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GDC 09: Modern Warfare 2 Confirmed For November 10

We had all heard the whispers, but now we finally have the official confirmation and to go along with it, a debut teaser that has revealed the game's scheduled release date!

Modern Warfare 2 was unveiled at the conclusion of the Game Developers Conference Awards, and although Infinity Ward is apparently still "figuring out the branding" (i.e., whether or not to include "Call of Duty" in the title), we've got the info we want: this hotly anticipated sequel is set for November 10, 2009. Check out the brand new debut teaser and you will see the answer for yourself, even though you won't spot much else in that video. It appears they're not ready to give out any inside looks at the gameplay just yet, but hey, they've already given us the original Modern Warfare , which was the fourth CoD entry. We're positive that you all remember just how awesome CoD4 was, which means you have plenty of faith in this particular developer. Last year's World at War by Treyarch was another excellent installment in the critically acclaimed Call of Duty series, but Infinity Ward is destined to raise the bar once again.

As soon as we can locate more details and info for Modern Warfare 2 , we'll be sure to tell you all about 'em. We figure you can expect more weapons and more intensity – just as a general rule of thumb for most FPS sequels – but beyond that, it's all up in the air. Stay tuned!

Related Game(s): Modern Warfare 2

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King James
King James
15 years ago


Sorry I'm a lil' excited.
Let the Real COD in the building PLEASE!!!

Last edited by King James on 3/26/2009 12:08:53 AM

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

i loved cod4, liked codWaW, but MW2 will blow them all away! i think they should call it cod though… cuz its still cod any way u put it (unless they are drastically upgrading the gameplay mechanics and engine… then it could classify as a whole different series)

Last edited by Gregory Freeman on 3/26/2009 12:11:56 AM

15 years ago

Good effin news im going to preorder MW2 asap.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

agreed… but i dunno bout the "xbox fan stop", i think il preorder at my local GameTek… at least they dont try to shove xbox down your throat (and oh yeah, im banned from every eb games and gamestop in my area … telling cuctomers tht theres no ps3 price cut, arguing with the managers when they told me there was no CE of resistance 2, and for telling them that killzone is impossible on the 360… yup those jack @$$35 actually have my pic up on the "do not sell to" wall)

Last edited by Gregory Freeman on 3/26/2009 12:37:03 AM

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

Viva la resistance

15 years ago


I have never been let down by a call of duty game in my life. One of my most favorite PS2 games is the console version of COD2.

A friend of mine says that the guns in COD5 sucked, because they look like squares. My other friends tell him it's because he always uses the tommy gun and the colt .45 😛
(We're such dorks, it's not even funny though)

King James
King James
15 years ago

What about COD3?

15 years ago

Amen, King James Amen.

Crap of Donkey 3 sucked so hard, I used it to vacuum my house.

King James
King James
15 years ago

LOL. Thats pretty funny, pill.

I used it as a coaster so the wood table wouldn't swell, while I was playing the real debut PS3 shooter, Resistance: Fall of Man.

15 years ago

Sweet I hope the whole game is green.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

green in what way???

15 years ago

carbon neutral, its the big thing now….

King James
King James
15 years ago

lol, good one coverton. Didn't know what u meant till I looked at the teaser trailer.

15 years ago

Can't wait, but.. that teaser was bad.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

i found that too… all green sound waves, elevators and airports, then a barrage of images that my mind cant make sence of because its drowned by all the screaming!!! lol its weird..

Last edited by Gregory Freeman on 3/26/2009 12:41:48 AM

15 years ago

I didn't like the teaser either but it was certainly provocative. Terrorist takeover of an airport? Was that language Chinese? Did someone say "Remember no Russian" (as in the language, i assume)? Interesting way to get people thinking about the story, but it doesn't hold a candle to the amazing debut trailer CoD4 had. Hopefully they bring the triple A stuff at E3.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Yeah, that trailer reminded me of The Matrix or something.

Kind of like the Splinter Cell feel it had though…just through the images I was seeing in my head.

15 years ago

Ahh, its only something to get your brains sparkin. I betcha the next trailer will be mind blowing!

