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Leaked MAG Screenshots Found?

Okay, we know all of you are waiting for fresh news on MAG , and so far, we've only seen brief mentions of the game (please read the clarification update through the link). Unfortunately, we really can't find much official info for you…but we can sure as hell give you some unofficial media!

As Joystiq pointed out earlier, we may have the first set of leaked screenshots for the hotly anticipated military MMO. Remember, this is the game that will smash all the old-fashioned online barriers by allowing up to 256 players on the battlefield at once, and everyone is anxiously awaiting some real media. Those Flickr pics are hardly confirmed but they're certainly pretty, even though we have no actual evidence behind them; we don't know if they came from a real games journalism source or directly from a Sony FTP server, for instance. There's no doubt that the format and style seem to match the descriptions we've heard, but without anything solid or concrete, we're going to have to remain skeptical. If we were convinced that the screenshots were real, we would've already added them to the site, but that ain't gonna happen until someone from Sony says, "yep, they're authentic." In the meantime, we've perused through the set of 28 pics and marveled at the epic massiveness shown in several of them. We're really hoping to get a full video trailer at E3 – it would make sense, as the game was officially announced at last year's show – and if that happens, it's gonna rock the room.

MAG is one of those titles that's going to gain a bunch of hype and PR steam as 2009 rolls onwards. You can expect it to grab many a headline over the next few months, and we can't wait to see how things turn out.

Related Game(s): MAG

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15 years ago

If these are real, it looks pretty sweet. I'm pretty excited to try this game out, although, I still do enjoy Socom. Even though everyone complains about it, I love it just as much as I did the other Socoms. You just can't beat the tactical aspect of it. Anyways, as for MAG, with 265 players at once, these better be some massive maps. I really think that will be too many people at once but we will see. I just hope MAG doesn't have the issues that Socom did when it launched.

15 years ago

I saw them the other day on the forums and they are very very cool, the detail is amazing. Can't wait for more info on this game.

15 years ago

The screenshots do look good, crisp and detailed. It will be interesting to see how the PSN infrastructure sustains a connection cluster of 256 players.

People still have problems remaining connected to games that boost 16 or 32 players at the moment. Killzone 2, for example, is still a culprit, eventhough GG are doing a good job in making the servers more stable as we speak. I think more patches for this game are coming our way soon.

Nevertheless, if Sony can pull MAG off successfully; this will be another compelling reason for Xbots and other side liners to get a PS3 and enjoy some of the excellent titles coming out this year.

Off Topic:
Unfortunately, regarding HOME, grown quite tired of it and hoping Sony does more to the HOME environment as a whole. I hope HOME (as a users starting point) becomes an extension of the XMB rather than something which you visit only once and a while.

Let us hope the evolve it more; and get more "community" content in there… such as USER SPACES 🙂 If we can design Little Big Planet levels, PS3 community members should be able to design their own spaces…


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 4/5/2009 10:18:22 PM

15 years ago

Have you checked out the new Xi ARG on Home? It's actually rather entertaining.

15 years ago

on a side note, if anyone noticed, in those screenshots, there are two pictures with a first-person view 😉

15 years ago

I don't think that game could function in third, I'd bet my bottom dollar it's first.

15 years ago

I noticed, but I dont think anyone's arm bends like that. lol

15 years ago

Man thees screenshots are off the chain, cant wait to try this game out.

15 years ago

Saw these puppies in the forums too, pretty badass. Can't even imagine the 360 touching something like this, but I can imagine the MS crowd secretly drooling over it while openly maligning it.

Ben: Question, is the Massive Action Game acronym just a placeholder, or will they call this game MAG? I'd really like a cool title on this mother.

15 years ago

I wonder if there's a single-player mode for this game. Or is this a pure online game. I cant even play 60-player Resistance 2, without instant kills after respawn. I will probably pass this awesome game, but i'll keep an eye on it. Go Sony!

15 years ago

I doubt there would be a single player, and since it's military and tactics based, I wouldn't look for an arcade shootfest like 60 player R2. I think the maps will be massive.

