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PSXE Poll Update: MGS4 Is The Choice Of PlayStation 3 Owners

Well, Killzone 2 topped Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots to take home the "Best Graphics" award according to our readers, but MGS4 emerged victorious in this past week's poll.

Obviously, "Best Graphics" doesn't necessarily translate to "Personal Favorite," because when we asked you what your favorite PlayStation 3 exclusive was, the majority of you went with Kojima's masterpiece. KZ2 didn't really have a chance, and what's interesting about the results is that Uncharted: Drake's Fortune actually gave Guerilla's shooter a run for its money. This must mean that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is gonna have tons of anticipatory fans out there as we get closer to its release later this year, and after laying eyes on it, we don't blame you. As for MGS4, we'd certainly have to agree; thus far, it remains our favorite PS3 exclusive as well and in fact, it's our favorite title of the entire generation – on any platform – to date. Who else is psyched to learn about Kojima's next project, which may or may not feature Raiden as the lead character…?

Anyway, we move on to this week's poll, which is a nod to the rumor that the PS2 will drop to $99 some time soon. The topic of backwards compatibility concerning the PS3 is always a hot one, so the question is simple: how highly do you value b/c as a feature in the PS3? Is it absolutely necessary? Or do you not care at all? It'll be interesting to see the results, as there seems to be a very vocal group that most definitely wants Sony to re-implement the missing feature. Vote now!

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15 years ago

B/C is not necessary for me, it gives me a good reason to place my ps2 next to my ps3.

15 years ago

if you have a hd tv the upscale feature is priceless though. I am somewhat concerned if my 60gb (bc) ps3 bust on me, if i had to get a replacement (which dont have bc now) I would have to dust off mt ps2 and use that for Resi4 etc. But the problem is it looks like sh** on a big screen through scart.

For me thats the biggest plus for having backwards copat on ps3.

15 years ago

wow,…. please excuse my spelling above.

15 years ago

For me it would be nice. It's not that important to have but it would be a welcome addition. I have around 30 PSOne games, and 52 PS2 games, so I would welcome b/c. So I'm for it. If it's not there then I can get another PS2. No biggie.

15 years ago

Uncle World's Storytime:

*being as ironic as possible*
Back in the day when I was a kid we didn't have much money, we worshiped every system and game we were lucky enough to cajole out of our parents. And when it came time to upgrade, we needed the sale of the old one and all its games to make the transition.

Now I'm a geezer and I can collect, but still, there's people out there who HAD to sell their PS2 to get the PS3, and I think B/C is important for their sake. Come on, cut em a bit of slack Sony.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/29/2009 11:00:20 PM

15 years ago

geezer here to 🙂

lol back in the day (prob about 20 years agon now), I remember having to sacrafice a birthday present just so I could get an Amiga the following christmas. .. Obviously I was in servere doubt of that santa dude existing at that point, just a little sh** that felt that I was owed something substantial twice a year :)…

like the new pic btw, gone from invisable gun to invisable XL coke.

Last edited by wano on 3/30/2009 6:02:37 AM

15 years ago

It's nice but not necessary
In fact I like the fact that I can turn on my glorious ps2(which gave me years of great gaming)

I still have my ps1 too.

15 years ago

BC is important to me. I like having the option of playing my collection of ps1 and especially ps2 games though I've only played two (KZ2, GOW) since I got my ps3 in 10/27.

Last edited by Blaiyan on 3/30/2009 1:01:48 AM

15 years ago

They need to add BC, I have a massive PS2 library, and I don't want to buy a new PS2 for about 100 dollars. (My old PS2 which I had for about 10 years broke down; it was the old fat one too).

15 years ago

BC is essentail!!!!!!!!!

I remmeber when the old versions of the PS3 were just about to sell out, i scraped every penny i had to get one, luckily i did and i can play most of my classics :)why have 3 consoles snagging up space when its all in one..

