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Pre-Order Infamous At GameStop, Get Exclusive Power

Most gamers know there isn't always a good reason to pre-order a game at GameStop, but when they present you with an exclusive incentive, you might want to drop the five bucks.

According to Destructoid, you'll have to pre-order the promising Infamous if you want to nab all of Cole's special abilities. If you've been paying attention, you should know that the game centers on a main character infused with special energy and electricity, and he can use it to his advantage in a post-apocalyptic city. You should take all the help you can get, though, so listen to GameStop's offer:

"Reserve inFamous and receive a code that unlocks the GameStop exclusive Gigawatt Blades Power. With electric blades extending from his wrists, a single blow annihilates any foe and transforms Cole's hands into instruments of sheer destruction. Yet still gentle enough to allow for the occasional tickling."

This is interesting, because it could actually have a significant impact on the gameplay. It's nice to have little extras like costumes, but when you're presenting the player with an ability nobody else will have…? There's something iffy about that, and we may not be the biggest fan of this new trend; forcing us to reserve a game in order to experience the game to the fullest extent. If you want to get technical about it, you don't really have to pay anything extra; you just have to pay it ahead of time. And we're only talking about five bucks, but still, it could become somewhat irritating for those who have no interest in shopping at GameStop.

Either way, though, we're still amped up for Infamous . We've all got our fingers crossed for something special.

Related Game(s): inFamous

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15 years ago

Im with you, Ben. Im not sure if a pre-order perk should be a game changing addon. I'd rather have a keychain.

15 years ago

You will probably be able to buy this from PSN within a week of release

or unlock it half way through the game

technically you dont really pay for pre-orders as it's a deposit that goes towards your game

15 years ago

If it's a code, you'll be able to find it online approximately 3 minutes after the first person picks his copy up.

15 years ago

Unless the codes can only be used once like the extras for Far Cry 2.

15 years ago


That just sounds badass to me. I do worry about the precedent it might set, however.

I was gonna preorder anyways, but seeing as how I actually have a reason now…

15 years ago

That power sounds aweome im glad i resrved a copy

15 years ago

who cares… once you beat it you exchange it. and nowadays i dont buy games unless they are sport. rent them all. im not paying 60 dollars for something im going to beat in five hours. 8 dollars at a rental store is a great deal for a night of fun.

15 years ago

Some people are collectors, and or like to play it again.

15 years ago

In my 14 years of gaming I rented a game once and it felt sicking really.Haven't people these herd of having a collection, not just you a lot of people for some reason don't like to have a game for more than a week.If the game is great wouldn't you want to have it in your collection for future use.

15 years ago

Sports games suck ass though: FACTpinion!

15 years ago

I never preorder so that sucks. Gamestop can now hold useful things hostage huh?

15 years ago

I was wondering when this was going to happen…too bad. I don't pre-order either, so that's one ability I'll do without.

Could this possibly one of those things like what EA does with their games? It's an ability you would get anyways if you just played the game, but instead you unlock it at the start? (although with EA, you can pay to unlock it)

Well with the way things are, you know we're going to see more of this. Game developers want to make sure they are getting some money, just in case the game tanks…

15 years ago

For FVcks sake sony, don't do this with your exclusive games, i already preordered it through game stop but stuff like this shouldn't happen

15 years ago

Maybe they should have done it with some other place since there's a lot of anti-PS3 sentiments at quite a few Gamestops.

15 years ago

@WorldEndsWithMe I agree of all places it had to be gamestop, why not stores like target sense sony been doing business deals lately with them, bestbuy, walmart, gamecrazy. Everytime I go to different gamestop in my area I literally have to tell them I want to reserve a game for the ps3 but when I see someone buying a 360 game the employees give them good service do u want to reserve a 360 game? WTF? Ever sense those experience I don't shop at gamestop no more. BB, Target, Walmart, and gamecrazy get my money.

15 years ago

Gamestop has a thing about not getting enough preorder items for everyone, will that be a problem with this?

Last edited by Oyashiro on 4/9/2009 12:56:17 AM

15 years ago

It's a shame for those who don't live near a gamestop.

Same thing happened with LBP in the UK with GoW and Heavenly Sward limited costumes. The code could only be used once.

15 years ago

well thats only the case if it has to download some info over psn, obviously. If its just an unlock code for info on the disk, like PoP was, then the codes should be usable again.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Sounds like this power was inspired by Wolverine .

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Godamnit =[
In adventure games I love to know that I have everything to mess around with, but not with this game.


15 years ago

Any news on whether this will be available to UK pre-orderers?

15 years ago

Eh… I'll get through game fine without it.
And the code is probably the same for everyone which means that it will be on the internet shortly after release.

15 years ago

well, for people in the uk this sucks

15 years ago

lol i have known about this since FEB or maybe JAN. gamestop has had that listed as a bonus for months now. weird you only now finding out about it

15 years ago

I have no problem with pre-order bonuses as long as they are available for unlock in the game through game play – or made available afterwards via DLC.

Pre-ordering offered retailers and game developers an advantage because they gain a better idea of likely sales as well as (in the case of the retailer) banking some money early. So it's really only fair that those who commit to a game early with money should get something in return.

