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Rumor: Batman: Arkham Asylum Demo Spotted At GameStop

Based on the feedback we've heard thus far, Batman: Arkham Asylum may actually be one of the better action titles of 2009. Some people just can't stop raving about the game's excellent combat mechanic and surprisingly stellar graphics. And now, there's a demo rumor floating around…

As you can see at European site , somebody apparently played a full Arkham Asylum demo at a GameStop in Niles, Ohio. Such a demo certainly isn't on display at any of our local GameStops, so maybe those Midwest people are just all kinds of lucky. Anyway, there are a couple pictures of the display, and a brief description, which reads as follows:

"just played a demo @ Gamestop in Niles, Ohio on the display PS3. This game's going to be just about awesome. The demo is 4 levels of Batman in a room in the asylum with a number of thugs, starting with (I think) four. The number increases after every room clear.

It's only combat, but the combat mechanics are frickin' awesome. Countering's easy and smooth, and catching a kick behind your back and sticking an elbow to the face is priceless. Once you start a combo, you can seamlessly counter and attack in order to keep the combo counter climbing."

If we compare this to what we've already heard about the game, it does seem to match to some extent. And remember, just because your brain may want to associate Arkham Asylum with one of the recently released "Batman" films, this is a whole different thing. The game based on "The Dark Knight" was canceled, so don't think the title in question is in any way related to the movies. …of course, that's probably a good thing, but we just wanted to clarify. Let's hope we all see this demo soon!

Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham Asylum

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15 years ago

This game is going to be off the chain. II pre-ordered the game at gamestop a month ago, maybe they have demos for people who pre-ordered the game.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Where exactly is Niles, Ohio? Is that even part of the US of A???

15 years ago

uh it's 50 miles southeast of Cleveland….and yes, it's part of the US
good question, though..

15 years ago

It's Frasier's brother.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Thumbs up +1 for World

& myself lol

Last edited by Banky A on 4/4/2009 3:11:04 PM

15 years ago

It's right around Niles, Ohio, USA

15 years ago

I cant wait for this demo to pop-up on the ps store. I seen the extended trailer for it on gametrailers…..awesome stealth action & mechanics!

15 years ago

Am i the only one who thinks its to late for a game of the Dark Knight to be released? i know theres the godfather, but this obviousl was ment to be around the time of the release, well in my opinnion Burtons movies are better, Super heroes moves arent supsose to be realstic.

15 years ago

Burton's Batman movies sucked…continuity was in the shitter, the actors sucked, and thank you hard plastic nipples BATMAN…

15 years ago

Just guessing you didn't read the entire article since Ben already said that this isn't related to any of the movies at all.

15 years ago

It would've failed plus the movies overrated

ZOMG That dude that played Joker died so what the movie blowed it's an Batman film not bloody Joker flockfest with no respect for Batman

15 years ago

you can't say the movie is over rated when it is clearly the best of the batman lot…also the second highest grossing film of not the year but EVER…and one the the few sequels that not only didn't suck but was exceptionally better than the first one of the rebooted series…

BTW: "that dude", has a name bro…its heath Ledger…show some respect man…you don't have to like him…just don't make him out to be an asshole…

Last edited by SarahPalinMILF on 4/4/2009 9:23:21 PM

15 years ago

Ultimadream – It is NEVER too late for a kick ass Batman game.

When I play GoW I thought "why isn't there a Batman game like this?" Then I played Assassin's Creed and thought "why isn't there a Batman game like this?"

Batman is legend, and he deserves to have a great game.

15 years ago

It's not a game based on the "Dark Knight"
Ben stated that in the article!

15 years ago

Oh Come on!

look i bet none of you cared of Heath Ledger before hand, i'd seen him in 1 film before and his performance was ok bbut nothing special, he did a good role in this film, but The film is horrifically overrated, no one can deny that. I thought Christian Bale was terrible tbh.

Yes it a high grossing film because of many things, Heaths Death, which id also like to add is not his last film role!, it was advertised for scene kids which is the teenage phase at the moment (sadly). Also its one of the main contenders in this stupid comic book/Super Heroe phase the media is going through, which i really cant stand! which no doubt it took full advantage of this this popularity.

The Dark Knight as a film itself isnt bad, i actually really like the opening scene. but it is horrifically overrated lets put it this way on the IMDB (which ratings obviously arent accurate) its no.4 on the top 250.

Are you telling me its better than Stanley Kubricks Films (Absoultley not!), Star Wars, Termminator 1 & 2, Alien, Speilbergs Classics, The Godfather Trilogy…… im not going to go on here but if think ive made my point how it is overrated.

15 years ago

Yes… in the Midwest we are just lucky 😀

15 years ago

im really excited about the game…even thinking of getting the CE.

15 years ago

Might have to rent this one, and everyone thought Chris was big, Batman is BEEFCAKE!!!!!!

15 years ago

What about Batman as the world's greatest detective? Condemned 2 showed detective/investigative mechanics could work so no excuses.

15 years ago

Ive never played any batman games, guess Ill start with this one.

15 years ago

"That Dude" up there that wrote that post, obviously isn't considering how great TDK is compared to every other super hero movie that has been released so far. I thought it was amazing and saw it twice in theatres (which is nothing compared to some people I know) and I didn't even know who Heath Ledger was, but just heard from word of mouth how different his performance was from his previous work. I know how hard it is to be stuck with a single type of role to continuously play over and over again 😛 I love it when an actor or actress plays something very different and unexpected. Anyways, I thought this was a great film for the genre, and i'm glad that it made a lot of dough, hopefully it'll raise the bar for super hero movies in the future …which is a good thing for everyone.

15 years ago

I apologize, it was a couple different posters it seems 🙂

15 years ago

If anyone is near City of Industry, California. It's at the Target. I just played it.

15 years ago

I played the demo at a Gamestop in Yonkers, NY this morning on a PS3. The graphics are amazing. The demo was limited, as the article states. You fight in a room with an increasing number of thugs. There are a few really cool slow-motion takedown moves.

I'm psyched!

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