packs come later, essential modes/changes come FIRST.

15 years ago

They never promised any type of co op, and i really think its time we as killzone players let it go, seriously.

The single player as it is wouldn't work with co op, it was built for single player with AI buddies somewhat helping out.

Now if they make a co op mode like horde mode for gears 2, that might work, but co op in the campaign the way it is wouldn't work too well due to the always switching of your partners and such

15 years ago

I was hoping for some additional rankings or classes, but that train map sure looks fun.

15 years ago

I actually slowed down last month and am a rank or 2 under general, guess it's time to go back to the killing zone. I need to hurry up and finish RE5…

Last edited by Mista on 4/10/2009 11:27:50 AM

15 years ago

I love killzone 2 but where the level with grass and you know colour.

15 years ago

Um. Is this all we will be getting with the DLC? I mean I enjoy extra maps just fine but I was hoping for a little bit more than just maps. I mean GG had this whole "tell us what you want in the first DLC" thing going on and I know that other additions were asked for more than maps. Oh well I guess anything is better than nothing right?

15 years ago

i think its a pretty good dlc for the first time out, its not like they are only making one map pack like they did for call of duty 4 and leaving it alone from there. Hopefully its not too expensive

15 years ago

Hope it's not too 'spensive, how about being a drug dealer GG and give us the first one for free?

15 years ago

Cool…co-op would be nice, I'll wait…I would like to see some maps in the next pack based on some of the stages form the first Killzone.

Last edited by sunspider13 on 4/10/2009 1:02:25 PM

15 years ago

Alot of people think the Steel & Titanium pack will be free due to the fact that its just reworked campaign levels like the already existing maps. The retro pack will def cost money though.

15 years ago

Um…. n4g says its gonna be free……….. !!!!!!

Now THATS how you do dlc a few weeks after the game is released, not that wack ass capcom sh!t that some people were foolish enough to go for. Lets just hope its true because as far as i can see, it isn't officially announced by Sony,as it would be on the playstation blog.

Last edited by aaronisbla on 4/11/2009 7:22:57 PM

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