But whatever bonus it is, if it's in-game it doesn't need to unbalance the game, and it does need to be unlockable through play or DLC purchase later. Personally I prefer either game swag such as figures or art-books, although those seem to be going more into the CE versions of games now. Perhaps if instead of an in-game feature, pre-orders came with a $5 discount on the game guide or something…?

15 years ago

ummm no. why would i pre-order a game to get a discount on a guide? i have never bought a guide in my life. there would be no point in pre-ordering a game if that's what it got you. i mean how many people even actually buy guides. i know i dont.

15 years ago

A good friend of mine is an EB games manager here in Winnipeg. After reading your post, I called him just for some anecdotal reference regarding game guides sold at his location.

He says that a vast majority of guides are bought by kids under the age of 15 for Xbox games, and the remainder are often bought by well known customers that collect everything they can for their games (CE, game guides, game character action figures etc) and these types are usually PS3 owners.

15 years ago

What I was getting at is that if you pre-order you should get something for doing so, after all you are making a part payment early. It doesn't have to be a discount on the game guide, but it should be something.

There were a number of comments from people complaining that pre-order bonuses, such as this power in Infamous are unfair on other players. If that's the case and they have to do something different as a pre-order bonus, then a discount on the game guide is surely an option, that's all I'm saying.

15 years ago

I get guides for some games. I got the one for Kingdom Hearts 2 cause of all the stats that sucker had in it, and I got the Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction one because of all the hidden stuff and the skill points, and the LBP one because there is SOOO much stuff to find.

If it's a deep game, I like to have a roadmap going in to it, and so do a lot of other people. Why diss on the guy just cause it wouldn't benefit you, mixedkid?

Last edited by LightShow on 4/9/2009 10:51:07 AM

15 years ago

who said i was dissing him? im just saying that im sure a majority of the gamers, this includes hardcore, probably give crap about a guide.

besides…. why buy the guide when if you are really stuck on something you could just look it up on the net or whatever. i rarely do this myself.

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

I've heard of sleeping with the enemy but this is pushing it.

15 years ago


15 years ago

I just called my GameStop and the guy i talked to said he has heard no such thing. Obviously this may not apply everywhere.

the only thing he said he heard of is maybe access to the demo, but that is to be foreseen so…

I dont know, either way i dont think its fair to basically release an inferior copy of the game, then if you were to pre-order at gamestop. doesnt really seem logical to do this, cus i see just as many people if not more in the electronics game section at wal-mart as i do at my local gamestop.

I know they are offering incentive but it should not be done this way.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/9/2009 1:06:47 PM

15 years ago

If the guy at Gamestop has never heard of Collectors/Limited/Premium editions of games coming with extras, then I suggest you find another retailer. Ith Burnout paradise, pre-order customers at Gamstop got a code for Steel Wheels – a car still in the game , but unavailable unless you bought the game at retail and entered the code prior to the version 1.6 update.

Soul Calibur 4 comes with a bunch of additional equipment items that are exclusive to the premium (collector's) edition. You have to pay extra for a DLC code to enable them otherwise.

That's just two examples among many of pre-order and Collecotr's edition bonuses and extras.

15 years ago

I think the first guide I bought was for FF7. That being said, there are games like the FF series that without the guide you would NEVER experience everything the game has to offer. Some things are so hidden or impossible to simply figure out. Like "Don't open these specific treasure chests in FF12" Without the guide you would never know about something so obscure.

It's fine if you don't want to buy a guide, but there are those of us that enjoy having them. Not to mention, it is easier than trying to find the info online.

Also, if buy you game at GameStop and get at least 10% off your guide at the time of purchase or anytime after for up to 2 weeks with your receipt.

15 years ago

Yeah I have no interest in shopping at GameStop. The closest one is about 10 miles away from me, but the closest game store, GameCrazy (which I like alot better anyways), is only like 2 miles away.

I also hate the trend as well. I remember discussing this before last week here in the comments. They should never limit customers if they don't go out and buy a specific thing at a specific place. Just seems rather strange.. I know it's something I never would have thought of it they had never acknowledged it before.

Last edited by Daedusian on 4/9/2009 2:37:03 PM

15 years ago

Let game-smut try to get more of my money, they will continue to fail! They can pre-order deez nuts

15 years ago

i didnt say he never heard of collectors editions and such i said he has not heard of this exclusive offer for infamous.

i specifically asked is there any incentive for reserving infamous at gamestop i.e. exclusive weapons, or demo codes, or what have you and he answered with a simple "my store has not heard of this, the only thing i have heard being tossed around is maybe a demo code but that is not even for sure yet"

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/9/2009 7:34:05 PM

15 years ago

Here's what you do.

Put your five dollars down on the game. Then at a later date you go back with your receipt and ask for a refund or buy something else you may have wanted.

15 years ago

Five bucks and a 30 minute drive (without traffic) is not worth it.

15 years ago

I sure hope these codes aren't like the LBP ones for the Kratos and Nariko skins. And if they are, and if this power isn't unlockable through advancement or DLC in-game, it'll be the start of a very bad thing. Soon they'll be releasing half of a game only to people to pre-order (an obvious exaggeration, but you catch my drift).

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