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SOCOM: Confrontation Set To Launch In Europe, New Patch Details

The launch of SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation is just around the corner in Europe, and in preparation for that event, Sony has announced a new update patch that will synchronize all players around the world with the European release.

According to the game's official site, patch 1.41 is available for download now and it holds several new features and upgrades. For instance, the lag issue some players had complained about should be gone, Medley Game information has been abbreviated on the XMB (and it's simply easier to find Friends, too), they addressed a few speed and stability issues, and provided us with a few updates to Quick Match, listed here:

Increased countdown timer in Quick Match Pre Game lobby from 20 to 60 seconds.

Enabled Quick Match team switching.

Ranked, Unranked and Unranked Respawn games, each contains 6 different playlists: 3 8vs8 and 3 16vs16 players.

For more info on update 1.41, go ahead and visit . This is one of those games that experienced major problems upon launch, but we knew the team would issue fix-it patches in due time, which is why we waited to toss up our review . Really, now that they've worked through the serious problems, it's a solid online multiplayer experience, and you Euro gamers are in for a treat.

Related Game(s): SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation

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15 years ago

I felt burned by SOCOM's launch issues, being a release day purchaser. I had played the PS2 series of games also from release and was really looking forward to the PS3 version. Even with some of the teething issues of the ps2 versions, I was unprepared for how poorly this game launched. I tried giving it the benefit of the doubt, but finally releasing a fix-all patch only AFTER KZ2 MP hooked me doomed the title to a dust collector item.

Handing off the console title to the PSP socom dev might have had something to do with it. I might actually be resenting Zippers focus on the Vapourware that MAG is turning into; perhaps SOCOM for the ps3 could have been better if Zipper had stayed on board for it.

Perhaps the new European playerbase will re-enliven the title for me, and I will for sure try it out again, but odds are the pace will bore me to death. Now that I am used to the fluidity and rhythm of KZ2, nothing short of an overhaul will bring me back to it full time.

Last edited by JofaMang on 3/10/2009 10:44:26 AM

15 years ago

How is MAG turning into vaporware?

Sony just announced it at E3 2008.

One year does not make it vaporware.

15 years ago

I've been hearing about MAG for about 1.5 years now (give or take). In that time they showed one batch of screenshots, and as of last summer it was supposed to be out in 2009.

Since then, no new screenshots, no gameplay videos, little to no press that I have noticed, no firm (or even tentative) dating. Last summer it was being touted for its promises of technical ingenuity involved in being a Massive Action Game, and since we have been given approximately, nothing.

It isn't vapourware yet, but it is following the path. Zipper isn't SE or Polyphony Digital. They do NOT have my confidence when it comes to the claims they have made about MAG (or the claims sony has made on their behalf). Until we see some gameply footage and a street date, MAG should be under scrutiny.

15 years ago

They still have time to delay it again lol

15 years ago

Every time I hear about a new patch for this game it makes me glad I didnt cancel my pre-order. All the horror stories I was hearing about its launch bugs/issues were really putting me off buying it

15 years ago

I was a launch day purchaser, then I left it for a couple of weeks because of the problems. But now I really enjoy it, It's a solid shooter with few issues. If anyone is into online shooters, I would recommend this one.

I just hope they release some new maps soon though, the originals are getting kind of tiresome.

15 years ago

The main problem SOCOM has a this time is called Killzone 2.

Haven't touch Socom for a couple of weeks now.

15 years ago Socom but itll be a while before I go back to it, if ever. KZ2 is taking up all my time now.

15 years ago

different games for different people or moods.

15 years ago

Completely different games… Killzone is get in and start shooting kind of game hoping you can get more than one kill before you get killed yourself. Socom is WAY more tactical. Personally I think Socom has a better gametype. I am HOPING that killzone comes out with a hardcore/search and destroy mode for it's multiplayer. As of now you do not need to worry about dying in killzone. In Socom you do have to worry about dying. So no, I do not think Killzone is the thing that is holding it back. What's holding it back are some silly glitches people can use against people, and some bad reputation birthed from it's launch.

15 years ago

It was alright when it worked but all in all I was thoroughly dissatisfied.

15 years ago

Yeah, I was a day-1 SOCOM purchaser. (might be mainly for the cool headset)
I really enjoyed the game, even before all the patches, mainly because I never played the PS2 version much.

But yeah, with Killzone 2, that's where all my time is right now. I like leveling up. I just wish they would bring back bots, so I can get my friends to come play. They are too shy to play with strangers… =/

15 years ago

About Socom, unfortuantely not every mag or site will rereview Socom with all the fixes included.

Therefore, for most gamers who rushed to buy the game at launch and were burned and traded in the game, and for those who avoided the game because of all the bad buzz, the damage has already been done and might be irreversible.

This is a shame because the game as it is now doesn't resemble the game at launch. It is now a much-more polished experience.

Sony really screwed the pooch with the Socom launch. It really should have delayed the game for further polishing like it did with Killzone 2.

15 years ago

I was in the Beta for the UK socom last year.. in the whole time i was on the Beta I got about three full games in, the whole game was really broken. I have to admit I just gave up most of the time, and went and played CoD. you would just sit there in the lobby.. and wait! or you'll be playing and then suddenly your booted for no reason. ahh, memories.

I really hope they have addressed these issue that plagued the EU version, but time will tell.

I am thinking of picking it up in a couple of weeks, but I wont on day one, I'll wait a good ten days and see what everyone else is saying.

there must be a reason apart from language why its taken sooo long for this to come to teh EU, let hope its because they were fixing it!

15 years ago

Thanks guys. Im downloading it as i write, its 529MB so its a pretty decent packet of data right there, only at 13% but it sounds like a great update.

15 years ago

Is the deal with the headset still available anywhere?

15 years ago – 28.99 Pound – appr. 32 Dollar incl.Headset

15 years ago

I don't understand why the patch in the first place. I thought that's what beta's are for, to get feedback in order to fix everything "BEFORE" the game comes out.

Damn, WTF was I thinking??????

15 years ago

i thought this came out in europe a long time ago? or was it the uk only? because i have some friends over there that have been playing it for awhile now

15 years ago

No, we imported the U.S. version to play this game. There´s a big German Socom community here.
The new update fixed up some issues, but there´s still no ping display or a min. ping to join a server. But this is definitly needed because of the so called 'laggers by will'. Cheaters to be precise 🙂 . Hope the next patch covering those issues is not far away.
By the way, I´m playing F.E.A.R. 2 all my freetime now. It has a really fascinating gameplay. And AI is overwhelming.

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