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Capcom “Investigating Other Platforms” For Lost Planet 2

When Capcom revealed that Dead Rising 2 would be headed to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as most everyone expected, we all just assumed the Lost Planet sequel would receive the same multiplatform treatment.

After all, it's definitely a part of Capcom's business strategy to produce their blockbuster titles for both the PS3 and 360, and Lost Planet: Extreme Condition did eventually come to Sony's machine. However, when Lost Planet 2 was announced, the publisher would only confirm it for the 360; there was no mention of a PS3 version. According to CVG, though, Capcom hasn't yet ruled out the possibility, as producer Jun Takeuchi said, "we are currently investigating other platforms." We're not sure what they're "investigating," exactly, but perhaps they think that the vast majority of Lost Planet fans own a Xbox 360. It took quite a long time for the game to arrive on the PS3 and by that time, there were better options on store shelves. We're not sure what the sales numbers were like, but we're willing to bet they weren't all that impressive…hence, Capcom's reluctance to produce the sequel for the PS3. On the other hand, the user base for Sony's console is a whole lot higher now than it was then, so that should be worth something.

Anyway, we'd like to think that Lost Planet 2 will soon be confirmed for the PS3, because we're fairly certain it will be a quality game. And the PS3 can always use quality games, whether there are a huge number of fans or not.

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15 years ago

If it hasnt been confirmed by now, it basically means that a PS3 version dosent exist yet because its not like they are just planing on working on this game. Work started a long time ago. PS3 gets the shaft again. Here i thought, Capcom got it.

15 years ago

They can honestly keep their game, cause i see no reason why they shouldn't release the Ps3 version along with the 360…oh wait that's right M$ paid for timed exclusivity. i thought capcom said they were only gonna do Multiplatform now

15 years ago

Capcom is just pissed off at Sony because Sony doesnt help advertise their games–this is what happened with RE5. This is capcom's little way of getting back at them. LP2 IS coming to the PS3.

Sony's marketing department has their heads so far up their ass it's directly affecting the PS3.

Last edited by convergecrew on 3/20/2009 1:17:07 PM

15 years ago

The last half of your comment is almost right, but it is not just Sony marketing, it is Sony period that has their heads up their asses,and this is just another example of a comment I left earlier on the subject. Sony pisses off developers and they will not develop games for PS3. Also Sony is going to have tocut the price so they can sell many more systems, and developers can sell many more games. Come on Sony get your heads out of your asses, and fix the problem with the yellow red lights of death and back your systems that get this failure, and do what is right for consumers, and developers, and it will have a good effect on your bottom line too.

15 years ago

crawdaddy nobody here is saying the PS3 DOESNT fail but when you look at the Percentge rates (and I may be wrong) Its something like 20-30% for 360 3-5% for PS3. If you got a bum one thats sad, but did Sony do thier best to replace or fix the problem in a timely manner? They usually do the one friend I have whos system crapped out got his replaced in 2 weeks and hes been running smooth since damn near plays the thing 24/7.

Last edited by Deadman on 3/20/2009 6:05:21 PM

15 years ago

Sony doesn't piss developers off, they just don't pay extra for exclusivity deals.

What they do, however, is heavily support developers who pick exclusivity on their own free will.
Just look at Flower, KZ2, inFamous, Heavy Rain… all the developers of those games have heavily praised Sony for amazing support.

Yeah, if Sony showed the same involvement with multiplat games, we'd probably see less shitty ports.
However, from a business perspective, it makes little sense to invest money in games whose "system seller" potential is so close to nil it doesn't even register on the statistics.

Personally, I take this as a way to filter developers. Xbox 360 version has better frame rate? I don't pick up their game unless it's in the 2 for $10 bargain bin.
There's no reason why the 360 version would have better performance, unless the developers either did not bother or were not given the time needed to finish the PS3 version.

Why would I spend money rewarding lazyness?
Why would I spend money on an incomplete product?

I wouldn't.

15 years ago

Belazor, exactly!


"i am home"

15 years ago

so much for "we making games multi-platform" approach.
First EA now Capcom.
and once again Sony gets shafted.

