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PlayStation 3 System-Selling Software: Current And Future

The concept of the "system-selling" title is simple: it's a game that's so good, it manages to convince a previously on-the-fence consumer to finally purchase the piece of hardware necessary for playing the title in question. Obviously, we're talking about exclusives; nobody sits there with the Xbox 360 and says, "oh gee, Grand Theft Auto IV is out…now I need a PS3."

So, here's a look at what Sony's machine already has; what we consider to be system-selling software:

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots : Really, it's the reason to own the PS3 right now, and it should be more than enough to coerce even the most pessimistic gamers to own the necessary console. It features one of the best storylines we've ever seen in video games, and the streamlined stealth/action gameplay is fantastic. In short, this isn't just a game…it's an experience.

LittleBigPlanet : It's one of the most innovative and entertaining games we've ever seen, and it's also one of the most technically accomplished. It swept the competition away at this year's AIAS Awards and you'll be hard-pressed to find a single solitary soul who doesn't like LBP. And with all the DLC available, plus the fact that it's specifically designed for co-op play, you could literally play it forever.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune : It was the very first legitimate reason to own a PS3 in our estimation. It was the action/adventure title that really surprised a lot of people, and if you're a fan of the genre, you can't possibly miss out. Beautiful and fun as hell, Nathan Drake captured our interest right from the start, and when it ties with God of War II for our 2007 Game of the Year Award…well, that says something.

Killzone 2 : It's simply a step ahead of any other FPS available and if you want the best of the best in this competitive genre, you absolutely need a PS3. Guerilla's masterpiece is a gem from front to back, and although it didn't receive the marketing campaign it deserved from Sony, that doesn't change its amazing inherent quality. It's simply one of those "must-play" titles that helps to define a generation.

Now that we've established these current PS3 system sellers, here's a look at the games that will further push hardware sales:

God of War III : We're just going to say it: GoWIII will be the best action game of the generation to date, and may be the finest action title in history. It's almost inevitable at this point. The first two installments in the series are two of the highest scoring and most popular games ever, and based on what we've seen so far of the third and final entry…wow. Just…wow. Like MGS4, we say it's going to be another memorable experience.

Gran Turismo 5 : Remember back in 2001, when everyone was always saying, "oh, I'll buy a PS2 when GT3 comes out"? Yeah, well, GT3 came out and a whole lot of people went out to buy a PS2, and we figure it's bound to happen again when GT5 finally arrives. We've already gotten a taste with Prologue , which proves to us that the final product will absolutely be the finest racing simulator ever. And yeah, you're gonna need the PS3.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves : Just as the original deserved to be on the "current" list, the sequel most certainly deserves to be on the "future" list. Set for release later this year, Uncharted 2 is the prettiest damn console game we've ever seen, and it's just gonna blow everyone away. Drake is the new Lara Croft, and guess what? …his games are better. Look out, Gears of War , you're going to have major competition for the best third-person action/shooter available!

The Secret PS3 Exclusive : That's right…it's a secret. We know what it is, and we know it's a true-blue system seller. We know people have been waiting for the announcement…we know it exists…we know the confirmation is coming…but we ain't gonna tell ya 'bout it, because we promised we wouldn't. Just trust us when we say, it deserves to be on this list.

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15 years ago

Welcome… to TWISTED METAL… (One can dream, right?)

15 years ago

I really expect them to revel the new twisted metal in GDC or E3 the latest.

15 years ago

That's the first thought I had when I saw the "secret game". I can't wait for another Twisted Metal installment.

15 years ago

Ya, I want a twisted metal bad too!

15 years ago

When do we find out about this "secret" Ben?

15 years ago

If I didn't have a PS3 those games would be enough for me to shell out the money to grab one. I have each one of the available games and they are indeed must haves.

I'm looking forward to GOW 3 and GT5 so bad. The trailer for GOW3 speaks for itself.

15 years ago

Hey Ben do you tease the girls like this also.

Do you have a date when you can let the cat out of the bag?
I may just have to break down and try Metal Gear once I get my backlog of game caught up.

15 years ago

The secret has to be MGS5!!! I mean, why not? If MGS4 is an experience then why wouldnt MGS5 be?! Plus there has been rumors about its info release at GDC & E3!!!!

15 years ago

I don't think so, they seem to want to announce it soon and MG5 has already been talked about. I think it's something else.

15 years ago

I'm curious to know what this secret exclusive is, Ben make me an offer and i'll pay you to tell me, how much do you think that kind of info is worth??

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago

While I was reading this list, I felt it was exactly what I expecting to read.

That was until the "secret" exclusive game was seen by my eyes.

Can you at least elaborate with a crumb such as a any date??

