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More Likely To See Gran Turismo 5 On PS2 Rather Than PC?

We heard SCEA's John Koller make a statement concerning Gran Turismo 5 and he used the words "all platforms." This immediately prompted widespread speculation, but UK gaming site GameZine offers a theory .

First of all, as this is indeed an exclusive Sony franchise, you can forget about an Xbox 360 release. However, some have considered the possibility of a PC version of GT5, which quickly made PC gamers stand up and take notice. We're also aware of a PSP version, which is indeed in the works and could – all by its little lonesome – be responsible for Koller's "all platforms" quote. But GameZine suggests that a PS2 version is actually more likely than a PC version; despite the old architecture, Sony has shipped 136 million PS2 units around the world in the past 9 years and they just dropped the price to $99. And it remains highly unlikely that Sony would allow their beloved blockbuster GT franchise to go to a competitor, even if it's only the PC. Then again, GT creator Kazunori Yamauchi has been heard saying that it might be possible to put GT5 on the PC, so as to better cater to the Chinese market. We really can't be sure, as we don't even have a release date for the PS3 version yet, but it's interesting to see just how far Polyphony is willing to go with this new installment. Might it go to the PSP, PS2, and PC? Who knows?

All we know is that we want it to arrive ASAP. While Prologue is indeed awesome, and they do keep tossing up fresh content every now and then, we just pine for the full game. When all the intended platforms are officially announced – maybe at E3 – we'll tell you immediately.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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15 years ago

I'd be pissed if GT5 is taking so long because they are making a ps2 version. GT5 has always been a console mover, and giving it to the previous console would be an incredibly stupid move by sony. Im hoping for a simultaneous psp/ps3 release. I've been yearning for a good racer for too long now.

15 years ago

You aren't making much sense there Bandit.

In no way a PS2/psp version could delay GT5, the HD version is the one that requires more development time, high fidelity car modeling, high quality textures, etc, etc. To make a Ps2 version they only need to re-use old assets from GT4, the engine is already there. IMO being only on the PS2 GT5 would easily be out by now.

Some people laughed when a Sony executive said that PS2 could steal some market share from the Wii, being both consoles last-gen from the technical point of view. How comes the PS2/PSP could steal sales from PS3? it doesnt make sense. If you are a diehard GT fan, probably you will buy a PS3 to play this. If not, then GT5 will not convince you to get a PS3.

Last edited by raztad on 4/6/2009 12:25:07 PM

15 years ago

While the ps3 version would take the most time, a ps2 version would still require a bit of work. To say it would take no time at all doesnt make sense. We all know just how picky the GT team is, so they wouldnt cut corners on any version.

15 years ago

You are right, but I'm trying to explain you that is not because PS2/psp versions that GT5 is taking that long. I read somewhere that ONE car on PS3 GT5 needs as much as 120hours/man.

I'm quite happy Sony is supporting all its platform. A 90$ PS2 with its immense library plus some games yet to be released is pretty attractive if you dont have a B/C PS3.

Last edited by raztad on 4/6/2009 12:57:07 PM

15 years ago

raztad, each car in GT takes 180 days to render start to finish. This was from PD themselves, so think about it how long it is to make each beautiful car, from the Ferrari California to the Suzuka Cappuccino.

15 years ago


Thanks for the info :D. I knew it was something very big and impressive but I didnt have the right number.

15 years ago

Ah poor PC I love playing games on the PC, but racing games to me are best on the PSP, you don't have to push and hold 6 buttons to go forward(like 360 racing games)their best on PS products, Ill get this game for my PSP.

15 years ago

Ever actually play a racing game on the 360?

15 years ago

How about just releasing it on the PS3 for a start?

15 years ago

Then I couldn't play on my PSP Id have to wait till I get a PS3, I think it should be for all the PS products.

15 years ago

selfish much??

15 years ago

PC version would be cool, but of course I'd get it for my PS3.

15 years ago

no wouldn't be cool it would be really lame.

15 years ago

No I agree it would be pretty cool.

