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SCEA: PlayStation 3 Price Drop Rumors Are False

As everyone waits with bated breath to see what Sony might announce tomorrow, they have issued a statement that will put one bit of speculation to rest…and you can probably guess the rumor they have shot down.

Not surprisingly, when the information hit that Sony would drop a mini-bombshell on Tuesday, the majority of the gaming populace immediately settled on a price drop for the PlayStation 3. Supposed visual evidence has also been found across the Internet in the form of retail pics, but none of that was ever confirmed. And if you'd like to know the reason why, let Al De Leon, PR Manager for Sony Computer Entertainment America, explain it:

"As we have stated previously, we do not have plans for a PS3 price drop, and any rumors to that effect are false and are the result of speculation. SCEA remains focused on the long-term momentum of PS3. With the industry's best software lineup this year, combined with our most aggressive marketing campaign to date, we remain confident in our approach and the value we're delivering with PS3."

We're not surprised to see this, despite the excitement and anticipation flooding across the Internet. Sony has remained firm in this stance since the start of 2009 when the price drop rumors began, and they haven't wavered an inch. No amount of speculation is going to change this, and we would like to remind you that PSXE's prediction is a price drop towards the end of the year to coincide with the release of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves . Also, this rumor debunk lends more weight to the possibility of a PS2 price cut , so perhaps that's in store for us tomorrow.

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15 years ago

i've always thought it was going to be a big firmware update

15 years ago

is it possible for them to introduce backwards compatibility via firmware update?

15 years ago

WolfCrimson: It would technically be possible from a coders stand point, but I would not wait on that one. I think they will start doing software BC when the PS2 finally runs out of steam.

15 years ago

WolfCrimson – Most of the PS3s out there have no hardware support for PS2, so unless they re-add the hardware to newer models or POSSIBLY get a decent totally software emulation (which even the best ones available for PCs aren't good enough on a high performance unit), backward-compatibility isn't anything to really consider.

15 years ago

Didn't later models of the PS3 do PS2 emulation?

When Sony adds PS2 compatability back in, it will definitely be through emulation. It has to do it via emulation because there are too many PS3 owners out there with PS3s that don't offer PS2 backward compatability, and they would be pissed that Sony added PS2 support in-hardware again.

15 years ago

Orvisman – The original PS3s w/ PS2 compatibility had basically a mini-PS2 in the box (the full chipsets needed). The later 80GB PS3s only had a partial PS2 chipset and was a mix of hardware and software emulation an not nearly as compatible w/ most games. To do it now for ALL PS3 owners, they would have to do it SOLELY through software emulation, which is quite a task and would likely be very limited to about 20-35% (at best) of all PS2 titles — and probably less later PS2 titles due to all the hardware tweaking devs learned to do to improve performance on them.

It's not IMPOSSIBLE to do, but it's very unreasonable to assume they really COULD do it well if they wanted.

I always thought they shoulda offered backward-compatibility via hardware in a $40-60 expansion card.

15 years ago

Way to go Sony, your BIG HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT is a PS2 price drop. I thought you guys were moving forward with the PS3! Discontinue the PS2 and drop the PS3's price, or are you waiting to perfect backwards compatibility to do this? I swear it's impossible to read Sony, and it's not cool anymore, it's frustrating.

15 years ago

Well, to be fair, I don't think Sony ever said it was going to be a HUGE announcement. It was more like… "hey, we will have an announcement on Tuesday" and then, as always happens, it was hyped up more than it probably deserved.

15 years ago

Exactly. Seems like everytime a company says they have an announcement pending, everybody hypes it up and blows it out of proportion. And then they get angry when it's announced. People should start expecting the worst when an announcement is coming so they aren't disappointed when it finally comes.

*wipes sweat from brow* Whew, they're not retiring the PS3 just yet. 🙂

15 years ago

Yhea, it is getting ridiculous… I want my PS3 to do more to be honest!

* THE PS3 BROWSER IS HORRIFIC… I still cannot leave my laptop at home because I can't get to and see all the sites I need to use on my PS3 yet!!!! WHY!!!


"i am home"

15 years ago

What's frustrating are all these idiot analysts constantly claiming a price drop is imminent or else the PS3's gonna drive Sony out of business. Those claims get released as somehow actual news which does nothing more than make people more hesitant to buy one and upset them when it doesn't happen…and it's all THEIR doing, not Sony's.

Sony just needs to do a better job of convincing people of its worth. Here's an idea…"PlayStation 3 starting @ $399.99…because IT'S not a cheap piece of crap!"