15 years ago

I know I know, but as far as teasers go I would have done it different, just an opinion I'm sure it got some people jivin.

15 years ago


15 years ago

I got this and NGS2 to reserve everything else I'm getting is taken care of, anything announced at E3 is going to have to wait its just to much right now

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago

Guess I am the only one not excited,there only so many WWII games a person can play in his/her lifetime before it starts to get real old.

15 years ago

Yea but you wont have to worry with this game then, seeing as how its modern.

15 years ago

^What he said

15 years ago

-He swung for the fences with that World War II jab didn't he Bob?
-He sure did. Unfortunately the execution and timing were a little bit off and he went down swinging.
-A little?
-HaHa. Now we'll be right back after a word from our sponsors.

Imagine the above being read by the two most annoyingly cliche baseball commentators you can imagine. That kind of crap runs through my head on a regular basis.

Honestly on a scale of 1-10 how weird is that. 10 being the most weird.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

What ?

15 years ago

Juan lol, what the hell are you talkin about….

i dont know how many times ive seen the "not another ww2 game" statement. its those kind of comments that get old, not the game. at the end of the day you dont have to buy a game if you dont want it.

but this one really takes the piss. Read the title…"MODERN Warfare"….lol

im guessing you havent had your coffee yet 🙂

Last edited by wano on 3/26/2009 5:25:40 AM

15 years ago

LMAO!! @Shadow I imagined those voices before you said to thanx man I need that. But its too bad there isnt a COD:Modern warfare 1 to compare it to.

Last edited by Deadman on 3/26/2009 6:30:04 PM

15 years ago

They're using the Cryteck 3 engine!!!!! lol
Now wouldn't that be something… =P

15 years ago

Yeah I know, I was almost as suprised as the time I heard Valve were gonna use the Source engine for Left4Dead…

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

is it possible we can see a killzone 2 killer (graphically wise)??

personally, i say no… just because its multiplat… ps3 has a handicap because the 360's max settings is the limit 4 the game…

either way, im wondering how the console cryteck3 will compare to the pc counterpart…

15 years ago

Yeah!! this is great news!!

15 years ago

i hope it is…..i luved gaz and the team

15 years ago

being from somewhere not in america, i read that date as 11th of october, so am going to secretly hope that it comes out then even sooner!!

15 years ago

LOL that's exactly what I was thinking when I saw it.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

same… DD/MM/YYYY right???

never actually heard it as MM/DD/YYYY

King James
King James
15 years ago

@ cavan

not so much of a secret now, huh?

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

I hope they make a longer campaign in this one . The first one was pretty good but I wish it would be atleast two hours longer this time .

15 years ago

Day one purchased!

15 years ago

I hope the sequel is longer.

15 years ago

YESS!!! finally the sequel to the best online game on any console!!!

15 years ago

"finally the sequel to the best online game on any console!!!" ummmmmm cough killzone 2 cough cough

15 years ago

nah man killzone is good but still not as ood as cod4

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

killzone 2 takes more skill… cod is basically an "Anyone can pick up and own" game, while killzone takes more skill, and actually forces you to be tactical.

15 years ago

no way man on s and d not every1 can take out an whole team or get a 2.0 kd……killzone is easy aswell i think

15 years ago

don't get me wrong though..loved COD4 but KZ2 destroys the competition

15 years ago

yeh graphically maybe but when it comes to gameplay cod4 whipes the floor with it

King James
King James
15 years ago

godslim, u must be joking, right?

"Wipes the floor"???

15 years ago

no im not joking killzones gameplay is still not as good as cods….its too slugish…..hey i liked killzone but in my eyes no game has beaten cod4 yet

15 years ago

"finally the sequel to the best online game on any console!!!" ummmmmm cough killzone 2 cough cough

cough terrible online, no party system cough

Anyways, people complaining about the teaser — what were you expecting? Three minutes of gameplay footage, and a virtual woman who came out of your monitor to massage your balls?
It's a teaser, it did it's job – it gave you the name of the game, the release date, and it TEASED.
At the very least, people who have never heard of/played this series (i.e. Pygmy tribes in Madagascar) will be intrigued by the unconventional visual style of the teaser.

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