15 years ago

Putting it on PS2 or PC would be stupid. Good way to kill PS3 sales. Not to mention the quality of the game since they would be focusing on so much different stuff.

15 years ago

Absolutely – I wouldn't mind a port to the PC later on (like GTAIV) but SERIOUSLY, this game was one of the only reasons why I bought my goddamn PS3, and now I don't even have a definite release date because PD and SCEA decide they can make some extra dollars by releasing it on the freakin' PS2.

I'd like to see someone read this story and still type Micro$oft with a straight face. 😐

15 years ago

GT5 will not be on the PC, that is plainly absurd. That is even worse that to think that GoWIII will be on the PC.

As I stated above I think a PS2 version is not going to hurt PS3 sales in anyway.If someone is cheap enough to play GT5 on the ps2 (neglecting the HD version) then probably he/she is not intending to buy a PS3 after all.

15 years ago

It has to go on the PS3, they released that Prolouge game didnt they.

15 years ago

Its coming to PS3 no doubt, i think PD is just looking at how to branch the world of GT out some more.

15 years ago

I think we'll get more info at E3 on this game, but i can't wait till it's released it'll be fun.

15 years ago

@LyleCapua:Ok maybe its not 6 buttons but it just feels harder to play racing games on the 360. And yes Ive played a racing game on the 360 cause I own one.

15 years ago

Don't feed the troll.

15 years ago

Feed him, then break him.

15 years ago

PS3 and PSP makes more than one platform – aka PLATFORMS.

They've been working on a PSP version since forever. Perhaps it's been re-worked to accept the track and car model data in a lower resolution format allowing the PSP and PS3 games to share the most expensive resource in GT5 – car model data and rack model data?

Could be.

15 years ago

The quote was all platforms which implies more than just 2.

15 years ago

The word all implies no more than more than one.

I wouldn't rule out a PC version, after all Burnout Paradise went PC as well. However It's not like Polyphony Digital have a history with other platforms. Not to mention the fact that they are a SONY subsidiary. A PSP version seems more likely given the publicly states support for PSP, and the repeated assertions that a PSP version of GT would eventually arrive. You never know, they may even try to shoe-horn a version of 5 onto the PS2 – obviously with less detail, no online component and simpler physics. A version for PSP and even one for the PS2 seems more likely than one for PC.

15 years ago

Hey, this is a funny story cause I just woke up and I had a dream about GT5. I have no idea why but maybe I am psychic, haha 😛 Anyways, I think that a PSP version would be sweet even though I don't have one. I really don't see them bringing it to PC and that doesn't really bother me because I've never really enjoyed racing games on PC. But either way, I'm pretty sure that GT5 is gonna make me buy the expensive Logitech racing wheel for my PS3 and it will be glorious 🙂

15 years ago

Actually makes a ton of sense.

Releasing GT5 on all Playstation brand consoles (PS3, PS2, PSP) would be an excellent strategy due to GT series being a console mover.

Make the release day "Gran Turismo Day".

15 years ago

why would any one want it to be in the PC?If that's the case then they might as well just GOWIII and Uncharted 2 to the PC right it would only be fair.

15 years ago

Well even if it does come out on pc, it will have rediculous system demands which will cut out alot of potential pc buyers. Kinda like crysis, great game, but do you know much people who have a computer that can actually run it.

15 years ago

Not so much. The newer Nehalem based I7 systems from Intel, along with a moderately recent graphics card should be sufficient to push Gran Turismo. PS3 was a design ahead of it's time, but it came to market in 2006. Two and a bit years is an eternity in PC development. I'm not saying that an average PC could do it. PS3 is truly *that* powerful that it is still faster than most PCs. However PC gamers have rigs that make average PCs look decidedly average. The biggest question mark when moving a game like this to a PC would be how you can replace the huge computing power of the Cell's SPEs. Even though Nvidia and ATI provide for physics to be done on their more recent GPUs. You'd need to have one GPU for physics and one for graphics which makes things more expensive.

