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LEGO Rock Band Rumor Returns

Some game ideas, we just don't understand.  We freely admit it, and hope to God we can glimpse the glow of enlightenment, lest we feel stupid and confused.

Earlier this year, we heard about a decidedly bizarre rumor concerning the possibility of a LEGO version of Harmonix's popular music franchise, Rock Band . As strange as it sounds, that rumor has returned, thanks to a leaked slide from a GDC presentation. Kotaku says that Dan Teasdale's presentation did include a slide for LEGO Rock Band ; he had this to say at his blog: "So, it looks like Think Services put up a version of my slides that was sent for speech approval rather than the version that I actually showed at GDC." Unfortunately, the slide disappeared from the presentation before it went live, and it has also been removed from his blog. Everyone is trying to get some form of confirmation from either Teasdale or Harmonix but at this point, we have nothing but rumor and speculation. However, we would like to add that the return of a rumor like this is a good sign; it usually means there's some validity to the idea, even if we can't quite comprehend the reasoning behind the project. Sure, we get LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Batman and LEGO Indiana Jones , but LEGO Rock Band ? …really?

Anyway, we'll let you know if a confirmation arrives. In the meantime, just try to envision how the game might look, and if it would appeal to the die-hard RB fans…or the die-hard LEGO fans.

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15 years ago

Please someone help me understand what the effing point of this would be. I mean how is slapping Lego onto Rock Band going to change, do, enhance, add, anything at all except the Lego subscript? Do they hope to capture the hearts and minds of 5 year olds the world over and have little Billy and Timmy rocking out to Nick Toons Theme songs on mini guitars and drum kits while Scooter is belting out a high pitched nasaly whine into a plastic mini mic?

15 years ago

Maybe they want to sidestep that uncanny valley problem with the character models 🙂

15 years ago


15 years ago

This is one of the stupidest and most useless ideas for a game I've herd this generation.

15 years ago

I Concur!

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago


15 years ago

Oh dear god, please let this stay a rumor! I don't want to see an unholy union between these two! The Lego games are fun and silly, RB or GH is overrated, over published, and starting to die in sales! So this could be a ridiculous effort to grab the younger gamers and start nickle 'n dimeing them!

Lego guitars…..what a freakin joke!

15 years ago

Totally up their alley

15 years ago

This has to be a joke, they are really going over board with the lego themes, i mean it was cool with starwars but now its a little ridculous. Whats next Lego Resident evil or even worse Lego Sing star LOL. They need to stop with lego games.

15 years ago

I thought that the whole point of the Lego games was to take an established theatrical story and give it the Lego treatment, making things light-hearted and fun.

Considering that Rockband already features on-screen avatars to play the instruments etc, how does giving them a Lego skin help? Or are they somehow going to turn Rock Band into a platforming game by adding a few squares of Lego?

15 years ago

Forget that, GH:VH and BH…one is to think that they are doing a version based on Van Halen…can one be so lucky…as for BH, not too sure, maybe Buddy Holly

Edit: wikipedia says that BH stands for Band Hero…i would prefer Buddy holly though…

Last edited by MarvelZombies on 4/7/2009 12:28:15 PM

15 years ago

I remember reading about one of the companies trademarking all kinds of "—- Hero" names.

15 years ago

As long as we're going with useless ideas, how about Washboard Hero, or Jug Band? But then of course we'd have Lego Jug Band…

Last edited by 556pineapple on 4/10/2009 11:54:07 AM

15 years ago

No… just no.

15 years ago

ok three letters..W.T.F???

15 years ago

Ion*t Think It Will Appeal To Either Of Em… Lol. It Sounds Stupid.

15 years ago

No no no no no no no
this shouldn't/won't ever happen.
Harmonix made some of the greatest music games ever (GH1, GH2, RB1/2)… They're not stupid…
Unless EA/MTV is letting another developer borrow the name… Well yeah that sounds like something EA would do…
I am now 100% sure that the rockband series is dead.

15 years ago

This is by far the worst idea for a game I've heard since the Michael Phelps swimming game.

15 years ago

I suppose they might have a dlc or something like that for rock band, but there is no way they will make an entire game.

15 years ago

scooter on the mic. lol

15 years ago

That's lame.

A Lego Guitar Hero quite obviously would be wayyy better… 😉

15 years ago

Music games have just about worn out their welcome with me. DDR and the singing games never appealed to me. Guitar Hero was a huge hit for me, until they sold out and tried to copy Rock Band with the full band game. I only rented GH:Metallica because I like their music and their style.

I'm done buying new music games with the exception of some that I have tried that feature bands that I really like (Rock Band Queen anyone?).

15 years ago

I can just see it now, You'll open the box and you'll have to build your guitar and drum kit from scratch, out of Lego…

If they are going this route, then my guess would be that the music will be more kid oriented. I think it's too little to late though, if they were going to do this, they should have done it when Rockband first came out. A few people may buy this for their kids, but I don't see it being as popular as the other versions.

This almost looks like a market saturation thing, all the hype from music games is starting to dwindle away. (I hardly play our Rockband anymore, unless people come over to visit, I didn't bother get RB2) They made Rockband better when they released Rockband 2, but now they're grasping at straws.

It sounds like Harmonix were sitting around a table wondering how else they can get people to buy a game that has kind of hit a lull..They have no idea how to make the gameplay better for the genre, so they're looking for a gimmick to make it different. Same game, different look. Next we're going to see Mario Band Party for the Wii, Halo Band Wars for the 360 and Sackboy Band Battles for the PS3, with exclusive unlockable characters for each one..(Watch Darth Vader and Yoda rock out to Stairway to Heaven!)

Music games now are becoming like FPS'. There's only so much you can do, and everyone is doing it. Unless someone comes out with something new and mind blowing, we're going to start seeing more and more re-hashed versions of the original.

I'm not saying that the Music games are bad (or FPS') so relax, I'm just saying that you probably won't see anything groundbreaking from them for awhile.

15 years ago

I've said it before (Check the last post in January), and i'll say it again…LEGO games SHOULD HAVE STOPPED AT STARWARS!!!!! Batman was pushing it, and Indiana Jones killed it. If this is ever made, it will bury it, resurrect it, kill it again, and bury it deeper! In truth, only 2 words can be used to sum up any idea of another LEGO based game: "Oh Dear"

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