15 years ago

I bet the "secret exclusive" is…. HALO 4!!!

Ok, not really, my money is on Team Ico's next project.


15 years ago

Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Twisted Metal

Last edited by psxmax on 3/19/2009 2:15:03 PM

15 years ago

Ben Dutka= Master of Hype without giving a single detail.

15 years ago

Hehe, I think you made this list just so you could shock us all with that ending.

The obvious possibility to me was the new Team ICO game. Isn't the head of that studio supposed to speak at GDC next week?

Maybe that's just wishful thinking though, because I REALLY want some news about their game.

Last edited by JasperLoons on 3/19/2009 2:16:13 PM

15 years ago

Team Ico's!

karneli lll
karneli lll
15 years ago

cant be team Ico's game,that we already know about that.

15 years ago

we know about it, but know nothing about it.

15 years ago

its what donald rumsfeld would call a "known unknown"


15 years ago

LOL, at least it isn't an "unknown unknown" 😛

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

The four titles on the 'current' list are enough to validate my purchase of the most expensive of the 3 consoles . The upcoming games would add to its value exponentially .

15 years ago

i smell heavy rain

15 years ago

Except we know about Heavy Rain already.

Last edited by Orvisman on 3/19/2009 3:51:35 PM

15 years ago

Except, by that logic we'd need to omit the word "ICO" too.

15 years ago

as people said up there before me, I didn't expect much from this blog post, because i've heard all there is to hear about all these games…. until I got to the ending. Ben is the master of hype eh? geez …i had no idea something this big was coming. Lately it's just been the same old same old. Heavy Rain this, GOW3 that… I would absolutely love to play a new Twisted Metal. The ps3 has got me playing all kinds of games that I never would have played before… and Twisted Metal would be amazing. But …if it's something from Team ICO, perhaps another Shadow of the Collosus? hmm …maybe

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I can't give any hints about the secret game itself but I CAN tell you it's NOT the Team ICO title.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Is it Heavy Rain? Well can you tell us whether it's been demoed or something at a conference!! WE NEED TO KNOW! OK is it GT5, InFamous, I Am Alive, L.A. Noire, MAG, a new Ratchet & Clank, Ridge Racer or Warhawk?

15 years ago

You 'CANNOT' tell us it's the Team Ico title, alright thanks for letting us know 🙂 lol and how can it be Heavy Rain when that's a game we know about and has already been confirmed and announced?

15 years ago

We know all about those games.

15 years ago

"I can't give any hints about the secret game itself but I CAN tell you it's NOT the Team ICO title."
we can just ignore the capitalized words:
"I can't give any hints about the secret game itself but I tell you it's the Team ICO title. "

15 years ago

for me, the only true system seller will be GT5. unlike the others (MGS4 excluded), it appeals to all gamers around the world

15 years ago

Not me. I hate all racing games.

15 years ago

y'no what i mean

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

what about FF and Heavey rain

15 years ago

let it be gta V (or something like that) exclusive for ps3 (crosses fingers)

am i near the secret ben?

15 years ago

Ben this announcement better not be another story about you not talking to a cutie! lol. Just razing ya fella. I trust that you have the drop on something amazing.

15 years ago

DDR baby! j/p

I'm thinking a new Jak, or Sly.
FF7 remake would be a definite system system seller.

15 years ago

@cLoudou I wish it was ff7 oh god.

15 years ago

i hope its an FPS Ala Killzone but with co-op….
although ,come to think about it im 90% sure its an Rpg exclusive ……that would make ps3 sales through the roof…

Last edited by slayerkillemall on 3/19/2009 3:11:31 PM

15 years ago

Guess I should start wearing my sweet tooth T-shirt.

15 years ago

Heavenly Sword 2
Twisted Metal
Syphon Filter
Team Ico
Thats all i got for now hope its one of them

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Ooh, yeah! A new Heavenly Sword would be sweet!!!

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

MGS5 is possible since the "Solid story" is over. It'll probably be something like MGR or something (Metal Gear Raiden).

15 years ago

It's either a new Twisted Metal or a new Shadow of Colossus. Or an FFVII remake….DAMMIT!

It killz!

15 years ago

Imagine if it's none of these. Heavy Rain is no secret. Hell of a claim if it's going to be a system seller. I'm slightly revved up now.

15 years ago

I'm hoping they announce that The Getaway was not really canceled 🙂

15 years ago

Nothing will ever top TM2 in the realm of vehicle carnage. I'm hoping it's an RPG of some sorts since the PS3 needs more, hell give me enough to count on one hand worth playing.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

It's not a currently announced title. That's all. 🙂

15 years ago

Ben, can you make Sony finish The Getaway anyways? That's all I want for Christmas 🙂

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