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Gore Verbinski Leaves “Pirates” To Focus On “Bioshock”

Well, at the very least, he must be really excited about this new project to turn down a guaranteed smash hit.

According to , director Gore Verbinski has told Disney he won't be signing on for the fourth entry in the massively popular and critically acclaimed "Pirates of the Caribbean" series. Instead, he's going to be focusing all his energy and attention on a film adaptation of "Bioshock." Verbinski didn't have anything to say about the new movie, but he tossed up the requisite statement:

"I had a fantastic time bringing 'Pirates' to life, and I am eternally grateful to Jerry, Johnny and the rest of the creative and production team…I'm looking forward to all of us crossing paths again in the future." /p>

Yeah, well, that's all nice and good, but you passed up "Pirates" to work on a game-to-movie adaptation. This is rarely a good move for directors, as indicated by history, as such projects rarely yield anything in the way of acclaim or box office ticket sales. But then again, Verbinski probably just wanted to try something new, and hey, he already has all this experience filming on the ocean, right? Well, now he'll be filming under the ocean, so maybe it's a perfect fit. "Bioshock" the movie is currently slated to arrive some time next year, and we're all hoping that with a great director and an equally great cast and crew, it'll be worthy of the game's stellar reputation.

Related Game(s): Bioshock

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15 years ago

Well best of luck to him i hope he can make it work

15 years ago

it needs to be a horror movie.
silent hill style.

that would be f***n hectic.

15 years ago

The first "pirates" was good the other 2 were terrible, if he does direct this movie he should make the first 1 and leave the sequel to someone else.

15 years ago

I liked Pirates 3 the best dude

15 years ago

Who's the lady in the picture?

15 years ago


I think that's "Milani Rose"

15 years ago

Milani Rose is correct.

15 years ago

Movies made from games have an even worse reputation than games made from movies.

Bioshock the movie will either be a horrible adaptation of the game and sink faster than the Doom movie, or it will take the barest concept from the game and rework it into a horror movie that will sell tickets to all the Saw loving horror fans out there – not my cup of tea.

Anyone seeking to make movies from games need only look at the history, Mario Brothers… Doom… Starship Troopers… oh, wait that only *seemed* like it was a movie based on a game.

15 years ago

Actually Starship Troopers was based on the book of the same name.

15 years ago

really?? I hated the 3rd one.

15 years ago

Well if people are worried that movies made after games are bad think about pirates. That was a movie made after a theme park ride. If the guy can make that work I'm sure he can make something as great as Bioshock work.

15 years ago

u forgot double dragon. maybe hollywood might get it right lol

15 years ago

My god two games to movies adaptions announced speakless agony

15 years ago

I like all three Pirates movies, but I know the first one is definitely the best one. The second one was also very good, but they forced the 3rd a tad much. Still loved it, though.


15 years ago

I think people are hoping to spark a game-to-movie trend like what happened with comic books. The first one to do it will be hailed as a genius while everyone else will go down in flames.

PS If it's releasing next year that is a pretty tight schedule which always means bad news.

PPS Anyone know what happened to that Castlevania movie?

15 years ago

Aren't a lot of comic book-to-movie adaptations both financially successful and critically acclaimed? Spiderman, Iron Man, Batman…


15 years ago

That's why they are trying to spark a fad in which game to movie conversions ARE successful. Some genius just has to pull it off first.

15 years ago

I have only seen 1 or 2 game to film adaps. work Tomb Raider and Initial D. But if any game could work as a movie I think Bioshock can,and if anyone can pull it off its Gore he also directed the Ring and videos for Bad Religion with the exeption of Pirates 2 and 3 he most of his work is pretty good.

Last edited by Deadman on 4/8/2009 2:45:46 PM

15 years ago

Bioshock is a great game and I'm sure that it will make a great film. It has the perfect story line to be made into a film, I like a lot of the game-movie adaptations I've seen, some people are just too critical! Watch it as it's own thing not compare every detail to the game and if something is wrong or off damn the film to fail, that's just a crappy attitude :P. The only reason these films "fail" is because people see it being different to the game, immediately condemn it and that will get no one no where fast.

Keep an open mind! It's a film NOT a game, can you imagine how much work you have to do to try to keep the story of a 10-20 hour game intact for a 1.5-2 hour film? It's IMPOSSIBLE to keep everything exact so give them a break 😛

Last edited by Vysey on 4/8/2009 8:49:29 PM

15 years ago

What you say is true, but directors don't always do what's best for the film (or they're directed by uwe boll).

I think Watchmen could have been much better if Snyder had done what was best for the film, instead of being so loyal to the comic.

15 years ago

As long as Verbinski manages to sustain tension and the overbearing feeling of dread that he masterfully executed in 'The Ring', I feel that this could not only work well as a Game to Film adaptation, but very well as a film in general. best of luck to him- he seems passionate about it.

15 years ago

Hey Gore! Would you kindly make this a good movie?

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