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Rumor: Vehicles, Co-op Play Coming With Killzone 2 DLC?

It's a popular rumor and it's currently gaining a full head of steam online. For all you Killzone 2 enthusiasts out there, the possibility is well worth discussing.

It apparently began when European gaming site 4News posted an article about KZ2 DLC "assumptions," and they cite several sources in positing a few interesting theories. Firstly, based on a pic with a jeep, they'd like to think that vehicles will soon become playable in the game, although we do have to remind everyone that there is a vehicle you use in KZ2; it's towards the end of the game and it's totally kick-ass. But more may be on the way, and that's good news. Secondly, besides the obvious possibility of seeing more multiplayer maps and weapons, it may be conceivable that Guerilla is ready to give us co-op gameplay. Now, we really have no idea what the first batch of downloadable content will yield, and nothing here is official. But if you read the article closely, there are some viable sources listed amongst the speculation, and we're hoping that Guerilla will really wow us all when they announce the DLC details. But regardless of whether or not we receive all this great stuff, we can assure you that DLC is most certainly on the way. You don't really think that one of the most anticipated, critically acclaimed and immensely popular titles in the PS3's short history will go without, do you?

Anyway, whenever they decide to issue some official details concerning the DLC, we'll fill you in. We suggest crossing your fingers, though.

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

All sounds good to me.

Great as Killzone 2 was, I could not BELIEVE there was no campaign co-op, split screen OR online. It's the kind of game that absolutely screams for co-op — you're in a squad, you're almost never alone, and your squadmates AI is infuriatingly stupid (how many people here have cursed Rico's name a thousand times outloud for jumping RIGHT in front of you as try to pick off higs?!. Online co-op is one of the best parts, IMHO, of both Halo and Gears. Would love to see KZ2 implement it as well if it's possible.

15 years ago

hate rico love everyone else.

15 years ago

i feel the same. if it had co-op and split i would have been playing it now. I'm still waiting.

15 years ago

I just kept thinking: WHERE'S MY COVER FIRE! Only to find Rico down. Only seconds into a battle.

15 years ago

Rico is a dumbass, but Garza is my best friend…

15 years ago

This will probably be a buy!


"i am home"

15 years ago

Depends on the price for me. I don't want to pay 10 bux to drive a jeep.

15 years ago

According to an article on N4G, Killzone could be considered a failure.

I mean, the game has only sold 1.3 million copies in about a month.

That's horrible sales, right??


Anyways, whatever Killzone 2 DLC drops, it will be a day one pick up for me. I am really crossing my fingers for Co-op though…

15 years ago

I don't think Killzone 2 is a failure… It is like a fine wine… over time the sales will rack up! More and more people will become interested in it; also think of 6 months from now when the price drops and the side liners climb in…

All in good time…


"i am home"

15 years ago

well id like to so microfail try and spin those numbers against the gta dlc, but im sure the silence will be deaffining!
id love co-op on k2 and on the multiplayer which i havent played much would be great if 1 person from each team could get into 1 of the armoured suits and start the carnage!!

15 years ago

Mann this game just keeps getting better and better.

15 years ago

GG seems to be working really hard on patches and DLC.
Stupid that they patched the "laggy" controls for the whiny COD kiddies though. They should have told everyone to deal with it and enjoyt he game how its meant to be played.

But i digress…

DLC for killzone 2 will be awesome. Most devs make some skins or a map or two, but GG is pulling out the big guns it seems.

15 years ago

Again, price will be a factor. If it's REALLY cheap I might pick it up when I buy the game.

15 years ago

I was kind of dissapointed that I didn't get to drive the jeep in the game. Even though it's a first person shooter, I always love vehicle level, just to mix it up a bit.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Guerilla will come up with.

15 years ago

Wait, didn't you finish the game? There is a vehicle!

15 years ago

yeah I finished the game, but I'm talking about the jeep scene after taking the bridge. One of the characters even makes reference about not being able to drive the jeep during a cut scene in front of Radec's academy. I don't know why, I just like I felt the Tank sections was too short. The final level (I won't give it away) was a blast I'll give it that. I don't know maybe I should blame Halo 2 for giving so many vehicle options that you could just hop in and out of…I've really enjoyed that. Same as with Resistance, the Jeep section in the canyon was a blast!

15 years ago

I think a vehicle level will be inserted at this point Ch1nook.

15 years ago

I would kill for a third-person perspective in Killzone 2.

15 years ago

It wouldnt be an FPS it was in third person, now would it? lol

15 years ago

They need new maps, a few more weapons, and some vehicles. The game is amazing as is but the new additions wouldn't hurt.

15 years ago

KZ2 doesnt need vehicles at all, just makes things too cheap

15 years ago

yeah, you can say that again!

CoD5 pisses me off because of that.

Last edited by Daedusian on 4/3/2009 1:56:20 PM

15 years ago

Of course if you add vehicles to the online gaming, then everyone will be running around with Rocket Launchers..and that's not right either..

15 years ago

People already blow me to bits with the online rocket launchers, I hate it. All I get is my pea shooter rifle.

15 years ago

I just want more maps, more weapons, and co-op campaign. And a patch to switch your hand gun out for another weapon would be great. haven't been on it for about a week or so, think I might have burned myself out a little there. After I finish up on RE5 I'll come back for more… hell I still need the new COD maps for WaW.

15 years ago

Vehicles, Co-op..bring it on..keep it up GG..