15 years ago

Have you guys tried to play a PS2 game on a 42" HDTV? Impossible, it looks like crap without the PS3 smoothing it out.
I still have quite a few games that I need to finish from my PS2 glory days and I couldn't do it on a PS2.
MGS3 looks like a mess of pixels, I can't tell where Snake is even when he is moving 🙂
So my vote went to "Extremely; it's essential"

15 years ago

completely agree. …just replied to someone above with the same point…I need to remember to read all the bloody posts first 🙂

Last edited by wano on 3/30/2009 5:50:42 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I play PS2 games (on a PS2) on my 40" 1080p HDTV. They look fine; you just have to make the settings right.

15 years ago

You gotta sit way back from the tv 🙂

15 years ago


can you give us some hinters, cause I have also got a 40inch, and ps2 via scart dont look good at all from where im sitting. Unless (like world says) you sit far enough back for the size of the screen to look like a normal sized screen…. In my case, Id probably have to sit in my neighbours house and knock a hole in the wall 😉

With ps2 game smoothing switched on I dont have to do any of that.

But if my PS3 stops workin some day and I cant get a backwards compatible replacement, then im going to need the best possible way of setting up the ps2 on a large screen

Last edited by wano on 3/30/2009 2:07:08 PM

15 years ago

BC will not come back anytime soon.
It was removed to cut the cost, unless another model is planned.

15 years ago

B/C is needed i have been a fan of sony since "Spyro the Dragon" came out when i was 8 years old and i have bulit up a nice collection of PS2 games that i love to play so luckily i got an 80GB with B/C but it would nice if it were back in for others to enjoy

15 years ago

I'm only buying 60 gig models until they fix the backwards compatability thing.

15 years ago

Nahh for me, the choice is GT5P clearly. MGS4 is awesome, one of the best games ever made but if i think aside from that which game do i play more of? The choice is clearly GT5P as i play it everynight online.

15 years ago

I definitely want b/c back. That was one of the reasons I got the PS3. It never made any sense to me to be able to play my PS1 games but not my PS2 games. I'll live without b/c just sucks when i get that old school feeling I can't play the games unless I hook up the PS2

15 years ago

I never had a PS2 (believe it or not) so b/c is pretty much essential to me so I can play all of the great games that I missed out on. That's why I picked up the 60 GB when I heard they were going to get rid of b/c. I'd rather own one console that does it all instead of 2 or 3.

15 years ago

I can't believe Valkyria Chronicles only git 5% of the vote… Actually, that's more than I was expecting. Still a total travesty, though.


15 years ago

Ben do you own a B/C PS3 I presume not unless you still like using your PS2 ?

I am only asking before someone jumps down my throat as I do have the PS3 B/C unit that was originally released here in the UK and I also own my previous PS1 and PS2 (originals) I am lucky in the fact that every console I have ever bought I have only bought one of so far.

As Ultima said earlier B/C is esential for those guys out there that does not have it.

Consider this the PS4 comes out and you have to have your PS3 either B/C with PS2 and 1 stuff as well or does the PS4 mean no B/C with either PS3 stuff and beyond ?

At what point do we cut off B/C ?

15 years ago


15 years ago

I name you Troll

15 years ago

i will name him oblivious the CLOWN SHOE

15 years ago

B/C is essential. I keep all of my games from the past that I loved, and unfortunately some of them will not play in my 80-gig PS3. If the price on the PS2 drops to $99, I will more than likely go out and get one. But first I need to test someone's PS2 on my TV because I've heard from several people that the PS2 looks like crap on an HD LCD screen TV.

oh and for the record, if Sony offered full B/C to those of us non-60-gig gamers through DLC – even if they put a price tag on it I would still download it asap. It's that important.

15 years ago

As I've stated a few times before in the past…

I absolutely "NEED" B/C!!!!!!

I'm a games collector have about 125 PS2 games right now, and another 532 PS1 games so far.

But since I have an extensive surround A/V system with another 8 gaming consoles, I'm seriously lacking for more A/V jacks(I've already used up the 10 jacks in my A/V unit & a 5-jack splitter box.

I NEED B/C because I usually buy a bunch of used games at a time whenever the price drops to my satisfaction, so I've still have tons of PS1 & P22 games I haven't even gotten to play yet.

Plus, add the fact that I can't even plug a PS3 into my system at all till I can retire my PS2 machine(same as I did to my PS1 when I got my PS2).

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