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Why An FFVII Remake Wouldn’t Be A PS3 Exclusive

You know, that Final Fantasy VII Legacy article got me thinking… Thing is, as some of you said in the Comments, it's impossible to post up a story with FFVII in the headline and not immediately think, "holy crap, they're talking about a remake!" Well, even if we were , you should probably resign yourselves to the fact that if it ever happened, it likely wouldn't be exclusive to the PlayStation 3.

We've all assumed that this would be the case, but as time has gone on, and we've gotten a closer look at Square-Enix's business practices, PS3 exclusives seem less and less likely. Yeah, we still have Final Fantasy Versus XIII , but that game might not release until something like 2047. Then there's the obvious evidence: The Last Remnant debuting on the 360, Star Ocean: The Last Hope being a 360 exclusive, and a definite emphasis on portable titles (thankfully, the PSP is still included). Furthermore, if we're part of a Square-Enix corporate meeting, and they're discussing the possibility of a FFVII remake, I can't imagine anyone saying, "yeah, let's only make it so about 22 million people have access to it, rather than 50 million people (include the 360 user base)." These days, that philosophy works the same way; it seems almost as ridiculous to want to only cater to 28 million rather than the full 50 million for a multiplatform release.

Now, all the PlayStation fans will say the same thing: "FFVII was exclusive, and it's likely that most of the hardcore fans are still PlayStation fans. Hence, a remake should be exclusive to the PS3 ." We understand that logic. We do. We even agree with it. But as gaming has become more mainstream and has all the traits of big global business, it makes little sense to assume such a giant release would be limited to one platform. There's really only one chance left: if Square-Enix dives fully into the as-yet-untapped capabilities of the PS3 and opts to focus entirely on that piece of hardware for the remake. There's even the remote possibility that they began working on the idea some time ago, with only the PS3 in mind. If you want to entertain this train of thought, feel free. But logically speaking, taking all factors into account, we should probably abandon the idea that a FFVII remake would automatically be a PS3 exclusive…it just doesn't make much sense anymore.

For the record, no, we don't believe any such project is in the works. As far as we're concerned, the rumor is dead. But we know it's not amongst much of the gaming public, which is why we had to address this: if a FFVII remake ever does come into existence, it will probably be made for both the PS3 and 360. That's just the way it is.

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15 years ago

Your right it would be a DS game.

or at least that is where all the other FF games are going.

15 years ago


15 years ago

I don't care if it's not a PS3 exclusive, all I want is better graphics and voice actors.

It would actually be pretty sweet if 360 users could take part of this epic adventure too. Enough with all this fighting and bickering, let's just all get along with our systems. In the end it's only a machine, it's nothing that will change your future, or decide if you can have an abortion or not, it's just a machine providing entertainment. Get some real issues to be upset about, and then get back to me…

15 years ago

But so many 360's ARE abortions…


15 years ago

Good point, I take back what I said 😛

15 years ago

Make it on the PS3 and push the hardware as much as possible, dump as much data on Blu-ray disc and give us Japanese voice acting WITH English subtitles, give us Online with Co-op mode please and release it on the PS3 first. Then you can give it to the 360 or Wii or whatever. If they intend to make it for both consoles, WE ALL KNOW that the game will be LIMITED because of the 360's hardware and like every company out there, they won't try to push the PS3 as much and won't try to dump so much data on Blu-ray because of the DVD. It's a fact, the truth.

15 years ago

It would make since to make it multiplatform now days considering the economy. II couldn't see it any other way if FFVII was going to be remade.

15 years ago

Doesn't Sony own the FFVII franchise or at least part of it? 😮

15 years ago

I thought so too. Ben u are teasing me with these ffvii headlines, Yeah I wish too, I don't have a problem with ffvii going multiplatform, the problem I do have is when third party developers give me a waterdown version of a game for the ps3 and it plays like bull$#!^, I willn't give my $60 to a third party developers who are lazy and don't want spend that extra money. Thats how I feel.

15 years ago

They published it in Europe and North America so I would assume if they made it multi-platform it'd be the reverse of the situation with FF XIII.

15 years ago

They do own part of the FFVII Universe so if it were to go multiplat I believe all other systems would have to pay BOTH Sony and SquareEnix i think.