People baulk at spending $400 for a gaming console like the PS3, and yet they'll drop $400 on a graphics card for their gaming PC. Of course the ones doing that are not video game console gamers and never will be. Why would a developer that's been exclusive to consoles make the huge investment in time and resource needed to service the PC audience when the game itself will likely remain exclusive to the small number of enthusiasts with gaming rigs capable of running it?

If I were to liken the performance of a PC and PS3 to high performance cars, the PC would be one of those huge luxury sports cars that has all the power to weight ratios and brute force to hammer anything else on the road – in a straight line, but get it in the corners and it's no better than a Ford Taurus. By comparison the PS3 is a stripped down, no frills, two seat sports racer tuned for racing, it's almost as quick on the straight, but slides through corners like it's on rails leaving the hulking brute of a PC wallowing at the first corner.

15 years ago

Basically Highlander, The PC in your comparison is a Yenko Camaro(427), and the PS3 is a Renault Sport Clio V6.

Great post by the way, very informative.

15 years ago

I see GT5 maybe on the PS2, definitely on the PSP at some point. As for PC, its hard to say, the whole reason Kaz made GT is so he would have his style of racing simulator that he himself would want to play.

He has that in spades, alot of love from Sony, a very successful development company that even does videos for manufacturers like Ferrari. The company is also known to be the forefront of racing simulator development.
Among many other things, he is a very happy man, his Ford GT and SL55 AMG help.

The question is, does he want his Infection/Passion/Love/Obsession that is GT to end at PS3. I don't know, but a second platform launch aside from PSP and PS2 is far off.

15 years ago

Man, Y*all Won*t Believe What Happened To My Psp, Mad Sxxt! If Only I Could Make Topics By The Forum…

15 years ago

pretty sure anyone can.

15 years ago

pc couldnt handle GT5 for its using the Cell processor, it would be like the PS2 version anyways with high resolution etc, if not then look at nhl 09 for PC and PS3

15 years ago

no pc , just PS3, PS2, PSP and nitendo 64………………thats what he meant by all platforms

15 years ago

We know what he meant by other platforms and rest assured, it isn't happening not for quite some time.

IF Kaz/PD want to make another GT on another system, it will be by a different name/logo with a different style so Sony and GT loyalists don't **** bricks.

15 years ago

Nintendo 64?? Lol. Not likely.

15 years ago

It will probably just be PS3, PS2, and PSP. No PC. The problem is by releasing it for PS2 you get plenty of sales because of your install base, but you miss out on all those people that you would have pushed over the edge to buy a PS3 in order to get their GT5 fix. So ultimately it's another cost benefit analysis which doesn't favor pushing people into the next generation.

GT5 would've been a true console mover, but I suppose they know what they are doing, I think we can be certain there won't be a downgraded GoWIII, so that'll be the next console mover instead of this one.

15 years ago

We will likely see a GT5Full game Bundle with the PS3. Its too good a deal for Sony not to put out there, that will move consoles especially with good marketing.

15 years ago

"even if it's only the PC" … aah Ben you crack me up. Looove the writing here.

Anyways, PC gamers can get their panties in a bunch if they want, but GT5 is a Sony product and will be on their three systems. It's true, you would think a PS2 version would take away sales from PS3, but I highly doubt it. No more than a PSP version will. Anybody here buy Madden for PS2? Anybody here bought Rock Band for PS2? Nah, the PS2 version is for a different kind of customer.

15 years ago

yeah it be really strange from sony releasing a game for microsoft Windows so there is nothing to worry about.

15 years ago

Good games on Windows=Crash

15 years ago

When does Sony studios publish games for the PC, Sony Online does but they don't deal with Polyphony. I think Koller may have made a mistake with his quote?

15 years ago

It makes lots of sense to release GT5 on the PS2 as well… Sony keeps on going about how the PS2 is a 10 years life console and now they can prove their point by releasing the hottest racing game on the planet on the PS2.
Think about it! all PS2 competitors are dead and the old beast still beats the OptipleX360 in Japan almost every month. When they release GT5 on the PS2 as well they will have validated the reason why we all stick with the PlayStation brand, longevity…
It is a masterful stroke from Sony if it happens at all.

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