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No Guitar Peripheral For Brutal Legend

If you aren't familiar with the concept of Double Fine's Brutal Legend , you're likely confused by this article's headline. "…wait, plastic guitars? In this game?"

Well, yeah. Tim Schafer's newest production places you in the shoes of a protagonist who is a rock 'n roll roadie, and it seems he's going to lay waste to legions of freaky enemies with his handy-dandy guitar. Therefore, Schafer said he was considering the possibility of using peripherals like we have in Guitar Hero and Rock Band , which would've made for a truly innovative and hectic experience. But according to Joystiq, Schafer shot the idea down at GDC 09, saying- "I was trying to figure out how you would throw down the controller and pick up the guitar." But he apparently couldn't figure it out, as MTV Multiplayer reports that Double Fine has "no plans" to implement a guitar controller for the upcoming EA title. This could've been a seriously cool concept, but in all honesty, we can't really see ourselves picking up a plastic guitar and then switching to the gamepad on the fly. And you have to remember, Schafer isn't one of those guys who tries and fails; he tries and almost always succeeds, so we can see why he wouldn't want to ruin his stellar track record.  Risks are…risky!

We're hoping to get you an exact release date very soon, and we really can't wait to lay our hands on Brutal Legend . This is just one of those titles that screams, "you gotta at least try me!"

Related Game(s): Brutal Legend

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15 years ago

I wasn't looking forward to this game until recently. I've seen more and more of this game and it looks very interesting. Are there any gameplay videos for this yet? I'm hoping it has something unique and special about it, i'm getting sick of games mostly playing the same.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

We've got a few vids but I'm not sure if any of them boast any gameplay.

15 years ago

Schafer should have designed his own guitar controller then.

15 years ago

Sounds too Wii-ish, good call.

15 years ago

A Guitar controller would've deterred me from playing this game!

15 years ago

Eh, jack black was funny a few times but all in all he is just some big fat retard that prays every night that he could one day become Chris Farley. I might rent this one, the metal might be alright, wait its for the trophies.

15 years ago

Jack Black isn't the reason to play this game. Tim Schafer is the reason.

This is the man behind The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango, and Psychonauts. Anything he makes is solid gold.

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