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Famitsu Reveals tri-Ace Multiplatform RPG: End Of Eternity

We're still waiting for tri-Ace to officially announce their new RPG for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 – again, note that it's multiplatform, unlike Star Ocean: The Last Hope – but it seems Famitsu has already spilled the beans.

The game is called End of Eternity , and you can see the interesting scans for yourself. As you can see, the game appears to have a distinctly dark and mysterious style, and perhaps surprisingly, the game seems to have more "adult inclinations" than the standard JRPG. Western gamers have never really identified with the idea of playing an adventure with characters who range between the ages of 8 and 18, and although this game has a definite anime flair, the characters appear older. In fact, one could almost argue that with the dark, foreboding setting and more mature characters, End of Eternity has a definite Western tinge to it. But then again, one can easily notice the Japanese artistry so it's probably best to categorize it as a blend. All we really want now are the official details and information on the gameplay; we're assuming it'll be another intriguing real-time/turn-based hybrid mechanic, though. The one in Star Ocean works very well.

As soon as tri-Ace wants to dump a whole bunch of media onto the Internet, we'll try to funnel it your way. But either way, we're definitely excited to learn more about End of Eternity . The RPGs are finally starting to flow!

Related Game(s): End of Eternity

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15 years ago

Looks like their trying to get off that sinking ship

15 years ago

you mean Xbox exclusive? or Westernize RPGs and abandon Japanese market?

15 years ago

he means the box

15 years ago

i was kinda talking about square>_> Cause now Tri Ace is with Sega, and as far as i know they've never been with anyone but Square.
Cheating Hurts doesn't it Square…

15 years ago

The S.S. Microshaft?

15 years ago

wow i just realized that the publisher is SEGA not SE…thx god but now we know that SE really doesn't want to publish games for us PS3 gamers…thank you SEGA for giving us an opportunity to play this game 😀

P.S. SEGA is bringing in the games! Yakuza 3, Valkyria Chronicles, Mad World, and now this game! Keep up the great work SEGA!

15 years ago

I totally agree with you man. SEGA>>SE and NAMCO.
While quality titles have been hiting the ps3 from SEGA, SE and NAMCO have been giving ps3 fans the middle finger with one-year later (if ever) releases of former xbox360 timed exclusive tiles. Im looking at Eternal Sonata, ToV and possibly SO4.

Now it seems that the 100% of PS3 power usage that SE is promising translate to 720p FFXIII running at 30fps. That is pretty lame. If GoWIII can do 60fps max and 30 fps min, at 720p at least, how come that a JRPG, for Kratos sake, CAN'T?.

15 years ago

very interesting. i wonder will this be out later this year or early next year

15 years ago

'End of Eternity'? If that title ever makes sense to me, my head might explode.

'End of Eternity'…More like 'The title that we came up with before choosing one that made any sense'.

15 years ago

haha… im thinking if this becomes a series, what word in the name will it retain? "End" or "Eternity"?

15 years ago

I think everyone wants to duplicate the logical paradox of the title "Final Fantasy" see: made up words like "Undiscovery".

15 years ago

This looks like my kinda game so far, bring it on, and White Knight, and Demon's Souls! RPG's are comin' home.

15 years ago

agree, the style looks like my kind of game too. I've been waiting for any news on WKC, but Demon's Soul… i dont know about that. Graphically it looks amazing, but thats on the maybe pile. Doesn't seem like theres a nice story to it.

15 years ago

Demon Souls was great, well worth the price, and was addictive and long

15 years ago

Thanks Hawk, I was just about to mention you and your exploits with it. I'd import it but at the moment I can't commit to spending more than $60 on it.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
15 years ago

Demon's Souls is nothing short of pure awesomeness! It's $73.00 with shipping on shopncsx and I would have paid more having now played it.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 4/7/2009 11:36:09 PM

15 years ago

Will it ever be released in the US? I might consider it if its as good as you guys described, but probably not importing

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
15 years ago

Everything I've heard has indicated it probably won't come stateside. Both the Asian and Korean versions have good English voice acting and text translations. So I would assume they feel if people in the US want it they'll just buy one of those two versions.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 4/7/2009 11:45:15 PM

15 years ago

Looking forward to see more info on this one!

15 years ago

I'll save my buck for WKC. Good multi plat RPGs are few.

15 years ago

It must be annoying when you set up a countdown site to announce the game, only to have spoiled by a magazine. TriAce has been off this Gen, I hope this game turns out nicely.

Last edited by Oyashiro on 4/7/2009 11:20:02 PM

15 years ago

What's with this whole thing where western, or western influenced RPGs have to have adult overtones and dark forbidding themes?

OK so JRPGs are more colorful, vibrant, cute and generally speaking a little cartoony. And? It's a game not a simulation. Is it necessary for the battles in my RPG to be blood drenched? If so, then it's not a game for me. Is it necessary for RPG characters and NPCs to spew 'mature' language? Gotta love how lazy speech such as cursing or swearing is called 'mature language' instead of simply, and correctly, calling it lazy. But, why is it that western games can't just be games? Why do they have to be so violent and dark?

People often complain that JRPGs have a heavy hand when it comes to the story, and are too story driven. Oh? Why is this a problem? Isn't there room for both? I play games for fun and to be entertained, JRPG games are enjoyable and fun without being overly violent or dark. Perfect in my book. I'm finding the current trend of RPG games from japanese developers is very disappointing as they are taking a decidedly western turn with more realistic character designs, and darker themes, stories and presentations. If I wanted to play Oblivion or Fallout 3 I would, but I don't.