15 years ago

To be honest I'm sick of SE and all this BS going on right now I could care less about FF at this very moment, when they decide to release the game maybe i'll buy it otherwise I got other games to play if they don't want my $$ they won't get it

PSN ID Biggest_GMoney

15 years ago

I would buy it even if it's multiplatform. Imo ff7 is the best one of the lot and most popular so multiplatform makes sense. But i really don't think there would be a remake this gen.

15 years ago

Nintendo presents: FFWii….nope not the same really….but I agree, a game with that much hype centered around it will be multiplat…why would they limit themselves to only making a lot of money, when they could make a sh*t load?

15 years ago

Because if they kept it PS3 exclusive, not only would they STILL make TONS of money, but they will be able to make a BETTER video game. And isn't that really the goal?


15 years ago

Not with Square Enix

15 years ago

From a business standpoint, I would say that providing products for both systems would probably net you more profits than just making games for one. FFVII was my second PSone game in my beginnings as a gamer (Legend of the Dragoon was first). I really enjoyed FFVII, I would be happy if this game was shared with more gamers. If suppose they did make a remake that was multiplatform, I wouldn't have any problem with it…

15 years ago

It will eventually happen, there is just too much money to be made for SE to ignore it forever. When it does happen I don't doubt it will be on multiple platforms, I really don't care I just want it made.

I'm also annoyed at those who have a problem with a remake. It's the same with movies, if you don't like it then don't watch it. It does not hurt the consumer one bit for great games of the past to be remade.

15 years ago

oh god give this topic a rest…. in all honesty i dont want an FF7 remake, Its fine how it is. id rather have a new FF title to the same quality.

15 years ago

No Arvis, the goal is to make the most money, not make the best videogame. Developers are in business to create the biggest profits, not look back and have pride for a job well done.

15 years ago

that seems to be the trend with squenix as of late (except for kingdom hearts)

there hasn't been a GREAT game from squenix

final fantasy wise:

X-2 was ok,

12 sucked,

and who cares about 11?!

and i dont care much about whatever else squenix comes out with 😛

all the GREAT games were pre-squenix, back to the good old days of squaresoft!!!!

15 years ago

oh crap, i forgot crisis core!!!

that game was awesome!!

and i'm hoping that squenix can make 13 and vs13 become the best thing since sliced bread 🙂

15 years ago

Final Fantasy 12 was Ehh, The best Final fantasy was 10 imo! I loved 10 so much.

Last edited by Randomhero1 on 3/6/2009 7:40:15 AM

15 years ago

I look at it this way, although i generally have no idea what i am talking about:

Most FF7 fans probably won a ps3. It logically makes sense because Sony has had Square on their side for the past 15 years or so, so anyone who loves Square's great rpg's will have bought a ps3 back when we all though ff13 was exclusive. It makes more sense for square to spend 1 year making a game that 15 million ps3 owners will buy instead of spending 2 years making a game that 15mil ps3 owners and 10 million 360 owners will buy. The recent psn/xbl article shows that the ps3 draws an older audience, mainly the age group that will have already played FF7 and know how awesome it is. The 360, however, draws the modern generation that plays gears because "omg leik blood on teh screenorz!" and wouldnt appreciate a 1997 rpg.

15 years ago

ur correct… and belive me even VERSUS will become multi-platform… or even 360 exclusive lol joking but multiplatform ohh yeah im counting cause Square is in love with ms thats why ppl say money talks and bulshit walks (i.e. The Last Remnant a.k.a the walking bulshit)…

15 years ago

@Edito Ive got a feeling u may be right, I highly doubt it ffvsxiii will be ps3 exclusive, M$ might give 100million check for time exclusive.

15 years ago

Okay so someone touched on this but since Sony licensed FFVII, doesn't that mean they pwn a piece of it? I just want to know if this applied to remakes, all the characters and stuff belong to The Artists Formerly Known As Squaresoft, but what does it mean for anything with "Final Fantasy VII" in the title?

IF this part ownership is so, can SE just get around this by adding a subtitle "Final Fantasy VII: Redux"? Does the license run out ever like a patent? These are the questions I hoped this article could answer, how about some views from someone who knows about these things because I really don't?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/5/2009 5:52:56 PM

15 years ago

Sony published FF7, so i would assume they hold some kinds of rights to the IP. It would make sense seeing as Dirge was on ps2 and Crisis Core on psp, all being sony hardware. Im not certain Crisis Core would have worked on the DS anyway, but Dirge very well could have been multi-plat last generation.