15 years ago

It would have to be one heck of an update b/c the newer models don't have a PS2 emulation. So they'd have to throw in a emulator if it is.

15 years ago

"our most aggressive marketing campaign to date"

That's a joke, right?

I've seen literally 4 PS3 ads since Nov 2006.

Four. That's it.

Yet I've seen more 360 and Wii ads to last me a lifetime.

15 years ago

I think he meant that this year is going to be the biggest push for marketing to date for the PS3. They did have like 3 different commercials for KZ2 though remember. That was actually huge for a piece of PS3 software thus far.

15 years ago

Maybe that's what the big surprise will be…We're going to get to finally see not one but TWO Sony PS3 Ads!!woohoo!!

That would be kind of funny though..

Sony Spokesperson: "Umm, we called you all here today to inform you that we are going to give the gamers what they've been asking from us for years…Yes that's right, we are going to advertise! Thank you everyone, and have a nice day."

15 years ago

haha, Ch1nook, you may be on to something..

15 years ago

Highly doubt a PS2 price drop is the huge announcement. Article didn't say that either.

15 years ago

Sony's 400 dollar price tag is a bargain for what the machine comes equipped with compared to the bare bones $200.00 Xbox Arcade machine. After buying the hard drive, wireless adapter, headset, Live subscription fee, etc, that 200 dollar Arcade machine is over the 400 dollar price tag. SO THERE. Enough with Sony needs a price cut. Balonee! Sony doesn't have to stump that low to be competitive. They just need to market their products better and ADVERTISE,ADVERTISE,ADVERTISE. Teach people the value of the $400 PS3, and PEOPLE WILL COME. Like in the Kevin Cosnter movie FIELD OF DREAMS.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Let us not forget people… the Xbox360 and the Wii are hackable… this actually helps sales believe it or not!


"i am home"

15 years ago

A PS2 price drop is pointless now, especially if it is only a $30 one. The PS2 should have been $49 by now. The PSone was $49 when it was 9 years old. Sony definitely needs to change the way they advertise. The average person can't even tell it's a commercial for the PS3. Come on games running along the side a building is a commercial – WTH.

Last edited by psxmax on 3/30/2009 1:30:23 PM

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

I think they said the announcement is ps3 related

15 years ago

They did. They specifically stated that. What's with the PS2 and PSP2 talk? Unless the source is completely out to lunch.

15 years ago

I was wondering about that..Thanks for clearing that up..I was thinking PSP2 was a likely candidate too…. I just hope that this isn't going to be the Motion controller (Sony style Wiimote) that was rumoured.

15 years ago

Yikes! I hope not. Let M$ do that.

15 years ago

I going to be so depress if is a ps2 price drop.So Sony wants people to continue buying the ps2 and not the ps3.The Ps2 has is time in the spot light but is time that they put the gentle giant to rest, and focus all of their resources on the Big Black Mammoth.

15 years ago

Perhaps they will announce the awesome game that Ben cant tell us about (PLEASE BEN PLEASE!!!!!).

I would love to see ps2 software emulation brought back because it might mean they plan on using it in the psp2, which would rock my socks (and everyone's around me).

15 years ago

Who in god's name doesn't have a PS2 yet that wants one? If that is the announcement, how DARE Sony hype it up days in advance? I am sending them a nasty e-mail if the big, hyped-for-days announcement is "PS2 is $30 cheaper than yesterday!"

15 years ago

I'd bet my last dollar that the announcement has nothing to do with a PS2 price drop.

15 years ago

Yhea, I think so too!


"i am home"

15 years ago

When did everyone become such cheapskates? PS3 is well worth the price and there's no reason for them to cut the price since they are barely making any money off PS3 as it is.

15 years ago

Uh, I'm guessing most people here commenting already have PS3s, they'd just rather have the whole world owning PS3s as well, basking in the wonderful glow of Mother Sony.
OR, because the entire world is in a recession, the target demographics for the PS3 currently have no money, and at current time, a 400 dollar Blu-Ray player isn't that great of an investment, saving that 100 dollars that Sony should have cut would have been really nice to potential buyers.

Of course, since Sony didn't do jackshit this past holiday season, maybe they're saving it for this coming holiday season — 50% off Home outfits, anyone?!

15 years ago

WorldEndsWithMe: "When did everyone become such cheapskates? "

Um…when the economy spoiled, jobs were lost, and people had less money. You know, the very thing that happened over a year ago and continues today.