15 years ago

All I care about is the co-op, and a few extra maps wouldn't hurt either. Don't really care about vehicles, but the "vehicle at the end of the game" would be a fun addition. =)

Last edited by Daedusian on 4/3/2009 1:59:09 PM

15 years ago

Bring on the co-op!!!! I have been crying and p*ssing and moaning for this since inception of the game. Vehicles I can honestly do without.

15 years ago

I'll be honest i can do with out the vehicles, and without larger maps with more open area vehicles would most likely be pointless.

In a game like W@W vehicles are a huge pain but considering tanks were a viable detail in WW2 well, it almost seems necessary. KZ2 doesn't need vehicles for me to focus my attack and change my strategy of play on. Besides what good is a vehicle in search and destroy?

Anyways i would like to assume new maps will be coming and co-op would be great. My buddy just picked up W@W yesterday instead of KZ2 because no co-op. People obviously want co-op and the game would be great with it especially considering you were almost never alone in the campaign.

BTW im not saying vehicles are complete nonsense in all games but i am saying i dont think KZ2 needs them or should implement them, since it relies on small maps and the large ones are almost all filled with obstacles, and its great layout… Don't change what works!

15 years ago

Co-op IS coming, my evidence: I tried to join a game with a guy I know online but I couldn't because I didn't have the proper rank but the real story here is that the description of the game he was in was "Co-op" Secret beta anyone?

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

possibly… but if that were like that, then it wouldn't have showed you… cuz its "secret" right??

15 years ago

Nevertheless, there it was, maybe someone can explain what it ACTUALLY meant, but I was just jumping the gun cuz imagine if I was right?

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

i heared somewhere that there was a confirmation in feb that they were bringing vehicles to online… this was b4 release… will try to find source..

the idea of mech fighting on pyrus rise (sp?) makes me smile… lol it would be epic!!!

15 years ago

Please no vehicles, please.

15 years ago


Why can't people get this through their heads. They have said numerous times that it's just not possible in the stage of the game to bring CO-OP to the Campaign. I know it should have been there. At least On-Line if not Split Screen. But it's not here. So please get over it.

One thing that they could bring is some kind of the special CO-OP multilplayer game mode (ala Resistance 2). I see this being feasible.

Vehicles. In inteview and tour videos they said that they wish they could have done more with vehicles. I doubt thay will bring them to MP. It's too distracting.

15 years ago

This should have been in the game on day one (not the vehicles, the co-op). I would rather not pay for something that should have been in the game already (another sign of increasing laziness in game developers today due to DLC, no matter how good they are).

The deciding factor in me buying this is whether or not the vehicles, maps, or anything else they add in are worthwhile. Plus, it's gonna have to be cheap, considering it comes with something that should have been in the game at launch. Then there's the possibility that, once again, people are spreading rumors…

15 years ago

Who says it will cost anything?

Perry Katy
Perry Katy
15 years ago

Nah… If they add vehicle, it'll be ruined the gameplay. Just look all players wandering around the map with VC3 rocket launcher. That could be a nightmare.

15 years ago

VC3 is a horrible rocket launcher!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

If not done wonderfully then vehicles can kill a game (excluding Halo, the machines never get too annoying =D).

I really hope they can add more guns for the COD nerds. 1 more class, 10 more bonus Lvls (doesn't need new skills, just more lvls or something lol) in your Rank and at least a couple more maps would be awesome.

And of course: multiplayer splitscreen, Party screens, easy matchmaking and maybe co-op.


15 years ago

splitscreen aint going to happen moth666 said this in a interview before the games release because of graphical limitations.
and in that interview he aslo said there will never be co-op for kz2 even though it be so cool and almost logical since 99% of the gane you have someone with you but its not ment to be :(.
they need to fix the hit detection in MP i can blow some ones head off with a shotgun there head goes flying back i turn around run away he shoots me i turn a corner than i die and he dies like 15 seconds after i shot him,
it gets so anoying i keep dying because instead of them dying strigt away it takes a while so this gives them time to kill me.
heaps of times i hear a sniper fire i run behind a cement wall so its impossiable for anyone to shoot my unless they can shoot through cement than 10 seconds or so later my head comes off i look at the left of the screen and it says ive been killed by sniper.

15 years ago

I finally got this game on Friday, and Im never play COD WAW ever again PERIOD, and i love how fast you level up, i mean im about to be a Medic-Engineer. I hope the do add CO-OP, cause Veteran is so dam frustrating, I couldn't even imagine how im going to beat elite by myself without breaking my cotroller/TV etc… CO-OP would be nice though. Just like in RE5 i go back and help people for I have everything and im over the top powerful

Last edited by dveisalive on 4/5/2009 8:08:40 PM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

A lot of people like me beat KZ2 on Elite alone xD

15 years ago

I was at GameStop on Saturday and was talking to two of the guys there — one who is the self-described PS3 guy who was begging people to join his Resistance 2 clan — who both have 360s and PS3s.

I asked them if they liked K2. Both said they hated it and traded it back in because it wasn't fun and the controls sucked (I pointed out the patch, and they knew about it!), but one of them admitted it was polished and beautiful to watch.

To each their own right? Not everyone is going to like the games we like, right?

I asked him sarcastically if Master Chief were in K2 would he have enjoyed it more. He chuckled and admitted it would've been more fun.


Oh, and they both hated R2 as well.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Master Chief makes everything more fun! =D

But yeah, I don't get why he had a Resistance 2 clan when he hated the game????

15 years ago

I like Halo; but come on, it wasn't all that original. Everyone raves about the story… the same story we've seen rehashed in a gazillion sci-fi movies, novels, and TV series.

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