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Resistance 2 Patch Details Announced

We had heard that Insomniac would announce the details for a Resistance 2 update this week, and here it is.

UK site JustVideoGames got the scoop on the R2 patch, and you can watch the announcement via video if you like. If you're at work or something and would rather read the info: first off, they've added Meltdown Mode, which – surprisingly enough – is a remake of the original Resistance multiplayer mode. That will certainly come as good news for those who played the heck out of Fall of Man , right? Then there's a new difficulty option for co-op play; Superhuman is the choice for the experts who think Hard isn't challenging enough. The last major change is the "second-player PSN login," which means that Player 2 in split-screen action can access their PSN profile and corresponding information. Other than LittleBigPlanet , R2 is the only PlayStation 3 game that will offer such a feature, so be thankful for that upgrade. We're also waiting on the unveiling of more downloadable content for Insomniac's awesome shooter, and we expect that to arrive within the next few days. What good is a Game Developers Conference unless we can get the cool info?

We'll certainly keep you informed. As the week wears on, we imagine there could be a few big pieces of news to report, and we know the readers demand it. Don't you?

Related Game(s): Resistance 2

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15 years ago

Thanks for the info Ben, looking forward to the patch!


15 years ago

Way off topic but, What the heck happened to the release dates link? It's been blank for about two weeks I think, maybe longer.

15 years ago

what is meltdown, i never played the first online

15 years ago

nice. we had a petition for meltdown on the R2 boards. i guess i'm playing R2 again 🙂

15 years ago

I really wish they would bring back 4 player split screen to Resistance.

15 years ago

capture the flag bring it back

15 years ago

Cool, I don't do split coop but I know some folks will be happy about that.

King James
King James
15 years ago

I like the additions.

I remember TroyPowers complaining that the 2nd player couldn't keep his/her split-screen stats. This is a nice addition. I think its a little too late though. K2's multiplayer runs circle around R2's, and R2's multiplayer is damn good!

I also remember a lot of ppl saying that R1's competitive multiplayer is better than R2's and that they shouldn't have changed it. I favor R1's multiplayer more so this may get me to play R2 again.

Insomniac never ceases to impress me. Can't wait to see what their next game will be.

Last edited by King James on 3/24/2009 6:41:24 PM

15 years ago

If you really want to keep me informed, Ben(/Arnold?), you will tell everything you know about the next Ratchet and Clank game.

15 years ago

thats pretty awesome. im currently trying to get the 10'000 kills on ranked competitive mode…….. i might give up.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Wanna' be a Killing Machine huh, me too =D

But we might as well give up, I've only got 2500 kills (though it only took like 18-24 whole hours) and now Killzone 2 will stop me from getting it entirely.

Though this patch might bring enough people back for me to get another 2500 kills, etc.


15 years ago

Graet news but i was hoping for Home intergration especialy from a firstparty developer.

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