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EA Uses Topless Model To Promote Need For Speed: Undercover

Sex sells. And besides, every fast, fancy car needs a gorgeous hood ornament, which is why EA continually seems to seek out hot models from all around the world to promote their Need for Speed franchise.

But the last time this happened, EA issued a public apology for having two topless models posing with cars that boasted the NFS logo. …so why is it happening again? You can see the visual evidence at European site Polygamia, but fair warning on that posted video; there's some brief nudity. Now, can we expect another apology from EA? Or are they going to admit that this one is intentional? Clearly, there's a car with the Need for Speed: Undercover logo, and just as clearly, there's a smokin' hot chick crawling all over the hood. Perhaps this is just a European thing as we're not likely to see this kind of marketing campaign in North America, but even so, it's bound to raise some eyebrows. After all, the Internet is like…global, and stuff. We don't really have a problem with the concept, but EA may run into a small issue due to the rating of the game: it's rated "T" for Teen, but the marketing promotion would have to be rated "M" in comparison, right? Polish model Angela Filipiak isn't fully clothed, that's for damn sure. Not like we're complaining or anything, but…

Anyway, we expect you're going to see more of this in the future because as gaming becomes more and more mainstream with every passing year, the age-old ad concepts will kick into gear. Sex sells…weren't you paying attention?

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15 years ago

Well, if she's planning to wash that car, it's sure gonna be taking her one hell of a long time using those two little………….


15 years ago

wow! what a body! so curvaceous…. drool… just wish the woman wasn't hanging over it 🙂

15 years ago


15 years ago

lol, it is a European thing. In the states we have too many mothers complaining because they have nothing better to do. And we don't have nude beaches(i think).

15 years ago

There are some nude beaches, but they are few and far between.

15 years ago

There used to be a nude beach, "Higbee Beach" in New Jersey for years, but some of the local residents got it closed down about 5 or 7 years ago.

15 years ago

It's a European ad. And nudity isn't as big a deal over there. I lived there for 3 years and you would see things like this all the time on commercials. Like bath soap for instance. I see no need for an apology from EA. If the ad releases over here than yeah they probably will since some ignorant people with nothing better to do are going to complain to high heaven. I swear, people need to lighten up and quit being offended by every little thing.

Oops. I probably offended somebody right there lol.

15 years ago

I am highly offended by your statements! 😉


15 years ago

Hey you lived here in Germany – where, if I may ask? You´re right, it´s an European ad. And it no big thing here – no way! On the other hand we´ll never have an ad like US Killzone 2 on our TV´s. Gee, if Guerilla had to apologize for this in Europe? *lol* After Midnight girls in ads or shows are naked like newsborns and nobody complains – you can bet on. Except that thing I wrote about in another post…that with the 60 years old boobs. Oh, but´s forbidden to show dicks on German TV. But I´m sure this will be changed by the European feminists soon 🙂

15 years ago

yey boobies! 😛

15 years ago

I'm offended that her bottom piece is still on.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Hmm Need for Speed under cover, this game looks fun
*goes to buy it

15 years ago

Doesn't EA learn anything?
What ever happened to the good ol' EA games we remember from the 1990's to early 2000's? You know, the EA that made Hot Pursuit 2, 007 and Burnout?
The loyal EA that made T and back then KA (Now E) rated games?

I miss the good old days of 2D graphics and the games that made Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda famous. And for the PlayStation brand Spyro, MGS and Crash.

Why did Microsoft have to step into the video game market? As when Microsoft made the third console, game developers would try and hurry to make games for that console so they can then make games for another console. And the results were unfinished games that had so many bugs and glitches.
Take Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, they hurried to make the game resulting in a short storyline. But superior online gameplay.

Again, I miss the good old days where the glitches were hardly noticed due to how fun the game was and how long it takes people to beat the game. Games like Super Mario Brothers 1 for the NES took forever to beat due to the difficulty and how long the game is.
Now, everything is rushed, some games take only 6 hours to beat, while others take 3.
And the old consoles like the NES, PlayStation 1, N64 etc most likely still work to this date!
While the rushed consoles of today break down much more often.

So here is my main message to game developers and console designers.
" Make a console that will last longer than two AA batteries" You're probably asking how do I do this? Well, the simple answer is to actually take the time to make it! Test the working model for more than a month (I'm directing this to a specific big company). In fact! test it for at least 6 months to a year! And if around 5 out of 100 consoles freeze or stop working, you've got a problem! Don't just pretend that it works and sell it anyway, don't sell it for a lower price, fix it! Then sell it for more money!

Anyways, I'm done my little rant at a specific company.

Last edited by wiiplay on 3/3/2009 10:42:26 PM

15 years ago

Are you willing to wait that long for a game? That would total to 1 title a year…

And back in the day, games were GAMES(fun) now they are just stories or characters that are fitted with a gameplay style that most compliments the type of story.

And for the breaking down…there's a lot more things that can break in the new consoles and that can't be fixed by shaking or blowing into it.

