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Sega Dates, Prices Valkyria Chronicles DLC For Europe

Updated: The PlayStation blog has confirmed that this content will also arrive on the North American PSN on April 16.  We don't see a price just yet, but at least it's confirmed.

Original Story:

We already have the details on the fresh downloadable content coming to North America and Europe for Valkyria Chronicles , but we'll remind you again because we now have date and price.

Well, it only applies to Europe right now, but we have to assume the gamers in this country will receive very similar news. According to , Sega has revealed that three pieces of content will hit the PSN on April 16; each piece will cost £3.19 or €3.99 each, and that means we can probably expect a price tag of $4.99 here in the U.S. To refresh your memory, we'll get the Hard EX mode (an ultimate challenge that features the entire Imperial Army), Edy's Mission, "Enter the Edy Detachment" (play as Edy in a brand new quest), and Selvaria's Mission, "Behind Her Blue Flame" (play as Imperial engineer Johann and see the battle through the enemy's eyes). Some may say we should get all three pieces for $4.99, but those who are familiar with Sega's stellar strategy/RPG understands just how much is here. Chronicles is one of the best PlayStation 3 exclusives available and sadly, one of the most under-appreciated. It got fantastic reviews – we liked it a lot, too – but it really didn't get enough attention; perhaps this new DLC will help.

We'd like to think the content arrives for North America at about the same time, and we'll let you know whenever Sega of America decides to announce the specifics.

Related Game(s): Valkyria Chronicles

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15 years ago

To anyone that does not already have this game, it is on sale at Gamestop this week for $30.

15 years ago

Well, I am not from North America but you don't have to go far to know that this also applies to them as well.

Here is a direct link to the official PS Blog:

15 years ago

Positive this comment will bring up the normal —

– Play the game for the game.
– Trophies are a waste of space.
– Trophies are all about the E-Peen.


I will not spend my money (now limited) on games that do not offer support of a feature I enjoy.

To my knowledge, Valkyria Chronicles is not a success in the games sold department. Why not give your product every advantage possible?

With all that said, the 30 dollar price tag sounds nice, but other games are out there right now (supporting trophies) that will get my attention.

15 years ago

Yes but headshoting a sniper with an engineer is awesome and more rewarding to me and than any silly trophy game.

But if you don't want to experience the best RPG for the PS3 then you are not going to meet the Hank and the others, so what if Hank is pig – he got wings too you know, I don't think he can fly though.

15 years ago

I won't say trophies are a waste or no good, but they shouldn't factor into a purchase. That's just gaming suicide.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/8/2009 6:32:13 PM

15 years ago

I like trophies

15 years ago

Most trophies arent achievements. Most are unlocked by accident rather than hard work.

15 years ago

Blinkboy –
I said the game would have to wait, I never said I wasn't going to buy it. Hopefully Hank understands and is patient.

WorldEndsWithMe –
Gaming suicide? Not hardly. Now while that mindset might apply to you (and others), it by no means applies to everyone. Gaming suicide by my definition, is a developer not utilizing all the available assets of the PS3 to ensure maximizing sales potential.

coverton341 –
As do I. Trophies (and achievements when I had a 360) bring out the desire in me to to do everything in a title.

godsman –
Agreed. Most trophies are for example, level completion rewards, "X" ammount of kills and the like. But in order to get a coveted Platinum Trophy, one must put a lot of work into a title. Dead Space is a perfect example of my point. There was no way I would have EVER played that game 3 times, let alone with only one gun. Was Dead Space an excellent title? Yes. Was the game extended past one play through due to the trophy system being in place? You know the answer to that.

15 years ago

Is it just me or is Valk starting to pick up pace now long after its release? I keep hearing more about it, including an upcoming Anime.

15 years ago

It also helps that the game is just $30 at Gamestop right now… I just picked up the game the other day since I didn't have enough money the first time it came around.

15 years ago

forum is go(o)d.

15 years ago

Forums=Where it's at.

15 years ago

forum=all the classy people of psxe.

15 years ago

Hey, I'm classy. I just don't have the time for forums, really.


15 years ago

Valkyria Chronicles is a great game and since I heard about it I went straight out to buy it and haven't regretted it since! Good story, pleasing graphics and good sounds = good game! Trophies are over-rated anyway they are just numbers really that don't mean anything except to someone who has a very bad competitive streak and wants a higher number than the next PS3 Gamer 😛

Not having trophies should definitely not be the yes/no decider on whether to buy a game or not. If COD4 didn't have trophies would you still buy it? More than likely you would because it was super-hyped up where as Valkyria Chronicles wasn't. Good games do not NEED all the fiddly extras to be GOOD.

I agree with the review too this game is way too under-appreciated!

Last edited by Vysey on 4/8/2009 8:56:32 PM

15 years ago

I got my copy I just need to finish it. Playing to much of disgaea 3.

15 years ago

Lets hope these DLC are more than just 1.8 Mb like Resident Evil DLC. I dont want to pay for these codes, even if its well worth it for Valkyria Chronicles

15 years ago

how are you going to still be working on a game… developing for a game… and not put trophies into it. and im sorry if that offends "serious" gamers in here, but whatever. trophies are what they are. theyre as much a part of this gen as hd graphics. put out a game that looks like a psx game, and no ones gonna buy it. put out a game with no trophies, and hey, look at the sales figures.

15 years ago

Dude the trophies aren't why the sales suck.

15 years ago

The DLC was completed a long time ago, it was simply released later here than in Japan. That's why there ar no trophies in it, because the software was done a long time ago, even if it took a while to have it properly localized

15 years ago

Who cares for trophies really? You didn't have them before, so why begrudge a game not having them now?

As to the DLC, long live Gallia! Can't wait for this. And I am UK, so definite 16th.

15 years ago

If you've ever spent money on a game just to add to your trophy collection then there is something wrong with you because you are missing the point of gaming.

15 years ago

As I mentioned to you in my reply above, you cannot expect everybody to share the same viewpoint with you.

Now while I have never rented a game, or spent money on a game that I wouldnt normally play, trophies do impact my decision on the purchase.

15 years ago

The reason it does not have trophies is because both the Game and DLC was made and released last year in Japan.

-VC Has a in game trophy system much like Uncharted did. Trophies should not be an issue.
-The game is on sale for $30!'s "RPG of the year for 2008"
-The game just kicks @$$ on so many levels.

Would people like to add to this list of reasons people should march out and buy Valkyria Chronicles this very instant?

15 years ago

This is an easy triple buy for me, a triple buy to go with a triple A title.

Anyone who has an even passing attraction to JRPG games needs to take a look at this gem.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
15 years ago

I totally agree with TheHighlander. I was sold before there was even a price and the price tag changes nothing for me. As soon as it hits store I'm picking up this exciting new content for one of the best games this generation.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 4/9/2009 8:55:29 AM

15 years ago

*does a dance*

WHOOOO!!! Can't wait to pop this amazing game back in my system. Best game of 2008 on ANY console!


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