Sony is in a tough spot, they chose to make an expensive console. While the capabilities of the PS3 may justify its hefty price the current economic climate leaves most unwilling to justify it with their wallets.

15 years ago

You guys are crazy. The PS3 should come down in price because of a recession? What are you saying? The last thing you want to do during a recession is cut profits. Is BMW and Mercedes going to drop their prices to the price of a Yaris? No. Quality is quality and it comes with a price. For this gen Sony went quality and we should all be thankful for that.

15 years ago

You don't seem to understand basic economics – when the market is struggling, you don't maintain your current prices because you will die otherwise, simple as that. BMW and Mercedes may not drop prices down to Yaris levels (great example, by the way :eyeroll:) but they are cutting prices across the board, because they recognize the dire condition of the average consumers wallets.
100 dollars makes a HUGE difference in the eye of the consumer, and 300 dollars is a much more reasonable number than 400 dollars.

15 years ago

Hey I lost money in the market too, and a lot else besides, thing is: that doesn't mean products should just plain get cheaper. That would ultimately hurt the economy more.

All I'm saying is it's still worth the money no matter what your situation.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/30/2009 3:38:30 PM

15 years ago

I know enough not to refer to a struggling economy as "basic economics." I also know enough about economics that BMW and Mercedes have not and will not "cut prices across the board" as you so put it. They have "sales." A price cut, something you're asking Sony to do,is permanent. That is an action you take because it's economically feasible, not because the market is suffering.

15 years ago

Well said Worldends!

It surprises me there are some americans who still can't buy a ps3,you guys don't know what broke is,i know how it feels to be broke yet i own 3 consoles; TWO PS3's(60gb broken) and an XBOX 360…..i still see myself broke,recession my a**.

15 years ago

In NA the PS3 is not overpriced and doesn't need a price cut. I am under the impression that it costs a lot more in Europe.

15 years ago

Why can't it be an official release date for GT5?
I ask because I mean, how long do you have to wait before they let the darn program go? Honestly. PS3 came out what?… Later part of '06 going into '07? It was mentioned as a title before the system released. You have waited so long for it, that you actually have become okay with it not being released and say things like "probably Dec 09 but I doubt it". 3-4 years and not yet? Is 5-6 yrs better?

Well for me I could care less about a price drop on PS2 or PSP.
They swear up and down there is no price drop coming on PS3.(Possible with holidays coming, but if you say so)
As for breaking news on PS4; why even think of mentioning PS4 when you haven't even released GT5 yet?

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

any 1 get reminded of home when they read this guys post??? lol it was dragged on for so long… and it was originally intended 4 the ps2… yet it took i think 5-6 yrs to complete… 3-4 years before the ps3 release, and imo really isnt that great; it doesn't justify the wait…

15 years ago

This is one area where "delaystation" is not a misnomer. In the end we get better quality, but man the waiting sucks.

15 years ago

I disagree and Hoodge said it best. There are people who say the PS3 is too expensive. I call BS on that. Those people go buy a 360 for $199. Then they get a HD, Live membership, mic, games, and likely another control. Add all that up and it's about the same price as buying a PS3. The cheapskates think they're getting a deal but not really.

15 years ago

Thank you sir.

15 years ago

360 for $199. Then they get a HD, Live membership, mic, games, and likely another control. Add all that up and it's about the same price as buying a PS3.
You'd have to buy a mic, games, and another controller separately for the PS3 also…
but still the PS3 is a better deal.

15 years ago

well there are those pics of the ps2 price drop.

as far as the PS3 goes. I think we'll see one in a year. when GoW3 hits. They probably bundle it and offer a price drop along with it.

15 years ago

I'm guessing firmware 2.70 (or higher) with all that awesome gamer card stuff and trophy tracking. What else could it be? Can't wait to be right back here tomorrow commenting on THAT news article.

15 years ago

I can see SONY releasing a new SKU that's cheaker than the current PS3 offerings. That away, SONY can always claim the "no price drop" comment. If there will not be a cheaper SKU, SONY better be announcing some big exclusives to justify this "big announcement." And for those of you to keep chanting "the PS3 is a bargain," I agree that the PS3 is worth every penny at its past and current prices. But $400 is still $400. Some people just cannot justify that pricetag regardsless of what they plan to use the PS3 for. The PS3 hardware need to be sold at a lower price as soon as possible.

15 years ago

Maybe the announcement is for a slimline? I doubt it but ya never know.

15 years ago

slimline will be too early,fatline will do for now.

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