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RE5 Producer Explains Decision To Use “Tank Controls”

The Resident Evil 5 control debate rages onwards: the purists say this is the way Resident Evil and survival/horror games should be, while some next-gen gamers, used to the likes of fast-moving third-person shooters, condemn RE5 for the "tank controls."

Therefore, one would expect Capcom to have an opinion on this argument, and according to PS3Center, a recent interview with producer Jun Takeuchi reveals the team's thoughts on the matter. It's their contention that by restricting the player's movement, it adds to the fear and suspense, which is paramount in such a title. Said Takeuchi:

"We went in knowing that we weren't making a typical third- or first-person shooter; we were making a Resident Evil game. It was important for us to go with the design choices that would make the best Resident Evil game that we could. … when it comes to Resident Evil, we feel that by imposing a restriction on the player you actually increase the tension that they feel while playing. Finding the balance between that and the player's frustration is very important when approaching the design of a game like this. I think that by imposing certain restrictions on the player you actually help to heighten the fear and the tension, and, ultimately, you create a better horror game."

Well, that's something else to ponder. We think the two sides will view this in two very different ways- one side will call this little more than a dodge; that you can create plenty of suspense and atmosphere even if you allow the character to move while shooting. The other side will say this makes perfect sense, as it's not only traditional for the franchise, but it also separates the survival/horror franchise from the standard third-person action titles. And yeah, standing there with the oncoming hordes is freaky. It's a difficult situation, but what's your take on the issue?

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 5

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15 years ago

on the subject of tanks, is it true they've got rid of tanks in WAW hardcore?

15 years ago

Yeah, the tanks are finally gone in WaW.

Back on topic.. I sure hate it when I dev decides to "force" something on player.

Why not make everything an option, and make everyone happy to best of your ability?

EDIT – Tell me how making the player stationary while firing adds suspense?

Frustration is more like it.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 3/4/2009 11:12:14 AM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Tanks gone?!? (in certain modes?) that makes me happy =D
Even though I sold the game to raise money for Killzone 2.

15 years ago

It's nice to have options but in this case it can't be,why? Because who would stick to the tank controls while run-n-gun is available,it wouldn't be wise to make it an option.

15 years ago

I agree fully. So many games feel that they are locked in to what the franchise did before and cant do something else. If they are so worried about it hurting the game they could toggle it on and off. and i know this means more work, but what do you want stale old rehash or vibrant newness?

15 years ago

Well, to debunk his claim, I think he should play "Dead Space".

So, yeah, limiting controls/freedom to create "tension and….a better horror game" is a cop-out.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

That's the truth, with some cheese on it.

15 years ago

In complete agreement with the "Dead Space" thing. I could move and it was scary as hell.

15 years ago

DEAD-Space!!!! Best Horror Game Ive played inna Loooong time. Made me stop playing for a while(almost crapped ma-self). (Only Play that sucker at night on Hard with no DLC and see what I mean).

Capcom might have just gotten served.(Lame, I know…but true!)

15 years ago

i agree with you to a degree mate, but i think that the Deadspace controls we're still kinda stiff. Yes they did feel better than the controls from RE4 and the RE5 demo but you were still limited. Anyway we can all agree that RE5 will be an awesome game even if its just for the simply fact that its really just more RE4, that game rocked!

Last edited by BigTonesAUS on 3/4/2009 4:32:57 PM

15 years ago

you beat me to it as far as Dead Space is concerned. That answer he gave is total BS as long as Dead Space exists

15 years ago

Well lets see
first off, we don't care what our loyal fans want
second, we already made it and there is not a chance we are going to spend extra money to fix it

Is that about right

15 years ago

Actually, the loyal fans are the ones that want the controls the way they are. It's the new FPS minded war pigs that need it changed because they don't know how to play the game right. The Killzone 2 controls gave me more trouble than RE 5's did. Everyone just needs to take some time to get used to the controls. If you won't take that time, then you obviously don't care much about the game anyway, which is fine.

15 years ago

Come on, don't you remember how much you loved RE4. Now would you love that game if you couldn't aim? or if the movement was restricted to the D-pad? Story and graphics can only go so far to make a game good. It is only when the game makers listen to what people want in a game when a game is improved.

15 years ago

I'm a loyal fan here and i think the controls kinda suck for RE5. sure it was ok for RE4 because of the controls we were use to. Nitekrawler you remind me of those who instantly bash those who want better controls as those who need to run and gun.