Last edited by cLoudou on 3/20/2009 1:41:28 PM

15 years ago

No thanks capcom, II brought LP for the 360 when it first came out and it was trash. II would care if they canned the whole game all together. As a ps3 owner nobody is missing out there are dozens of games that blow this game out the water.

15 years ago

I am glad I am not the only one that thought this game was disgusting, I played it at a friends house and is one of the worse games I've played this generation.Capcom can keep their filthy game.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

Keep it….I don't need Lost Planet when I'll have GOWIII and Uncharted 2.

That Planet can stay lost because their navigation equipement was probably made by M$ anyway.

15 years ago

lol, yeah i hope stays lost too.

15 years ago

LOL! hehe.. stay lost.. heheh..

Last edited by cegmp on 3/21/2009 6:58:03 AM

15 years ago

Let me guess we ps3 owners aren't getting LP2 probably because sony won't lower price down and Capcom don't want to spend that extra money to promote there own product. I notice this generation Sony seem to promote high quality products even though u don't see to much commercial ads like last year MGS4 was promoted but not to much, lbp promoted but not enough, r2 promoted but not enough, etc. Sony should be fair and promote all of there titles and not be picky, sony need as much money as they can get from games on the ps3 and the psp.

15 years ago

THe first one sucks hard…..

This is one of those games I don't give a crap 'bout.

15 years ago

I didn't mind it, it was worth the rental I gave it.

15 years ago

same here.

15 years ago

I got the first one off of Steam. It's not the best I agree, but it's not completely horrible either.

15 years ago

Capcom: "We'd like to put LP2 on your machine too."

Sony: "That LP port you gave us sucked balls, we don't care what you do with LP2"

Capcom: "But we want a wider audience."

Sony: "Then make a better game."

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/20/2009 3:01:14 PM

15 years ago

Ok. THAT was hilarious.

15 years ago

Ooh, clap clap.

15 years ago

Capcom can keep LP2 on the 360 forever as far as I'm concerned… I rented LP1 on the 360 and IMO it sucked. The story sucked, the characters sucked and the gameplay wasn't anything to write home about. When LP2 comes out there will be far better options on the PS3.

15 years ago

I didn't play the first lost planet and i'm not interested on part 2..

15 years ago

who gives 6 squirts of piss about LP2? ……… when we got PS3 exclusives comin……….. PS3 is the real deal ! u dont believe me? phukk u kill me!!!!

King James
King James
15 years ago

Lost Planet 2, not on PS3?? Won't other PS3-only games outshine Lost Planet 2 anyway?

Look if Capcom wants to half-ass their multi-plat strategies, LET THEM!

PS3 is 21 million strong! If a company as talented as Capcom doesn't want to get a piece of this Sony money? Let them. I'm not mad a Capcom.

Capcom, in my opinion, has outperformed their fellow Japanese developers/publishers this gen. And I think that they will continue to be on top, via bringing their games to both platforms (at the same quality).

Lost Planet will be on the PS3, sooner rather than later.

15 years ago

I dunno, LP2 looks awesome. I don't usually envy the 360, but this is one game that I might really want to play.

The trailer was incredible.

15 years ago

I thought the first LOST PLANET (not just the PS3 ver) was considered lame by most reviewers…is the 2nd supposed to be MUCH BETTER (like 50 Cent's game)? 😉

Last edited by xnonsuchx on 3/20/2009 6:12:11 PM

15 years ago

Just got Haze for 7.48usd at Target. I'm hoping Lost Planet sells at that price soon so I can pick it up. Otherwise I'll pass.

15 years ago

Does it feel better to play it at that price 🙂


"i am home"

15 years ago

Hey Deadman! Even at 1 percent failure rate, say out of about 2 million ps3's sold, is about 20 thousand bricked ps3's. How many million do you think they may have sold? If your one of those you would be very unhappy too, and also Sony would not do anything about it other than wanting me to pay about an additional 180 bucks to get it repaired. I already paid 600 bucks for it. All I want is for Sony to admit that the yellow and red lights of death are a fairly common design problem, and fix or replace it with a refurbished one. Their fault if crashed not mine!!!!! Even auto makers when they have a widespread problem with an auto call them in and repair them fo free.

