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Yakuza 3 Powers PS3 To #1 In Japan

You know, regardless of price, regardless of bad economies, regardless of any added bells and whistles…the #1 primary driver of hardware sales has always been and will continue to be: software.

When you've got a game out there that resonates with the public, they're gonna buy the system they need to play it. Yakuza 3 has been selling like hotcakes ever since its debut in Japan last week, and as a direct result, the PlayStation 3 has managed to outsell every video game console on the planet in that region. Is it any real coincidence that the same thing happened when Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots launched last year? Yakuza 3 has already sold 372,000 copies, and let's not forget that Japanese consumers also have the option of picking up that white, Yakuza-themed PS3 (the dragon tattooed on Kazuma's back is emblazoned on the system), so that helps, too. Here are the weekly hardware numbers for Japan (source- Kotaku:

Even the Godlike DSi couldn't beat the PS3 this past week. And perhaps no one has noticed, but the PSP continues to be a worthy competitor in the handheld market; something few predicted when the DS was outselling the PSP by a 4:1 ratio in Japan a little over a year ago. The simple bottom line is that when a piece of software releases that everyone seems to want, the corresponding piece of hardware moves quickly off shelves. It's a rule .

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15 years ago

RE5 sales 4:1 in favor of ps3.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

That's just because there are four times as many PS3s than 360s in Japan. Not so much to do with current PS3 sales, me-thinks. 😉

15 years ago

lol there 3 times more ps3 than 360.

15 years ago

nice,when does this release in UK

15 years ago

I bought my PS3 for Ratchet and Clank. Uncharted was a fantastic find though…

15 years ago

LOL the PS3 owns all, if we see a $100 drop in price in the US and whatever in Europe we could see similar figures from Japan around the world, THIS IS THE PS3's YEAR and nothing can take that away from it, just look at the AWESOME line up of exclusives.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

What genre is Yakuza 3 ?

15 years ago

Action/Adventure i think

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Yeah, it's basically Action or Action/Adventure. It's like a brawler mixed with a little GTA.

15 years ago

Wow the DSI is doing so so, not sure how that will due when out in NA. Not surprised that the PS3 is outselling look at all the exclusives coming out this year it's PS3's year for sure.

15 years ago

I love Japan. <3

15 years ago

japan rocks. i hope to go there someday.

15 years ago

I hope to go to Japan one day too.

15 years ago

I've been there 3 or 4 times, going again next week for a few days. It's a cool place, but gaming isn't as big as I thought it would be. They love their digital casinos though.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

I looked at the list of top selling games in Japan, and KZ2 wasn't even in the top 30. I know traditionally, the Japanese haven't gone for the FPS, but…was this game even released in Japan? Or did Yakuza 3 simply overshadow it?

15 years ago

Killzone 2 has only been released in North America, Europe and Australia so far.

I've seen people show off their copies of Yakuza 3 that they imported and some even bought the LE PS3 bundle, which is very sexy I might add. I hope this game does come to North America but if it doesn't, I will import it.

15 years ago


Isn't the game all in Japanese?

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

I guess that makes sense. They wouldn't want one competing with the other. I'd like to get a crack at this Yakuza game.

15 years ago

What's the U.S. release date for yakuza 3?

Last edited by Cpt_Geez on 3/6/2009 11:01:51 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Anyone asking about Yakuza 3 for North America or Europe, don't hold your breaths. We assume the game will eventually come to these regions, but Sega hasn't announced anything yet.

15 years ago

Didn´t they say 'No'. I asked my japanese friend and she said it is all in japanese, no english subtitles so far.
It would take quite a time to translate it all and furthermore they don´t exspect big sales in America or Europe. Think of Valkyria Chronicles – we have begged them for months and finally the did it, but it was no really sale success. And finally this game involves nudity and extrem brutality, which makes it difficult to get a clearance for sale outside Japan.

photo K
photo K
15 years ago

yeah that Yakuza ps3 sounds really sexy, I'd really like a crack at this game, sounds like GTA yakuza style fun!

15 years ago

If you happen to have.. say.. o i dunno.. a jap psn account, you can dl the demo. 🙂

Btw, it's pretty cool. Sort of reminds of Streets of Rage but in 3D!

15 years ago

Hmm, so much for Star Ocean. Maybe SE will take a note and… oh, I don't know… PUT THEIR GAMES ON THE PS3! Idiots.


15 years ago

@Arvis I totally agree with u. Sony will have to work really hard in NA to take the throne back.

15 years ago

bu bu but Wada said they wanted to expand.

15 years ago

So is it safe to say that the Yakuza franchise is sorta their version of GTA?

15 years ago

If I am not mistaking ps3 also outsold 360 in europe though not sure if it was the week or the month.

15 years ago

The interesting thing to note is if you've been watching Japanese console sales over the past few months, Wii sales keep sliding.

Maybe the Wii has finally reached its saturation point. I'm expecting to see Wii sales slow down globally this year.

The Wii does not have the legs, too gimicky, to surpass PS2 lifetime sales.

15 years ago

Gimme some predictions! What game will power PS3 to #1 in NA? KZ2 I hope goes a long way, and some are still iffy on Uncharted 2 because they haven't played the original, FFXIII went the way of the schizophrenic derelict so I'm gonna bet GoWIII will put the nail in the coffin because the exclusives that release before it will help close that small gap in sales.

15 years ago

GOWIII, GT5, Uncharted 2.. These games will surely uplift the ps3. And if sony will lower the price of the ps3 upon the release of this games, jeezz.. God help the competition!!!

15 years ago

Keep holding strong PSP. I love mine depite what the haters say.

15 years ago

for anyone asking about yakuza 3 , go log on to the japanese store and download the demo.cheers

15 years ago

Haha, ::holds breath:: PLEASE SEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

Dang. That is awesome.
I'm still waiting for the PSPhone though.

15 years ago

A perfect example of how a game can sell a system. The games are what is important, and Sony's got the best of the best on their side. Now SEGA, bring this mammoth to NA!

15 years ago

I've downloaded the demo from my Japan PSN acount.From scale 1 to 10, the graphic is at 8 maybe. The gameplay is really fun, not only the combat, when you're exploring the city, it's so crowded sometimes I just wish all these people would just go away, really, it's crowded like a real busy city on monday afternoon. The boss battle is what really won me over, simply amazing, looking forward for the US version, already finished Yakuza and Yakuza 2 so I'm quite familiar with the characters.

Last edited by Acehiroku on 3/7/2009 3:59:04 AM

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