Thats not the case though. Why shouldn't you be able to at least walk slowly backwards and shoot at someone? How does restricting someone this way add tension? Dead space was way more scary than RE4 and guess what? you could walk and shoot. How bout that?

15 years ago

BTNWarrior, I'm not sure what you're getting at. No, I wouldn't like the controls if you couldn't aim and the movement was restricted to the D-pad. But is that the case? No. I loved RE 4 and I love RE 5(demo) as well.

Aaron: It's hypocritical to say you liked RE 4's controls but not RE 5's. It doesn't make much sense either. I'm also not bashing anyone here so don't even say that. Also, I never said I agreed with the argument Jun laid out. Restricting the controls is not a good way to create suspense. However, I personally don't feel like I'm restricted at all. And replying to a comment of your a ways down…I haven't heard anyone here say that just because someone can't use the tank controls, they suck. Or anything else like that.

15 years ago

i never said i liked RE4's controls, i said it was ok and a step in the right direction after the first 3 games. Its not hypocritical at all to want something better out of a sequel you love to play

I wasn't singling you out when i said that, but that statement i was referring to is further down there.

Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/5/2009 11:41:58 PM

15 years ago

dead space is a perfect example. you can still walk around while shooting, but you cant run and gun. so you have to stop shooting once in awhile to escape.

scary games are complimented by sound and sight. not movement restriction. if i was in the real situation i would be running for my life, and shooting wildly scared out of my mind…not hitting a single monster.

15 years ago

Actually I agree with the dev on this one. My friend, who's a huge RE fan said this exact same thing when I brought up that they should add run and gun. When you are standing there with zombies RUNNING at you and you have to hit them without running around, it's intense. It certainly adds to the suspense and tension. I also agree that next title should have some sort of run and gun option but as this is a continuation of RE4, the controls and feel are perfect, IMO.

15 years ago

RE isnt a horror game anymore its a gruesome action game, though i respect them standing with this decision. Every 3rd person game is taking these form of controls, its gettign annoying,makes MGS4s combat poor,MGS2& 3s controls were far better, on MGS4 i cant get into tense action with run and gun becuase i have to go into aim mode….. dislike it.

15 years ago

So you're saying you want more restrictions right? So it's even less action? (For RE)

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/4/2009 12:38:36 PM

15 years ago

Dead Space is Dead Space, Resident Evil is Resident Evil, they shouldn't copy each other.

15 years ago

True but the formula does work for Horror. Thats the point of it. They are tryin to say, in a way, that it wasn't possible without Tank-controls and DeadSpace did it with flying colors.

15 years ago

i agree 100% all of the negative comments are coming from cod fans and other repetitive fps the list will go on n on.i figure if they want controls to mimic those of fps then quit crying and go play a fps.god damn guyz and limitedvertigo quit crying and suck it up.they wont ever(and im pretty sure most will agree)they will never change it.if they did people that have been playing the series from the very beginning would be pissed.while were at it lets just change it to a run n gun and they have and it blew worse than a buck tooth hooker in a bme pain olympics competition.all im really trying to point out is if you dont like the controls you either suck or your not trying hard enough.just telling you guyz and limited vertigo how it is.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
15 years ago

I want to be able to move forward with the knife out. When I wait for them to come at me they're getting the jump and sucking the life out of me.

For me Tank controls are frustrating. I like the game though….I'll buy after a price drop.

L7 379T

15 years ago

Increase fear? no. Increase annoyance? Definitely.

I didn't even make it through the demo before I got thoroughly peeved and quit. It worked with other Resi games but not this one.

15 years ago

I agree that it worked with other games and that I didn't even get 5 minutes into the demo without deleting it either. Other resident evil's like part 2, the best ever by the way, were set more in hall ways and small rooms and the like and the not moving was not really an issue because the zombies would bottle neck while coming at you and it felt right. Like something you would naturally do in real life if you were in a hall with zombies coming at you. You know, stand there and take off heads. With the open environments and the lack of "zombies" because dammit real zombies don't run, the "tank controls" just don't feel right for the game or natural at all. I think that they should go back to a more original type of RE or remake 2 personally. I mean: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DAMN ZOMBIES????

15 years ago

Games now are trying to make you feel more immersed in the games, I thought cumbersome controls were a thing of the past. In real life I wouldn't even bother to fire a gun if it meant I was glued to the ground with a zombie haulin ass at me!

Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 3/4/2009 2:56:30 PM

15 years ago

some sort of mobility would have been nice in RE5, I don't want to "run and gun" but tactical "baby steps" would have been awesome.

I get frustrated with games that limit obvious physical abilities..argggh

now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to beat Bionic Commando again.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Maybe they make sense.
Seriously why do some people want games soooooooo easy.Ranting about K2 controls n sh**.
I feel sad when i beat a great game,i wish it wouldn't end quickly,so why make it so easy for it to come to an end real quick?

Last edited by www on 3/4/2009 12:45:54 PM

15 years ago

Because now games are mainstream and the "gimme it now", and the "I want it ten minutes ago" people are in on the fun and they are going to, and are changing games. It is sad and sometimes I sit in my room and think to myself, "Is this going to be my last generation console purchase?" because I really don't like the trends I am seeing in the industry.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

The control's ROCK!!! F**K YEAH!!
I don't like boasting,but i can dance around the enemies in the RE5 demo like bruce lee and i use 'classic' control type A.
Seriously if ya wanna see the way the game is supposed to be played my psn id is lord_carlos,add me!
If u suck at the game maybe you should,whats the word i'm looking for?…oh yeah PRACTICE!!!

Last edited by Lord carlos on 3/4/2009 1:07:47 PM

15 years ago

k i added you so lets go kick some ass right now lol

15 years ago

Ditto to all of the above.

15 years ago

nitekrawler, this was one of the replies i was talking about, theres more further down

15 years ago

Well if they can't use the controls, then they probably do suck. There are some FPS games that I suck at (like all of them lol) because of the controls. I don't condemn those games though.

P.S. I'm a mouse and keyboard guy.

15 years ago

they could of at least make walk and shoot

15 years ago


15 years ago

utter crap.

that's like saying a boxing game that where you can't move your arms is more tense than a normal boxing game.

If the scariest thing about your game is the controls, then your game sucks.

15 years ago

*clab clab clab* nothing more to say! *thumbs up*

15 years ago

I still stand by my opinion that the "tank controls" are the way resident evil should be, and should stay. I agree with every word capcom says.

15 years ago

I'm with you on that statement. I never found the controls frustrating and I never will.

15 years ago

I'm surprised by the lack of RE4 fans commenting on here. RE4 was a fantastic game and as we all know it had tank controls aswell. The game gives you everything you need to survive against overwhelming odds without moving that much at all. I played that game alot, and anyone who played it as much as me would agree, after you start to get good at the controls you'll be getting head shots like nothing. then their is no need to turn around and run away, then continue firing. And I agree with the Devs completely, it definately does add suspense. I played the RE5 demo and enjoyed it thoroughly, and I'm very happy they decided to keep the traditional "tank controls". I can't wait for this game to hit, it's gonna be fantastic. And anyone worried about the controls should put their mind at ease. It'll be great! Thanks for reading.

15 years ago

But it let you aim your gun, which was a huge step up from any previous Resident Evil game that had a number on it. So in the eyes of many the controls had changed from WWI tank to a modern tank. So most of us are just asking if they can upgrade again.

It was like the difference between MGS1 and MGS2 in terms of what you could do just because you could now aim your gun accurately.

Last edited by BTNwarrior on 3/5/2009 2:17:17 AM

15 years ago

BTN: Say a great game comes along. Then a few years later a sequal pops up and it has the same controls. Why is that game suddenly bad? The controls worked for the first game…but not the second? Illogical.

15 years ago

Seriously think about it, is walking and shooting really that hard of a feature to implement?

15 years ago

I don't know much about developing, but I doubt it would be super hard. But I didn't say the game shouldn't have it. I just don't think that the game should be condemned for the same controls that a previous version had. Especially if that previous version was as good as RE 4 was. Maybe it would have been better with the controls many people want, but it shouldn't be considered worse because it DOESN'T have them. That's all I think.

Whether or not the game should have these controls…well it really doesn't bother me either way.

15 years ago

big6 nailed it on the head.

15 years ago

So the controls aren't "modern" if you will, but people it's not a big deal. I got used to it when I played the first RE's so I can get used to it again, imo the whole co-op aspect helps quite a bit. Like Tom stated it's going to be BIG, this game will rock. I'm excited to see what else happens with Chris, I wish Barry from RE would come back with his Magnum. Wait, did he die? Here's hoping Wesker is finally going to officially die!

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