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Ace Combat Winging Back To Sony?

Ace Combat was one of many former exclusive franchises for Sony platforms, but one of very few that actually switched exclusivity rather than simply going multiplatform.

Fans of the series who also happened to be Sony loyalists were annoyed when they learned the newest AC iteration would actually be exclusive to the Xbox 360. This also happened with another of Namco's popular franchises; Katamari Damacy . However, now that we've learned about Katamari Damacy Tribute , it would stand to reason that Ace Combat might also return to Sony. As reported by PS3Center, a Japanese job listing may have indirectly confirmed the existence of a new Ace Combat for the PlayStation 3; the job is for an artist who "can create textures and models for fighter planes for a future PS3 project." Now, they could be talking about a port of an existing AC game that's already on the 360, but we'd like to think they're describing a future installment in the long-running series. The first Ace Combat appeared on the original PlayStation way back in 1996, so you can imagine how irritated it made the fans when Namco decided to suddenly switch teams a few years ago. We do understand the decision to some extent – the user base for the PS3 wasn't there and it would've been a costly project – but even so…

If Namco decides to offer a confirmation some time soon, we'll be sure to let you know. We'd love to be able to write the headline, "Ace Combat Returns To Sony!"

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15 years ago

YES PLEASE!!!! Just picked up a flight stick to play HAWX and Blazing Angels, but a new Ace Combat would be SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!

15 years ago

yesssssssssssss pleaaaaaaaaaaase namco…

i NEED a ace combat game in my ps3 library.
i even thought of going to HAWX.

include my own ingame music while playing single player.
and ill never doubt you again namco =D

Last edited by Akuma_ on 3/26/2009 10:56:27 AM

15 years ago

Oh god YES!!!! GImme gimme gimme!


15 years ago

I've been waiting for a good modern day flight game. HAWX demo was a disappointment…

15 years ago

I never tried the demo, but the full game was anything but a disappointment for me…The thing I like best is the online co-op mode…the more people that join in, the more enemies there are. Woohoo!!!

15 years ago

What ever happen to Top Gun??? I remember getting that game as a PS2 launch title

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago

They've a long way to go to pull gamers away from HAWX.

15 years ago

If it's a port they can keep the bloody thing, if it's a new game then Ace Combat will get cell treatment and never go back 🙂

PSN slow for anyone else today?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/26/2009 12:20:19 PM

15 years ago

I noticed that when I tried to log onto home to play XI earlier. I could shop on the store, but I couldn't go Home. I guess Bon Jovi was right!

15 years ago

I think itll be a lousy-ass port & that they dont want HAWX stealing any steam away from them, but if its not theyll need to do better than HAWX on graphics. Hopefully its an exclusive to PS3; then itll sell like hot cakes! I love the flight combat genre & still havent tried HAWX yet.

15 years ago

I'm with WEWM, the proof's in the pudding. Although I've had some good times with the AC franchise, it was still too damn arcade-y to be fun. I'm cool if they want a simplified flight model for newbies, and the less-sim-inclined, but I'm so tired of flight genre games not giving the hardcore flight-sim fans what they want–and deserve. I tired of HAWX so quickly because in order to get true flight experience out of it, you had to take on that stupid out-of-aircraft view. One day as a rental was all I could stand. I will forever have a 1% completion rate on that one, until Sony implements a Trophy killing feature for titles we never intend to complete.

All I can say is I'm banking on IL-2 Sturmovik to teach these other ninny developers how a real flying title should be handled. Let's hope that it, too, isn't a disappointment.

15 years ago

haha, damn ninnies!

15 years ago

If is a new title made especially for the ps3 then yes If is a port from the 360 then they can keep it.

15 years ago

After playing Hawx, Namco is going to have a bit of a challenge now. They can't just put out any old arcade style Ace Combat. Don't get me wrong I loved the series, Hawx just kind of made the genre so much better. I'll probably get another AC if it comes to PS3, but They'll have to work hard to get me to put my Hawx Back on the shelf….

15 years ago

You're kidding right??? AC4 is better in every aspect other than visuals, with a fresh coat of paint I would take AC4 Remix over HAWX everyday of the week.

15 years ago

Like I said, I love the Ace Combat series, And AC4 was definitely a good one. I can't even think of how many hours I've spent on Shattered Skies, Unsung War and Belkan War. That being said, they are old games…Hawx is new…and improved…With XP, Online Coop and Deathmatches, 50 planes? and Assistance off mode is a blast. I know some people don't like it, but after you use it for a bit, it's a whole new game.

Yeah, I'm still siding with HAWX on this one.

If Ace Combat takes a page from Hawx and copies what they did, they'll have a great game…but it will still just be a copy and feel stale to those of us that enjoyed Hawx.

We all know the game will sell because everyone who loved the series has been waiting for an AC for the PS3. If they just release a rehashed version of 6..then no, I'm only going to rent it.

Sure the Stories of AC are amazing, but I don't always buy a game for a story…Ace Combat is an old series that needs revamped instead of relying on the same old formula…Hawx took their gameplay and made it better…

Hopefully this will be enough to Shake things up for the AC series and let them know that they aren't the only ones in that genre anymore. This means better games for all of us…win, win if you ask me.. But until I see the new one, HAWX still wins for me…

15 years ago

AC4 was freaking amazing. Let's hope they are making another one like that.

15 years ago

It's about time we get some AC action!

15 years ago

This was on of the games that kept me on the PS2. Plus, Ace Combat 4 still stands in my book as the best flight shooter on any console to date.

While I actually had a functioning 360, I had Ace Combat 6, and was slightly disappointed by it. It was a rinse and repeat game that did not take advantage of the new hardware in the same manner that AC04 did when it made it's debut on the new at the time PS2.

I enjoy flight shooters to the point that they are my favorite genre. However, it's time to have these game types advance. Now I am not saying that Ace Combat should abandon the arcade style one bit. What I am stating is that it's time to let the player choose how arcade they want things.

I am currently playing HAWX, and while playing multiplayer, I exclusively play in "Simulation" mode only. It's time to offer that option in the campaign.

15 years ago

NAMCO NAMCO, these japaneses, they don´t belive in the future they realized that they supported the wrong console lol and they left us in the cold when we needed the most, i don´t give a sh** about what they do…

15 years ago

Getting Ace Combat back will be awesome…. I remember I was one of the P***** off fans when I heard they were going exclusively to the Xbox… But like the people said we want a new game not just a port of the one we lost.

H.A.W.X however still has to grow on me. Haven't played all that much yet but so far nothing has really wow'd me yet. My expectations was probably a little bit too high.

I don't know maybe as i get more into the game and get a bit more use to the gameplay it might still surprise me. I just feel the graphics isn't quite as good as I'd expected. Maybe that's just me….

15 years ago


Ace Combat 6 PS3 exclusive

loved all the previous titles on the ps2

15 years ago

About time, I've been jonesing for my next fix of AC

Yeah, getting myself ready to slam that damned plunger straight down into my veins again & again!

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