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Godfather II Gets New Multiplayer Mode On Launch Day

Okay, so you know how some fans are a little annoyed that Capcom didn't include that multiplayer Versus mode with the launch of the game? Well, maybe EA has learned from the mistake…

They're including four multiplayer options in the game in question, but yet another is on the way, and it puts "an additional layer of gameplay on top of the four multiplayer modes and six maps already available in the game." As you can see by this EA press release , The Godfather II will be getting "Don Control" the instant the game is released; the patch that adds this new multiplayer mode will release along with the game's launch on April 7 in North America and on April 10 in Europe. To top it all off, it will be a free download, which should come as good news to those still steaming over the Capcom/Versus fiasco. In Don Control, 16 players compete to see who is the "ultimate Don of Dons," and you use your accumulated in-game currency during the gameplay. It's like gambling, though: if you lose, you will lose the money you wagered in the single-player mode, too! Those of you who enjoy open-ended sandbox-style games will probably want to give The Godfather II a try, especially if you've already finished with titles like Killzone 2 , Street Fighter IV , and Resident Evil 5 . It's time to move on to another promising game, right?

Anyway, we always like free patches that add more gameplay, and it kinda makes Capcom seem somewhat in the wrong for charging $5 for the Versus mode… But hey, we shouldn't complain too much.

Related Game(s): The Godfather II

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Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

This game mode sounds pretty sweet. Godfather II wasn't really on my radar, even though I heard the first one was pretty good. But, now it's under consideration. When can we expect a review?

15 years ago

This game is so disapointing, not only could they get teh rights to Al Pacino as Michael Corleone, but the game doesnt even look like The Godfather Part II and more like Miami Vice or Scarface, TGPII is one of my favaourite films of all time, but its not getting the treatment it deserves.

15 years ago

Yeah this game looks like it will suck ass what Im waiting for are the game addaptations of Clockwork Orange and Full Metal Jacket those are gonna rock

15 years ago

It will suck like a cactus!


"i am home"

15 years ago

The godfather 2 is one title I'm going to pass on. I'm going to say just stick to GTA its way better GF2 is a rental.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Don't you mean "II'm ggoing to p-p-pass"? 😀

15 years ago

WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!! Deadman there are somethings you just dont tamper with, Stanley's Work is one of them things. how can ACO be made into a decent game anyway, FMJ would just be a lousy FPS………No, just no!

15 years ago

I liked the first one. At that time, there wasn't much to cheer about as far as games. Hopefully, they will give us a demo.

15 years ago

@Troy Powers I think he meant that pass on, lol.

15 years ago

The first one was too tedious and repetetive anyways, and although I did end up finishing the game (for the original X-box), I can't remember the ending so it must not have been that memorable. This is going to be one of those games you pick up and play for maybe an hour and then put it down and walk away thinking to yourself, "eh, maybe I'll give it another try sometime when I have time", but then never actually get around to playing it again because so many other quality titles will come out that far exceed this GTA/Mafia emulator.

15 years ago

I am not that much of a graphics whore but this game looks like a early ps2 or dreamcast game.

15 years ago

im gettin this game it looks better than i remember gta4 playing.

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