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New Pain DLC Imminent, Patch To Enable Online Play

Although we've had better PlayStation Network titles since its release, Pain was certainly amusing when it first appeared on the Store in 2007. If you picked it up then and need an excuse for another masochistic go-round, the PlayStation blog has some good news for you.

They've announced that two new pieces of downloadable content will be on the way for Pain , and the first patch is by far the most important: it will allow you to play online! Online play will support all the offline multiplayer modes, and of course, they won't leave you blind; you'll get the benefit of text and voice chat. Sony is also preparing what they're calling the "Smack Pack," although we don't have any pricing or release details just yet. We do know it'll have two new gameplay modes, though- Darts and Fortress. The former lets up to four players attempt to destroy each other's strongholds by using a variety of explosives, and as for Darts…well, you can guess. Humans will be used as projectiles, and that means you can use either yourself or any innocent bystanders who just so happen to be in the…er…line of fire, so-to-speak. This should be enough to prompt you to make a purchase – if you haven't already – and if not, feel free to check out the other currently available DLC.

Pain is all about cutting loose and we could all use a bit of that every now and then, right? It may not be the best game you've ever played, but where else can you launch your human pinata from a giant slingshot atop a skyscraper?

Related Game(s): PAIN

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15 years ago

Never played Pain, anyone recommend?

15 years ago

It was the first psn game i ever bought. I found the trophies to be incredibly hard (read impossible) to get 😛 but maybe with online play it might make it easier (since most of it requires plenty of multiplayer games being played over ..and over ..and over again. It actually is quite fun for awhile (trophies gave it an objective at least) but now it's just too difficult 😛

15 years ago

The game is alright but paying for the levels and/or characters is getting to be quite silly imo. The new playable characters should at least be free and the levels be a dollar or something.

Therefore this update better be free to make up for it, but I highly doubt it.

15 years ago

When people start to add up what they are actually spending on DLC… I think it will slowly get more and more difficult to convince people to do so.. I will need a push to pay for Killzone 2 DLC to be honest!

I am also glad I finally made the effort to email my local "Cash Converters" here in Singapore. I can buy PS3 games that are in "mint" condition for about US$ 35.00… this makes a huge difference. So with a hundred bucks I can get my 3 titles per year – I am also going to sell a few titles I own, at a loss, but the extra cash will go to titles I should have bought.

The titles I will sell are "Ferrari Challenge", "Ridge Racer", "Motorstorm" and "Call of Duty III". I can then put that money toward "Unchartered II" and "Dirt II"; with my other choices being "GoWIII" and "Call Of Duty VI" – that should do it for the year…

Second hand is good 🙂


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 3/20/2009 2:56:50 AM

15 years ago

FYI, this DLC came out yesterday. $2.99US.

15 years ago

OMG it's about time we got the online play! That's all i've been complaining about! Yay I can now smack my friends monkeys!…for the people who play and own Pain will understand…everyone else will think i'm a perv XD

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