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GDC 09: Games, Movies Racing Towards 3D Evolution

When we first laid eyes on Mario 64 , we all drew a deep breath and said, "wow, so that's what 3D looks like." We were in our own homes and watching an evolution and a revolution on our television screens. …will this happen again soon, but only with true 3D?

As reports from the Game Developers Conference, Blitz Games says they're racing the movie industry towards full recognition of the 3D goal. Furthermore, TechRadar got a chance to see Blitz's innovative application in action and the conclusion is, "it works." Blitz apparently has been telling everyone at the conference that they fully intend to beat Hollywood in this race; damn, it's like racing the Russians to the moon (only not anywhere near as historical). The movies are still struggling with "digital format issues," and in the meantime, Blitz wants to team up with TV manufacturers "to reach early adopting consumers." Said Blitz CTO Andrew Oliver:

"We're going to try and beat them, it's a race. We'll get our games out before the movies. I first saw proper high-definition through the Xbox, because there wasn't Sky HD and services like that. I think the same will happen again, it's like with 3DTVs, people are going to experience their first content via games.

Film company's think they're going to be getting their films out but format wars will delay them. And we'll be there on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."

The first example of this is Blitz's Invincible Tiger for the PSN and XBLA. TechRadar says the 3DTV tech really gives you a feeling of depth and perhaps surprisingly, "it actually adds considerably to the overall gameplay experience. " Blitz says they're currently in talks with TV manufacturers regarding the best way to bring this title to the masses, so it'll be interesting to see how things progress. For an Invincible Tiger hands-on preview and screenshots, visit TechRadar . Pay attention, people, you could be looking at the birth of a whole new era of gaming…

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King James
King James
15 years ago

wait wasn't ppl already talking about doing this by making existing games 3d? I remember seeing 3d Gran Turismo a couple of months back.

I'm intrigued by this concept. But I don't think its a race. It's not that serious. This Oliver character is probably just one of those ppl who are too competitive. You know, those ppl at see everything as a competition.

15 years ago

no i dont think that was existing games, it was sort of a tech demo, they had to use 4 ps3's to get it up and running, if memory serves me right.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Oh ok. I knew I saw that concept somewhere.

15 years ago

3d could make gaming pretty interesting. I know that certain 3d movies have made somewhat lame movies interesting. Like that movie Coraline, I still laugh everytime I think of how much that movie scared the countless high people who went to see it.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Hey we all got Killzone avatars!

15 years ago

Im very interested in seeing how this technology looks. Hopefully it blows our minds like mario 64 did.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Another good reason Sony went with the Blu-ray technology. There is plenty of space to pull off 3D HD gaming.

Love my future proof PS3.

But HDTVs on the other hand, keep evolving to the point where you may have to buy new ones every 4 years.

15 years ago

I think HD video may breathe new life into 3D home entertainment as I was never really impressed with any of it until i watched journey to the center of the earth 3d on bluray on my hd tv and while it's still a bit red and green from the required viewing glasses that's some damn good 3D! what's holding up the 3D pr0n??

15 years ago

Color me skeptical. I might be wrong about what they are trying to do here because it isn't clear but if I'm reading it right then we've got another niche tech on our hands at best. The new 3d movies HAVE come a long way from the blue and red glasses, but 3D has always been more of a gimmick. Nobody wants to wear a headset and I'm pretty sure my tv can't project the bullets right up into my face. So how is this supposed to work?

15 years ago

Actually Ive heard of TV's that is called autostereoscopic and creates 3D out of the panel itself! I think it was on GameInformer. The TV was like 20G's though!

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 3/25/2009 3:38:22 PM

15 years ago

@world. I saw a vid somewhere on how it works so to answer your question, if I understand correctly;
Imagine a bit how LBP works when moving up and down along the 3 planes. Imagine this 3d tech on a racing game, working similarly,
The back pane is the background, the middle plane being the car and the front pain is the HUD. The hud will appear (when wearing the special glasses) to be projected just in front of the middle plane and as if floating just out of the tv screen. So if your tyres kick up dust, the dust will move from the middle plane to the front one and give a sense of true 3d. Hope that makes sense

15 years ago

@wage, apparently if they manage to pull it off with this tech all you will need is a TV thats minimum 100-120hz

15 years ago

@ed: what your talking about is kinda of like the killzone 2 menus and such.. granted it's a little twitchy.. but lose the twitch and ya got something

15 years ago

3-D films are awful! Pixar just depresses me, i miss classic Disney. i like Shrek, FF7:AC and Toy Story 1 (The one pixar film i love) other than that i think it looks reall tacky.

15 years ago

Im not a fan of 3-D. I wear glasses, and they are such a pain when I have to put 3-D glasses over mine! lol

15 years ago

I hate wearing my glasses, contacts ftw.

15 years ago

I could never get used to contacts. Glasses are a little less of a hassle, but I'd really like to get lasik surgery. Its a little expensive, though.

15 years ago

If they get this right Im going to have to buy ANOTHER HDTV! The one reason I hate tech, everything gets outdated sooo fast! 720p the standard and a month later 1080p is standard…jeeze!

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 3/25/2009 3:40:45 PM

15 years ago

I hate birth. It's so cold and scary right afterwards.

15 years ago

i dont know how the word "racing" is used in the tittle but im positive it doesnt mean nascar…just my opinion

15 years ago

Until they can come up with 3d thatll cost less than 3G's nobody will truly be interested and the market for it wont get stimulated. 3d glasses are highly irritating and TV sets thatll show 3d cost sky high! It would be nice if we could get cheaper 3d sets in time for Uncharted 2, GOW3, & Gran Turismo 5!!!!!

15 years ago


15 years ago

The 3D is already built into the Mitsubishi flat panel lcd's. It is located on the menu bar for the future that we are talking about today. The tv my mom has is only 60HZ. There is another company also but I cannot remember there name.

15 years ago

so how did u get future technology,,, am i missing something??? what the hell is happening here…shitt

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