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Tales Of Vesperia Headed To PS3?

Eh…maybe it's an April Fool's joke, but there is scattered evidence that this is for real, so we figure it's worth posting. This day is a royal pain in the you-know-what for game journalists.

Kombo reports that Tales of Vesperia, previously exclusive to the Xbox 360, is now headed to the PlayStation 3. It seems that the most recent edition of Japanese publication Jump features a bunch of new Tales news, including the unveiling of Tales of Graces for the Wii and something called Tales of VS for the PSP, which will boast a four-player fighting mode. It's supposed to be a competitor for Dissidia: Final Fantasy , although that could prove to be a tall order based on the positive feedback we've seen for Square-Enix's production. As for Vesperia , the PS3 version may include a new character called Patty Fleur and is scheduled to arrive some time later this year, but that's the only information we have at this point. Many will agree that the Tales franchise has lost a bit of its former luster, but as far as most RPG fans are concerned, this would be a great addition to the PS3's library.  We have no idea why the PSP version has that title – or even what it might mean – but that would be another game to keep an eye on.

This could very well be fake, though, so don't take this to heart just yet. We're desperately trying to sort through the real and fake today and if we can get away without falling into any traps, it'll be a freakin' miracle.

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15 years ago

Well we'll see, would be nice to have another RPG on the PS3 but i'm not holding my breath for this one until futher info arrives.

15 years ago

yeah wat he said^^^

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

He's a SHE .

15 years ago

it's confermned… it'll have on new character (yeah that's it) enjoy it… it's f'n awesome

15 years ago

Was the Tales series any good??? BTW, I don't think it's an April Fool's joke Because the Japanese doesn't celebrate it. Or do they…

15 years ago

Damn, I'm still in recovery over Ben's announcement of the 160 GB model with backwards compatibility for $399. I don't know if my ticker can handle another April Fool's Joke regarding something I REALLY want!

15 years ago

I consider every article today as april fools joke,till tommorrow,am not believing sh**!
And the moon is made of cheese,Kaz Hirai loves 360 and Uncharted 2 is multi-plat!

HO-HO-HO……..Today is a great day 🙂

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

The PS3 could use more games like this thats for sure.


Do you have any details on the 50% off hundreds of new games at Gamestop? It's supposed to start April 5th. There's a coupon in the new Game Informer magazine.

Just thought you might have the inside track on this info. Thanks.

Last edited by Tim Speed24 on 4/1/2009 1:45:10 PM

Ninja Lightning
Ninja Lightning
15 years ago

It's the annual Game Days sale that runs from April 5th to May 2nd. I doubt this will do much good but this is not April Fools related. The store I work at is supposed to receive the list of what's on sale and for how much either tomorrow or Friday and we'll be spending those days pricing everything. To be honest I haven't seen many PS3 games in the shipments (Sonic Unleashed is the only one that jumped out at me) but there were a whole lot of UMD movies that will be $4.99. I also remember seeing the PS2 Mortal Kombat and Devil May Cry box sets but I don't know yet if they're part of the sale. Anyway, the coupon is supposed to be for 10% off the sale merchandise and your local store should have everything up and ready when the store opens on Sunday. They should also be opening up early (around 9 AM most places) for the DSi launch so you might be able to jump on the best stuff early.

15 years ago

It would be cool if they would bring Star Ocean to the PS3……

15 years ago

Well PS3 needs RPG love so it's welcome but if it comes I think I'll be passing. I could never get used to having the same repetitive fights over and over again.

Guessing this will be a Japan-only conversion anyway.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/1/2009 2:19:54 PM

15 years ago

As somebody who loved Symphonia, Legendia and The Abyss and will probably buy Symphonia 2 if I ever buy another Wii, I hope this is true. I still think the chances are good because it's a Namco Bandai published game and they did bring Eternal Sonata (which I'm playing right now) to the PS3.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I still think this might be true…haven't seen anything to say it's an April Fool's joke.

15 years ago

The scans looked legit to me.

15 years ago

Ben you're really enjoying this day.
How come i couldn't get psxextreme to open?
Another April's fool joke?

Last edited by www on 4/1/2009 5:34:07 PM

15 years ago

I called it, just like their financial report said TOV PS3 and 360, next up SO4….patience has really paid off

15 years ago

Well, Namco Bandai brought Eternal Sonata, a previously XBOX-360 exclusive, to the PS3 last fall. So it's logical that the publisher would continue this suit by bringing Tales of Vesperia to the PS3 as well… hopefully it releases sooner than this fall though.

Last edited by The_R0gue_Ninja on 4/1/2009 7:53:19 PM

15 years ago

Why would someone make an April Fool's joke like this? And include detail such as "Oh there's another character named Patty Fleur coming to the PS3 version,"? I have a strong feeling that this is true. Why wouldn't there be a PS3 version almost every JRPG has done it so far…Eternal Sonata – etc.

15 years ago

*looks at Ben*

we still love ya though XD

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 4/1/2009 8:18:47 PM

15 years ago

the more details u include in the lie the better it sounds… amateurs

15 years ago

I HOPE THIS GAME COMES TO PS3!!! I mean I LOVED Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Legendia (currently playing the latter one)…

15 years ago

Vesperia is probably my least favorite Tales game (right next to the first tales of destiny). Frankly, I wish they just make a PS3 exclusive Tales game.

15 years ago

you sound like you're just being a di** because it was on the 360 only for a while… the game is leages better than my favorite… Tale of Symphonia.

15 years ago

Nah, this has got to be true. Does Kombo really have no imagination that they would come up with this as their April fool's?

From the looks of things, nobody cares either. Tales series is kinda lame. It's a lot of ado about nothing.

15 years ago

still crossing my fingers…

15 years ago

HEy guys dis article is not an april fools joke just look at the other sites they have the article of this, and also there are some scans that may prove its true

15 years ago

I sure hope this is 4 REALZ. Any RPG for the PS3 is a good thing in my opinion, and TOV looks pretty good, too.

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