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What Happened To Afrika?

Update: Thanks to the efforts of Thomas Williams and his The PlayStation 3 Guys blog, we have some added information on the matter. After querying Ellen Stanley, Vice President of Communications for National Geographic, he received this response:

"The original release identified the game incorrectly as a National Geographic branded game. That is not the case. Afrika is a Sony game, and is in current distribution in Asia. For further information on the game, I suggest that you reach out to Sony."

So there you have it. We thought we had heard something about Afrika becoming available in Asia, and we remain hopeful that it will eventually arrive in other regions. We still think it could show up as a downloadable title on the PSN…guess we'll have to wait and see.

Original Story:

It feels a little weird checking the National Geographic website to ascertain the status of a supposedly incoming video game, but hey, times are changing.

As points out, Afrika for the PlayStation 3 has disappeared from the aforementioned site, which doesn't bode well for the game's eventual release. National Geographic has entered the game world with the launch of a new division that would "work in conjunction with companies like Namco Bandai and Sony." Sony Japan's Afrika was part of this new endeavor, but now…where has it gone? We just saw a press release in December, so we were hopeful that the unique and innovative title might soon arrive on store shelves. However, the game title is now suspiciously missing from that very same press release, and that could indicate bad news. Any number of things could've happened, but none of the possibilities are good: maybe things weren't going too well in that new games division and Sony took the game back. Maybe we're facing a delay. Maybe the entire damn thing has been canceled. Who knows? We hope to hear of new information and details concerning Afrika very soon, because we're certainly in need of a clarification.

Then again, perhaps they faced difficulty in generating interest for a game that has you photographing wildlife…and not doing much of anything else. If we think about it, though, we have an idea- with the PSN doing so very well, Afrika seems best suited to be a downloadable title, does it not? So maybe this transformation is the cause of the delay…

Related Game(s): Afrika

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15 years ago

All good predictions Ben, and although this is the first time I've heard of the game, hope it doesn't get delayed, and if it is going through a transformation, then it might be another quality PSN title.

By the way, my name is Victor =D

15 years ago

I saw some vids and pics last year on this game, and totally forgot all about it until now. Good find Ben. Hmm …Honestly, a game where you are a photographer taking pictures of animals in a wide open game with gorgeous graphics? umm me that sounds awesome, especially if you get paid for it in the game, and can buy all your equipment and stuff. As long as the game is very true to life and has great physics and character/animal models that feel real, i'd love it i think

Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit
15 years ago

One thing I didn't like about the conecpt is that it shows you riding around in a 4×4, and you can't even drive it.

15 years ago

Wow…totally forgot about this game. Looks interesting but ya…haven't heard a darn thing about it in months. I'm guessing Sony didn't think it was ready and is giving it more time.

15 years ago

This game would have to have amazing graphics if you are just going to take photos of the animals. Since its not action oriented i dont believe 'good' graphics will cut it. I am looking forward to it, and now that i think of it i havent heard much recently either.
I hope its not a psn title though. I refuse to download games and will fight digital media till the day i die unless sony gets it right and doesnt strap drm on it like luggage on a pack mule. I woudnt mind seeing this sell for $40 like GT5:P, which i have yet to pick up. Im trying to hold out for the full gt5, but seeing as Motorstorm:PR was a bit of a let down i might cave.

15 years ago

I'd buy it. Going to Africa spelled wrong and taking pictures doesn't sound to exciting, but I heard the graphics are supposed to be grreat! (tony the tiger in afrika)

15 years ago

It's actually not spelled wrong 🙂

15 years ago

Resident Evil 5 happened. Ouch.

15 years ago

This idea has been done before with the Pokemon Snap game years ago. Which is available on the Wii now I believe. I agree that it should be a downloadable title. Just don't think there is enough interest in it to be a good retail seller. I'd still like to give it a try if it does release. Probably be the closest I'll ever get to visiting Africa and seeing it through a camera lens.

15 years ago

It was eaten by the Ghost and the Darkness.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Man, I remember that movie…

15 years ago

What happened to it? It was re-titled Hakuna Matata and released in Asia last year!

Buy it from Play-Asia.

15 years ago

I've been waiting patiently for it and it never came 😐 supposedly euro was supposed to get a disc version but i don't think they ever did either…sigh i wanted this so bad….the vestige of pokemon snap :O

15 years ago

Afrika seems interesting but its not my type of game.

15 years ago

Looks like I'll just import the Chinese version since you can choose English in the options.

15 years ago

man i could care less if the game comes out or not but since my fiance is into all these animal stuff i im just gonna have to get on my knees and beg for it to come out already so that she can shut up for once lol

15 years ago

Well, I will check PSN on Thursday/Friday here in Singapore, and see if it does indeed arrive. Will pick it up if it does…


"i am home"

15 years ago

so we dont shoot the animals or anything?,hmmm can we at least blow them up ? 🙂

15 years ago

you can run them over in the jeep 😛

15 years ago

They just did a piece on this game on X-Play. They showed about 3-4 min of gameplay. G4 isn't in HD so it isn't fair for me to say how it looked. It was in their segment called "Made in Japan". It looks interesting, you can check it out here:

15 years ago

The narrator on that clip is f'n hilarious!!!

Thanks for the link, that alone deserves a "1 thumbs up" for you!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/10/2009 2:54:44 PM

15 years ago

i heard that the name was changed for the north american and europe release, i believe it was changed to "hakume amatata" (or however u spell it)

15 years ago

If they're going to make this thing a seller, They are going to have to add more then taking pictures.

I know parents will like the game and they made add some kind of six axis controls needed to take the perfect shot or something…(I don't see them going in-depth of photography like adjusting shutter speed and aperture and lighting and such,unless it's sponsored by Sony Alpha SLR cameras)

My idea of the game would have been along the lines that you start out as a Photographer for a well known Magazine. While you're on a shoot in Africa you have to choose between using the camera, or a gun for things like lion attacks, Poachers, Native Tribes…You could turn it into a survival horror type game. Depending on what you choose for a weapon, will affect how the game ends. (kind of like the Fallout Karma System)

But I'm probably way off from what they really want to do with this game..I usually am…lol

Last edited by CH1N00K on 3/10/2009 8:27:12 AM

15 years ago

Now THAT at least sounds interesting!

Last edited by Daedusian on 3/10/2009 2:57:53 PM

15 years ago

I would buy "your" version of this game,

but their version….I'm not so sure!!!!

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

You want to play a game in Africa. Might I suggest Far Cry 2 and RE5.

Both games have more action in 5 min. than the whole Africa "take pictures only" game.

It would be cool as a PSN title though…like Flower.

L7 356T

Last edited by Tim Speed24 on 3/10/2009 8:48:51 AM

15 years ago

Thanks for the props, Ben! After reading some of the comments above, perhaps it's best Sony/ NG didn't release the game here in the states..

Last edited by ThePS3Guy on 3/10/2009 8:58:40 AM

15 years ago

cellrsx and Geobaldi are right you can go to Play-Asia and pick it up for $49.95 U.S. Dollars. Under the name Hakuna Matata (English / Chinese Version), or you can search Afrika and it'll pop up.

To me it reminds me of a pokemon game for N64 where you take pics of pokemons!!

15 years ago

Afrika is available in Japan since last october… and seems like a fun and relaxing game

15 years ago

Heard it was a great game, great visuals. I totally forgot about this game i had heard about it earlier last year. I would get it. It's nice to have a change of atmosphere and scenery in a game.

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