15 years ago

its online only and i reckon it will require much more skill than resistance

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

when i saw the FPS screenie, i was like OMG YES!!! lol (3rd ps arent my thing, warhawk is the only exception) when i saw the beautiful bird eye view of the map, i couldn't believe my eyes…

"it looks better than real life"

i believe someone commented on it…

15 years ago

If those aren't real than Sony should hire who ever made them because they are amazing!

15 years ago

Last edited by iPwn_3G on 4/5/2009 11:23:45 PM

15 years ago

I love the dark city concept art. Hope MAG is like battlefield, if so this will be my dream shooter game, I don't mind if it sacrifices visual fidelity for phenomenal gameplay.

15 years ago

Screens look sweet, the only thing that worries me is the game getting out of hand.It would be hilarious thought seeing 256 players trowing grenades at the same time.

15 years ago

If this is anything similar to the original SOCOM's online with Call Of Duty 4/5 or Rainbow 6's weapon customization, it'll be pure awesome.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

This game has the potential to be totally awesome!

And what Neurotoxiny said lol


15 years ago

I love FPS, they rule!

15 years ago

Another FPS………

Give me Legend of Dragoon 2 any day

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Legend of Dragoon = pure Win

I especially loved the music and downloaded all the good songs from it 😉

15 years ago


15 years ago

Wow, 256 Players online on one map. This is gonna rock the roll! Since I´m a Socomaniac, everyone of my team mates is talking about upcoming MAG, because it´s made by the guys who made Socom 2. And it was the best Socom so far. (Anyone diagree?) But honestly, can anyone of you imagine to play a 128 to 128 match onine? And what´s about communication 128 people over one line – this is gonna be a hell of a mess. We´ll I´m looking forward to see how they solved problems like this. Waiting for more input 🙂

15 years ago

whats with the yellow things?

15 years ago

After I seeing those screens I guess i'll go put down my $5

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago

If these are real then Sony might be looking at The game of the year award twice (Killzone2 and MAG)

I Said it before and ill say it again.


15 years ago

256 players on a battlefield…….this is what Ive always wanted…..I have prayed for this man Im so happy. This sounds like it could be the best military online game since battlefield 2.

Last edited by MadKatBebop on 4/6/2009 10:09:37 AM

15 years ago

I hope they require headsets for online play. It could get really hectic with 128v128 and no communication. KZ2 gets hectic enough with 16v16. They should let everyone know that the game REQUIRES a headset, then offer a headset+game bundle for those who dont have one. They should announce a price drop of the official headset (to $40) at the launch of the game, then offer a bundle of MAG+Headset for $90. I'd buy the package if i dont get a headset by then.

15 years ago

For real man, I was at my friends house playing KZ2 and those matches get mad crazy,this game needs a headset.

15 years ago

True, but you can't stick 127 other people in your ear, there's going to have to be squads and quick-troop-orders and stuff. I'm sure they'll work it out.

15 years ago

The way this works in my mind is taht the game gives everyone a main objective, then splits it up into mini-objectives for the squads. Squad leaders should be able to communicate with each other as well as their own squad, that way if one squad gets their objective done quickly they can go help another squad that is having a hard time. Or squad leaders can ask for air support when things get ugly and the leader of the air division can send a few planes/helis over to help. If this game is done right i can see it being the greatest online game ever made. Unfortunately, a few tiny mistakes and this game could end up sucking.

15 years ago

The screenshots look so much like Battlefield BC to me. I imagine it would work similar to that. I see someone with a rocket launcher in a screen, but different guns. Looks awesome.

15 years ago

there better be vehicles and aircraft and mabye even sea invasion options for that submarine construction map

15 years ago

did they put a release date on this or does anyone know when its suppose to cum out around?

15 years ago

Everyone wondering how the mic thing is gonna work on such massive 128 by 128 battles should know that just like KZ2, it is gonna be split up into 8 room squads as well, with one person in each room being the squad leader.

Can't wait for this one. Now you know why IW and Activision is hyping up their next COD game. Because when MAG comes out, it's gonna blow COD MW2 right out of the water with it's piss poor 9 on 9 online support. Everyone who owns a PS3 is gonna forget about COD. I know I am.

15 years ago

One of those screens looked like a painting. its the one with the grass.

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