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Flower Couldn’t Possibly “Look The Same On Any Other System”

There's no doubt that Flower is one of the most unique and impressive accomplishments of the current generation, but did you realize that without the PlayStation 3, it may never have happened?

In a interview with ThatGameCompany's co-founder and president, Kellee Santiago, we learn that the designers took full advantage of the system's significant SPU capacity. Said Santiago:

"We learned so much on flOw, especially about SPUs! The grass system really leverages the PS3 to render 200,000 blades of grass simultaneously, and gives the player this sense of blowing wind through them."

Yeah, we distinctly recall many blades of grass, all bending and swaying in the wind that we – for all intents and purposes – control. There's little doubt that it was visually appealing, as the only minor drawback centered on the lack of texture detail in the individual petals that comprise our colorful "tail." Santiago spoke more about the SPUs:

"An artist friend of ours came to us, really hoping that we could tell him some clever trick that we used to make it look like we had so many blades of grass. He was reluctant to believe that really John Edwards just made it happen on the SPUs. It really would be impossible to make it look the same on any other system. But, it's one of the pros with knowing your game is exclusive to a specific system – you can really design everything towards that one platform."

We've often said that if a developer wishes to focus on the PS3, we'll see some seriously polished titles. Flower is just a downloadable game one can nab for only ten bucks on the PSN; it's not a giant mega-blockbuster and yet, it proves that Sony's machine boasts certain hardware and architectural advantages.

Related Game(s): Flower

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15 years ago

Flower is an amazing game! Beautiful to watch, innovative, fun and well, just straight up an amazing PSN exclusive!
Linger in the Shadows is another great PSN download!

I will continue to support and enjoy Indi games/interactive art on the PSN!

15 years ago

And, since Linger in Shadows is only 3 bucks, there's no reason not to buy it! Now what I'm saying? I mean, I spend three bucks just about every time I go inside a gas station, for gum and whatnot.

15 years ago

Its so relaxing, after I play kz2 I need to take a chill pill and flower is what the doctor order.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

LOL I did that, too.

15 years ago

I gotta pick this game up still, maybe next month.

15 years ago

@Zemus101 – Pick up the game.

It's really fun and relaxing to play. If you are into trophies, there is some great replay value there.

I was a little put off by the $10 price tag but after playing it, it's well worth that.

15 years ago

I agree. Linger in the shadows is awesome. Haven't played Flower but I have no doubt that it's visually impressive.

photo K
photo K
15 years ago

It's really relaxing and visually impressive. The replay value only takes you so far, so IMO I can only play one or 2 levels in a sitting, but very impressive indeed, I hope more developers take a look at this and build around the ps spu's.

15 years ago

I still can't get that stupid pure trophy

Last edited by dlte on 3/16/2009 1:09:59 PM

15 years ago

same here

15 years ago

yeah that trophy is a bitch.

15 years ago

It'll be nice when other developers see this game and realize that they're imaginations and therefore their games, are limited by the hardware they develop for. They need to stop porting and start using this machine to it's full gaming potential.

15 years ago

This is really a great game. i hope Sony continues to publish their games

15 years ago

I am actually quite heavy into trophies. I was mostly worried that my $10 wouldn't go very far, I got the Noby Noby Boy trophies in a day 😛 but that was $5 and …well yeah, i know i'll pick up Flower. I've just put it off cuz i found other things to spend my $10 on. How much value does Flower have? like …replay value at least

15 years ago

The replay value is decent, if only to get the trophies or if you have a headache and need some love from Flower… Ahhhh, so relaxing…

15 years ago

ive got all the trophies on flower but 'pure'. try to get that and all the relaxation goes. Apart from that its a great, quite strange, game

15 years ago

200,000 blades of grass. Wow. That in itself is worth the price of admission..

15 years ago

I think you hit the nail on the head with "if a developer wishes to focus on the PS3, we'll see some seriously polished titles." When they do that 1 thing, a game, even a 10 dollar game becomes top notch one. But a lot of developers just take the game to as good as it is on the other port systems. I think this system will make more independents shine the stronger the PSN gets.

15 years ago

I played the demo of Flower and thought it was ok but didn't warrant me enough to download it. Maybe in the future for now though I can leave it.

I did like cuboid though but again im still to download that also.

15 years ago

oh snap i didn't even know there was a demo for flower, i bought it immediately tho so lol

15 years ago

There isnt. I just looked for it! LOL! But they need one. This is where Sony should stand up in terms of advertisment. They definitely need a demo for all PSN exclusives. These games are so innovative that its tough to figure out if you even need to spend ten bucks on 'em!

15 years ago

flower's a great game to play, but i gotta say i like just starting it up and let it run – like i am right now – while doing other things around the house.

it's like a moving painting.

15 years ago

Here is an idea… why don't Sony make a run of beautiful artistic screen savers… some free, some you pay for… But really beautiful tech routines that people can leave on while reading or something…

The music visualisers that Sony have now for the system are getting old… and they don't have enough community input with regards to letting demo crews or the like make some tech routines for the console.

The only demo crew that was officially permitted to do anything were the makers of "Linger" 🙁


"i am home"

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I really want to try Linger in Shadows…

15 years ago

Linger in Shadows is really weird and scary to me, but flower pawns it.

15 years ago

I have both "Linger" and "Flower"… 2 awesome games…

Great stuff really!


"i am home"

15 years ago


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