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Mad Max: A “Hybrid Game” That’s Still A Few Years Off

Those of you old enough to remember Mel Gibson as "Mad Max" will distinctly recall the gritty, post-apocalyptic setting, and it should strike you as an interesting foundation for a video game.

Well, they are making one, but it's still a ways off. Thanks to a new interview posted over at the MTV Multiplayer blog (conducted by MTV Movies editor Josh Horowitz), we are aware of two things: 1. George Miller's new movie project will be presented in 3D anime, and yes, it's called "Mad Max," and 2. we've found someone else who sees immense storytelling potential within the video game industry. "Games were the poor cousin to feature films when it came to storytelling but I think it’s flipping," said Miller. "Games allow you be much more like a novelist." As for the game, Miller calls Mad Max a "hybrid game" and calls it an "opportunity to make a novel." Unfortunately, he also says there are "a couple of years left" in development, as they're only in the early stages of writing and designing. Obviously, the movie is a ways off, too, but we figure we can wait. It's just one of those cult classics that will never die provided the legacy is passed along, and now that Miller wants to resurrect the name with a movie and game…well, to put it simply, "Mad Max" is going to make a triumphant return. Well, we hope it'll be triumphant, anyway.

Stay tuned for more concerning the game adaptation of the film, and if you check around this year for more news concerning the movie, you'll probably be able to find a few updates.

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15 years ago

I still think that Mad Max is the basis behind the Fallout franchise. Post apocaliptic world. people wandering the wasteland wearing sports gear with spikes. loyal dog companion that will take an arrow for you. The only thing that wasn't in Fallout was the vehicles which will make this game different hopefully.

15 years ago

It absolutely is. The character design of the raiders. The towns. Only thing missing is cars with a lack of gas.

15 years ago

i love the shot where hes on the road and the bikes are coming towards whim, great camrea place ment, MM as a game……. i dunno… The Warriors worked i guess.

15 years ago

Just no Tina Turner from Thunderdome!!!

This Game could do well. Depends on how they do it. I think they need to make it a sandbox type game so people can explore the Mad Max world. Like Fallout and GTA combined.

Because the quest for fuel and water was such a big issue in the movies, you could have the character have to worry about things like running out of Gas… then trying to survive when they did.

This could either be really good..or really bad….

15 years ago

I hope they don't ruin the franchise. I'm thinking they'll go for a 3rd person viewpoint.

15 years ago

i just hope,for once they give us the "option"
to play the game in either first person or third person view….

15 years ago

I think there is a game kinda like this but its a combo of Motorstorm and a FPS.

15 years ago

Hybrid huh? 2 Games enter, 1 may or may not leave after 2-3 years of troubled development. Something about these great classics cause problems when they go to games. I hope I'm wrong about this one though.

15 years ago

Let's just hope it's better than the old NES game lol.

Veritas Vincit
Veritas Vincit
15 years ago

Does anyone remember Interstate 76 that was a fun game on PC I used to love playing that.

15 years ago

Hec ya, I loved Interstate 76, that was before GTA3. I loved just driving around attacking other cars. Interstate 82 was not nearly as fun and lacked the charm of the original.

15 years ago

A Mad Max game can be epic, as long as they do it right. Rather take 5 years to develop it and make it rock that spend 2 years and make it fail…. This is one game/genre they can not F**** up….

15 years ago

I don't know if it's just me, but it sure sounds like the're already going screw the movie up big-time.

I just can't see any Mad Max movie in an anime setting, even if it is 3D.


Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/10/2009 5:08:03 AM

15 years ago

It definitly would be missing the grit.
and our favorite crazy actor.

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