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Sony: “Greener” Than Its Competition

We've often given you many different reasons to own a PlayStation 3, but there's one convincing element we may have overlooked, and we shouldn't have, considering the current administration.

"Going green" is a big deal these days – yeah, we know you tree huggers are all over the place now – and it may interest you bleeders of the heart to know that Sony is a very "green" electronics company. It was an interesting read , and it seems that according to Greenpeace's 11th Guide to Greener Electronics, Sony has performed quite well on the "Green Scale," as seen here. As their findings show, Sony products are 50% "greener" than Nintendo's and almost 40% "greener" than Microsoft. …how they come up with these statistics, we have no idea, but they're kinda fun to read. Apparently, the reason Microsoft continues to show up in the bad red part of the meter is because they fail "to clarify how its recycled data is calculated." We have no idea what's going on with Nintendo, but it appears as if they're the worst eco-terrorists of the console manufacturing bunch and Sony is way ahead with the PS3. We really would like to see how Greenpeace arrived at these numbers, but we have a feeling it's pretty damn complicated. Erm…maybe.

So if you're one of those people who drive Piouses (sorry, Priuses) and yell at people for having too many kids or believe in the concept of "exporting love, not guns," than the PS3 is for you. You can point to it in your entertainment center and say, "see, I'm being nicer to the environment when I play my games."

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15 years ago

Doesn't surprise me. Now i know that with my PS3 and my TV its better on the enviroment and my hydro bill 🙂

15 years ago

I used to leave my PS3 on to "Fold"; I don't anymore as it really does eat power 🙂 …the original 60GB SKU that is!


"i am home"

15 years ago

Wait, I'm confused. Is this saying that Sony itself is a greener company as far as how they run their business, or that Sony products do more with the juice they suck up than the competition does?

15 years ago

The raw materials used for their products are mostly recycled plastic. Also, they do give much more for what they suck in (Look at the Ps3) But anyways, Sony has almost always been a green company. Almost… (Shall I bring up the battery problems?) but yea, Go Sony!!!

15 years ago

Sony has won many green awards with their products for a few years now.

15 years ago

that's pretty kick ass for Sony! I had no idea.

15 years ago

Another reason Sony rocks; they care about keeping people alive (remember Folding@Home? now it's Life With Playstation though…)

15 years ago

Oh god look at Micro$oft lol…damn

15 years ago

If i'm honest, i'm actually quite suprised, especially with Nintendo.

15 years ago

Nintendo is a Japanese based company.
since when did the japanese care about the environment? =]

15 years ago

Wow … that's inappropiate.

15 years ago

Sony is also a Japanese company

15 years ago

He's not really lying anyway, the US and EU are the only ones mainly concerned with the "green" fad, Maybe Japan is on board now I dunno, but do you think China and Russia give a monkeys ass? We could all drive vespas all over and those two countries would still doom the planet.

15 years ago

Way to go Sony I like to go green too once in a while!

15 years ago

Sony is the best another reason to buy a ps3 probably the best console in existance booo microsoft!!!!!

15 years ago

Can't say I'm that surprised…maybe at Nitendo, but what do you expect when the 360 actually MELTS! :p

15 years ago

They are talking about the company and how the machines are constructed, not the power usage of the consoles themselves. In terms of the consoles themselves, I'm guessing that the Wii is most efficient with its low clocked CPU/GPU, with the XBOX coming second and PS3 third.

15 years ago

WOW, the PS3 is the most powerful of the 3 consoles, how the hell did it get to score?

15 years ago

I'm going green with Playstation just need Greener electrical products to go with this high definition masterpiece and I'm set!!!

15 years ago

I had no idea!, another reason why Sony is better then Microsoft.

15 years ago

Microsoft is sucking up all the Mako for their damn machines!

15 years ago

If I remember correctly, this report is either an update to an earlier story from 2008, or it's a recycled story from 2008 – going green at PSXExtreme?

Either way, Nintendo appears at the bottom because they didn't complete the survey. The entire score is based off the answers the companies gave on a questionnaire. Nintendo got nil point because they didn't answer.

Sony is a consumer electronics manufacturer and has to contend with legislation from all parts of the globe on recycling of their products and how they were made. So it's no surprise to see them in front of Microsoft since Sony's awareness of the issues is probably higher.

That said, Microsoft suffered not because of what they do or don't do, but how they report it. All of which makes the chart and score pretty much useless.

When in full operation the PS3 consumes the most power of the three main consoles out there, but the new auto-off features help greatly. All three consoles are pretty good in stand-by. Greens tend not to be very gadget friendly, so no matter how many times anyone tries to explain that video games are an entertainment choice, some green will always come along and complain that gaming isn't green and tell us we should turn off the console and save a tree.

Well, I should probably eat more bran, but I don't….so I think you can guess how I feel about greenies telling me to stop gaming.

15 years ago

"Green" is merely a politically movement attempting to generate more government control and tax revenue. Don't believe the Hype!

Find out the facts for yourself!

None the less, good for Sony…

15 years ago

Nintendo is the worst for it uses a compound that could suffocate you if you were to catch on fire etc…

15 years ago

I haven't been up to check the Ozone layer lately but I bet it's knackered, and it's all because of the plzfixme. When my first one broke there were 2500 of em reaching repair centres daily, and that's just in the UK (mine had to go to Prague – took 7 weeks).
That must be trillions of extra trucks n planes n whatnot just because of a system which should have been recalled.

15 years ago

Come to think of it I just reported a few days ago in the forums on another Wii death.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/6/2009 5:42:38 PM

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