15 years ago

Oh yeah, can someone tell me if this is just a bunch of bull by Amazon? Looking under FFXIII Versus it says: "This item will be released on December 13, 2009." and for that matter the Dec 01 release for FFXIII. I know, I know, without a peep from SE and all the BS red tape an actual date now would be impossible but why are they assuming these dates at all?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/5/2009 6:27:12 PM

15 years ago


And because it gets people interested in a game, and if they see an early date on a specific website, you will stick with it, even after it is pushed back.

Last edited by robinhood2010 on 3/5/2009 6:28:33 PM

15 years ago

Soooo, good business practice is saying

"let's only make it so about 22 million people have access to it, rather than 50 million people!"

which is why it has happened with the X360 with other S-E titles.

sucks to be a ps3 owner sometimes.

15 years ago

If it isn't already owned by sony I would think it be in their best of interest to pay for the exclusivety as such a game would move lots of consels. Even if they have to pay more than SE would earn from making it multiplat, but hopefully sony has some rights to the ip.

15 years ago

Sony refuses to pay for games, and i respect them for that. Sony has bought quite a few studios in the past few years, which is a better investment, imo, because 10 years from now sony will be able to sell a studio back to the shareholders if they need the cash, you cant do that with a game. MS likes to rent an apartment, but sony buys the apartment complex.

15 years ago

That may be true, but for S-E I still can't see why they have made exclusives for MS.

Surely with the install base growing for each console by the day, it would make more sense to release all games multiplat?

Prime example here is Star Ocean. WTF???
How is keeping it on the Xbox 360, and being paid a one-time sum, better than having it on both consoles for eternity?

Last edited by robinhood2010 on 3/6/2009 7:13:53 AM

15 years ago


15 years ago

I would Never buy or Even RENT another SE title if that happened.

15 years ago

SE has only been a pile of disappointing crap this generation and like most companies they don't give a hooha about their fans, but unlike some companies they seem to not like having a fan base at all thats why SO isn't in a ps3. I do really hope there stocks goes down so sony can purchase them. Actually no I hope they go bankrupt (period).

PS. Yoshi Wada can burn in hell, the only ppl I still hold high in SE are Noubo Umeatsu & Tetsuya Nomura.

15 years ago

Exclusive or not, I really dont care, just release it sooner than later.

15 years ago

Noubo Umeatsu's musics is great.
his music in LO also good.

they can use 6 DVD-9 or 3 DVD-9
btw SO4:TLH use 3DVD-9 = almost the same as single BR-Disc (the SL [25GB] )

but yeah, changing disc is a bit annoying. in disc 3, if i want to travel to other planets, i need to change disc 🙁
it seems disc 3 full with cutscenes data.

Last edited by orangpelupa on 3/5/2009 10:37:34 PM

15 years ago

O Yeah!! Nobuo Uematsu is the man!!! xD i just wish he was the one who made the music for FFXII 🙁

well i think it should be him in FFXIII whose doing the music xD.

15 years ago

Do you care that much if he says BD or BR-Disc?

15 years ago

FFVII's overrated imo, the game's good as it is.

Heck if VII gets a next-gen remake, so should VI.

15 years ago

Ben, they did take the 50% (ish) userbase approach with star ocean and FF Versus so it wouldn't be out of the question with FFVII.

Saying that, It really wouldn't bother me if it was multiplat as long as the game was the best it could be on each machine.

15 years ago

Just watch both of those examples will be timed exclusives. Versus will make its way to the 360 in some form and Star Ocean will arrive on the PS3 in less than 2 years.

15 years ago

If I were Sony i'd give SQUARE HOWEVER MUCH FUND needed to remake FF7 at its BEST to the PS3.

Last edited by SuMtOnE on 3/6/2009 4:29:53 AM

15 years ago

I don't care if it's exclusive or not… I would just like to play FFVII again. I would even be happy with the original title with just a bit of a graphic overall as a down loadable game…. Hell I'll even play the original PS game if I could get my hands on it somewhere…

15 years ago

thanks for the correction 😀

the BD naming a bit confuse me
BD long name is Blu-ray disc if i remember correctly.
it make me think :
Blu-ray Disc -> BR Disc >_<

15 years ago

yall feel free to correct me if i'm wrong,
isn't the story what is soooooooo special in RPG'S ?????
so why would they do a remake ??!!!! where is the fun in buying a game u already played. and IMO ffvii wasnt that great , it was a good game
the ones i love are fffviii,ffx,ffvi especially viii

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