The Xenosaga series is an interesting illustration of this for me. The first game was very anime styled and very JRPG. Xenosaga II had more 'realistic' character designs and numerous other changes in style and substance that appeared to give a nod to western audiences. However it wasn't popular at home, and didn't well well abroad so by Xenosaga III we were back to more anime style characters (best looking of the three IMHO) and once again a far more traditional JRPG style of game and presentation. The result? A very well received game that easily matches the first for quality and entertainment.

I hope I'm wrong about End of Eternity, I really hope I am, but for now I am concerned that the developer has lost sight of their primary audience – JRPG fans.

15 years ago

TheHighlander, are you gonna write big responses like these from now on? haha. Nice work though, your responses are very intelligent. I enjoy reading them.

Anyone notice that both characters are holding guns? I don't play too many diversities in RPGs. I dont remember any JRPG that incorporates guns with turn-based RPGs, gun attack moves, or gun + magic. Only thing i can think of with guns are shooters with upgradable weapons. Hope its not THAT type of games. Maybe the developers are creating a new style.

15 years ago

@ Godsman: FFVII had guns.

15 years ago

@WorldEndsWithMe, the last page of the scan shows a third person over the shoulder view. There are life points style like Demon's Soul, and a shooting cursor like Resident Evil. Seems like a Japanese Fallout to me…

15 years ago

I just hope the characters and the actors that voice them aren't horrendous like SO:TLH. Here's hoping. I love tri-ace so I have high hopes. "High apple pie in the sky hopes." I hope someone catches that reference 😉 Haha.

15 years ago

oops there goes another rubber tree plant….

Not sure if this is the reference you mean, but here's some odd trivia. The song "High Hopes" is from a 1959 movie "A Hole In The Head" – remember that name.

Now the Song High Hopes, sung by Sinatra is in the movie, but it was also used by a well known politician in their presidential campaign.

OK, here's the ironic and politically incorrect part – the song was used in the presidential campaign of one John F Kennedy. Laugh if you dare, but isn't it ironic that JFK of all people would use a song from a movie called "A Hole In The Head" as part of his presidential campaign?

Note : By all accounts JFK was a very good President and a nice guy to boot, tragically the world never got to see what he was capable of.

15 years ago

@ TheHighlander, are you a robot from the future?

15 years ago

"Note : By all accounts JFK was a very good President and a nice guy to boot, tragically the world never got to see what he was capable of."

Except he was a huge philanderer. Do you consider cheating on your spouse as a "good guy" trait?

15 years ago

I was referring to his political/professional career, not his private life.

The funny thing about a private life is that public figures aren't allowed to have one. Strange how things that ordinary people do all the time become horrible moral outrages when someone in the public eye does them, eh?

15 years ago

Cheating on your wife is not condoned in anyone's private life.

15 years ago

Can we not get into an argument about the personal life of a much loved assassinated president of the US? Honestly, you are beginning to sound like you simply want to pick a fight.

I neither condone or condemn. I wasn't there, it's not in my living memory, so I can't really do either, can I? Can you?

15 years ago

I just looked at the scans carefully, looks like it IS a third person shooter. I didnt realize that before. Now what distinguishes WRPG and JRPGs? just the developers now?

15 years ago

if thats true ive already lost interest.

15 years ago

Valkyria Chronicles is a third person shooter/SRPG with JRPG tendencies. Could this be more along those lines?

Gotta admit, I loved Uncharted so a third person game isn't all bad, however I *want* some JRPG games, and a 3rd person game, no matter how good, just won't cut it.

15 years ago

Don't worry ultimadream, i don't think its a 3rd person shooter, i think everyone is looking at the last scan and thinking that since there is a camera over the guys shoulder and that they see a reticule, its 3rd person.

It could also be a cursor that highlights where you are aiming at when choosing certain parts to attack, from the rest of the scans, its hard to say its gonna be a 3rd person shooter

15 years ago

please don't make it like direge cerberus

15 years ago

no ones that dumb… i hope

15 years ago

Info from The MagicBox:

End of Eternity
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Tri-Ace
Platform: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Genre: RPG
Origin: Japan
Release: Winter 2009

Sega and Tri-Ace have officially announced a new RPG called End of Eternity for PS3 and Xbox 360, the game has a sci-fi fantasy setting like Final Fantasy, the story is about a group of people who were created by an experiment, including a 19 year old girl with the handle Subject 20, a 17 year old boy named Zephry from PMF (Private Military Firm), and a 26 year old PMF soldier named Vashyron. The battles will be in the form of gun battles like in third person shooters

15 years ago

I'll give this 3rd person shooting thing the benefit of the doubt until I see some footage, starting to sound fishy though.

15 years ago

This title NAME I LOVE! The name sounds very appealing! Unlike the "the something discovery" Personally I got no problems with multiplatform so BRING STAR OCEAN 4 TO THE PS3!

15 years ago

Uh… I know a lot of people already mentioned it, but the fact that Tri-Ace is developing a game for any company OTHER than Square-Enix is like HUGE! Seriously, that is a really big deal, and depending on the reason for it, could be a bigger deal.

Ben, any chance you could dig up some info on how this has happened? Did Square drop them? Or did THEY drop Square? Or is it really nothing?


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