Last edited by crawdaddy on 3/20/2009 7:26:11 PM

15 years ago

"yellow and red lights of death are a fairly common design problem"

I've never even heard of such a thing…but is it a "design problem" or a random component failure? The latter is why they have the standard warranty…up to around 95% of 'defect' failures occur within 3-12 months of use, so at 1% failure rate, 5% of 1% of 21,000,000 = 10-11K total failed units not covered under warranty, which is hardly bad.

15 years ago

Yeah I don't think the yellow and red lights thing is a common issue like you say or you would have every other person on gaming message boards complaining about it like RROD. I'm an early adopter of both the 360 and PS3 and my 360 suffered RROD three times and my PS3 had to have the disk drive replaced once cause it stopped reading all disks. With the PS3 it seems to be random hardware failure such as whatever causes this yellow light failure or in my case the disk drive but the percentage of these failures are probably pretty low unlike RROD which was a common issue for a high percentage of 360s due to the fact the 360 was rushed to market and poorly designed and tested.

15 years ago

What they need to investigate is how to make it a good game, the first was not that good In my opinion.

15 years ago

Xnonsuchx. Just the fact that you have never heard of it shows that you do not know what you are talking about. Do a search for it on Yahoo or Google and see how many hits you get. There is video after video about it on YouTube. Just the fact that there are thousands with exactly the same problem should tell you it is not random component failure. You guys should do some real research before you comment.

15 years ago

"Thousands" huh? That's out out of what, 21 million PS3s sold? Even if 210,000 people suffered the yellow light of death that's just 1% of the PS3s sold which is really low. Every electronics device ever made had at least a small hardware fail rate. That's why when I buy something expensive I always buy an extended warranty with it.

15 years ago

Some people should be less of an a$$ before they comment too.

15 years ago

I am not a fanboy of xbox 360, ps3, or any other system, but it seems most all of you are just strictly ps3 fanboys that have been brainwashed by Sony and the ps3. I'm just making objective comments about the way it is

15 years ago

Facts beget reasons to hold opinions. And you'd be surprised how many fanboys begin a post with "I'm not a fanboy"

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/20/2009 11:20:40 PM

15 years ago

We like our PS3's crawdaddy, but we are not "fanboys" as you put it… we enjoy seeing Sony being a success and teaching Xbots what it means to build and sell a quality product. If the exclusives are anything to go by… they will speak for themselves.


"i am home"

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

Me brainwashed,me not bitter about my ps3 dyi ng. Dude grow up,or get a 360 and shut it

15 years ago

"but it seems most all of you are just strictly ps3 fanboy"

I'm sorry if I get in trouble with the mods for this but… Are you stupid? I mean seriously. What you just said makes no sense at all.

Thats like walking into a church and saying "Jeez, look at all of these people who worship Jesus in one place! I've never seen so many at once!"

Maybe we're all Ps3 "fanboys" because this a ps3 news site?

Last edited by Masterofallz on 3/21/2009 7:39:18 PM

15 years ago

It'll be on the Wii for sure.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Who let the fanboy in?

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

Perhaps Capcom know that the game is'nt up to ps3 standards.Let the 360 owners buy it,i hope it sells millions-giving Capcom more cash for Home

15 years ago

capcom is dead to me.
they lost all my respect with what they did with DMC4 and resi 5.
good ridence.

15 years ago

capcom is dead to me.
they lost all my respect with what they did with DMC4 and resi 5.
good ridence.

15 years ago

All the way with you, Curse Capcom for dissapointing us…

15 years ago

I never did understand all the hate directed at this game. The PS3 version of LP was perfectly fine. All the trash reviews were simply products of the console war, and not the game itself. It's certainly no masterpiece, but I found it very enjoyable. I would love to see the sequel on PS3.

And all these attitudes of "there are better games, so who needs this" are exactly what's causing the downturn of the industry. People aren't willing to try things unless they're "The. Absolute. Best.", and so developers aren't willing to take chances, try new concepts, or stray from their comfort zone. It's a real sorry situation.

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