15 years ago

Super Mario Bros. was actually quite quickly finished if you found the warps, and quite easy if you used the infinite life glitch.

15 years ago

I've probably said this before but those 2d games were fun back then, more because we were all kids and at that age things seem more fun for a child than they do for an adult.

Those games were harder because of no save file. I've played the old 2d snes Castlevania games on my PSP. Those games are hard but with save anywhere on a PSP, they are much easier. Good games but I prefere todays games.

15 years ago

Sex sells.

15 years ago

So does peace…but who's buyin'? lol sorry, I had to!

But I still dont get why they felt they needed to do this. Why not just make a simple ad advertising the game. I guess they believe that if they put a topless chick, then guy gamers will flock to buy the game. Which, by the way, makes us look like a bunch of pervs. I might be a hypocrite if they put some Asian girl on it though! lol

15 years ago

Megadeth!! ?

15 years ago

Dave Mustaine is a rock GOD

15 years ago

wiiplay you sure called things like they are. I miss the old days too. My PS1, NES, N64, and Genesis are still working while my crummy 360 I bought for banjo kazooie stoped ejecting discs. Oh and the newest banjo kazooie was nothing like the last 2 and was hardly fun.

15 years ago

She needs implants.

15 years ago

implants feel strange…I like them all natural…

15 years ago

I hate how the US is the only real country that spazzes out when it comes to sex and/or nudity at all. The US promotes gore and language daily using movies and television but when it comes to nudity it's always the same thing, "OMG WHAT WHERE THEY THINKING?!" and half the time even the religious get involved saying that's an anti-christian game or whatever (there was actually a ste where this guy is this uber devoit christian and he said MGS4 is working for satan because it shows Snake smoking cigarettes 😐 he nvr even played the game, and he openly admitted it also) I just wish the US would be more open to nudity like most other countries are 😐 just be like japan and put mosaic all over the 'bad' parts (censor)


15 years ago

No mosaics, i like my porn just the way it is 😛

15 years ago

nobody is offended…. because that's correct. I mean, compared to Japan and England the US is a big country with more people from different cultures so they can't really agree with each other. Here, you can sue anybody just for giving you a look. So instead of taking the risk of getting sued, you just do nothing at all.

15 years ago

Yeah, but there are the same funkillers here in Europe – the difference here is – we just ignore them 🙂 Oh and the European are far away from congregation. Austria for example. Movies are completly unrated, there just an "advice" printed on the cover.Nudity is complety allowed (except the "di**" thing). Germany . Movies are cut to dead by the censorship. Even past midnight all movies – even if rated 16 are cut. But on the next channel they are fu**ing the sh** out of each other. German kids are allowed to drink as much beer and wine as they want when they reached the sweet 16. Spirits from 18. And Scandinavia…Man I could write for ages to cover all the differences here in Europe. I think it´s important what you prefer. Think of it and move to a country where it is allowed. Maybe you would be very surprised what´s possible, if you have a closer look on the bill of rights of eastern european coutries, like Romania or Poland or Hungary. In the end neighbors weed is always greener, until you live there.

15 years ago

I don't think we need to be afraid of the human body anymore. Hopefully society matures.

15 years ago

Must. Resist. Urge….. 80085!!!!

15 years ago

@ LegenaryWolfeh

I've always found it funny that Japanese televison can show a girl Bukkake'd but her vagina is the only portion blurred.

15 years ago

lol kinda surprised someone actaully knows the term

15 years ago

I really don't see a problem with this type of advertising. I'm not sure that is would help a game sell but I like looking at naked women and there is nothing wrong or perverted about that. Bring on the boobies.

15 years ago


15 years ago

I second that bro! You know the Asian chick part! 🙂

15 years ago

@ Karosso

I agree fun to look at but their moans are soooooooooooooo annoying.

15 years ago

I had a Chinese girlfriend and she moaned just fine 🙂

15 years ago

I think it's EA Poland doing if it exists?

15 years ago

So this would be one of those situations that is treated differently between 2 countries. Europe's extremely more lenient then the US on nudity and ratings. This is where we (a nation) should come together and fight against government censoring. It has gone to far!! Let there be nudity!!!!

If you are one of those people that over protects your child…you know who I'm talking about (no sugars, no TV, no games) wait till they have a chance to get away from you…they will never look back!!


15 years ago

People that over shield their children usually wind up making really screwed up people later on when the kid finally gets away from the oppression. I know lots of people who are in the train hopping, squatting scene just because their parents wouldn't let them be people.

15 years ago

Good point anjpikapp3, my parents wouldn't let me watch The Simposons when I was younger; now I enjoy a good snuff video.

15 years ago

me too!(about the parents thing, idk what a snuff is)

15 years ago

LOL I loves me some videos of people torturing and killing hookers but that is as far into snuff as I go. No innocents. That's bad news.


15 years ago

LOL coverton you don't believe hookers are also the innocent?

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