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Killzone 2 Control Debate Rages, Guerilla Considers Update

Most everyone loves Killzone 2 . It's a fantastic achievement and has once again raised the bar in the ultra-competitive FPS category. However, no game is perfect, and some people have complained about the somewhat different controls found in Guerilla's stellar title.

You'll find these complaints all over the Internet; they come from people who may be used to other FPSs like Call of Duty , where the controls feel faster moving left to right. They complain of a slight delay and you can read all about it over at the official PlayStation forum. As you can see, the emphasis Guerilla placed on realism isn't going over so well with everyone, and this has prompted the developers to consider issuing an update patch for the gameplay. In response to this, Seb Downie issued a reply in that same thread, on page 13; it reads:

"1. We have not decided if we are going to do anything to the controls. We are investigating.

2. If we change them, we have not said how. No reason to get upset. We are not going to turn them on their head. It would not be sweeping changes.

3. Any potential changes made will be carefully analyzed and tested to ensure they do not negatively affect players who do not experience any issues."

So, what's your take on the issue? Do you have a problem with the so-called "delay" or does it feel more authentic? Would you rather have a faster, more fluid, yet less realistic mechanic? For our part, it feels as if we're controlling an actual human that has weight and carries weight, but that's just our opinion. Many others will tell everyone to stop whining and just accept that this is an advancement, not a step back. The debate will continue to rage…

Related Game(s): Killzone 2

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15 years ago

My copy of KZ2 hasn't shown up yet, but I played the demo and used the default controls (inverted U/D though) and I don't think I had any issues with any of the controls. But I think the people that are having issues, are people that play COD4 religiously and are much more used to the run and gun type gameplay. But i'm not an avid FPS player, so this is just what I think. I'm sure other, more experienced FPS players could say more.

Odd Child
Odd Child
15 years ago

Yea same here wont receive it til march 9th so says amazon. Can't Believe that crap!

15 years ago

im one of THE MINORITY. which actually isnt a minority. its about 50-60% of people ive seen agree with me.

the problem is, that people dont fully understand what we mean by control issues.

1) the deadzone is way too big for a fps that has emphasis on 'realism'

2) the increase of speed when turning is way over the top. its like this



it SHOULD be


3) the aiming controls arent 'realistic' at all. they would be, IF you were carrying a 100kg weapon.
one person from the 'minority' says he was in the forces, and the amount of weight a soldier would have to carry at any given time, is pretty sizable, but not enough to slow your movement.

and for those of you who say "just increase the aiming sensitivity" then you REALLY dont understand what this 'minority' are talking about, its nothing to do with sensitivity.

i guess you could say they need to been more responsive.

you have to move the analog stick almost completely to the left or right, to cause significant movement. and anything below that, just moves slowly.

in other words, the aim only has 2 speeds, slow and fast.

im expecting a fair bit of flaming from this, but meh, its my attempt to defend all of the 'minority'. and prove that we arent just COD fans.

i personally, think we just need more options with the aiming controls, the ability to adjust the deadzone and overall responsiveness at my own leasure, would not only improve the games overall worth, but make online alot more competitive.

and while im ranting, ill just say, YES you can get used to the controls, i have, and i dont find it all that difficult to be in the top3 of every match. but i think the game could be so much better. and we should also be able to cater to the community as a whole, not just the groups who make it easier.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 3/5/2009 7:53:59 AM

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

I swear, I have not had ANY of these control issues that I keep reading about. I wonder why it's happening to some people. I even sat and played with my controller last night for about 10 minutes looking for lag and dead zone. It isn't there. At least not on my system.

15 years ago

I definately think it's there. Although I quite enjoy it because it set everyone at zero when we started playing. No one was used to the controls but you are starting to see that people are adapting. I think the only control scheme they should change is the dead zone in the zoomed in mode of a gun. At this point it is better to hip shoot than aim when it is mid to close range fighting. When people are far away it's really hard just to center your dot to the guy you are targetings head. I think they should impliment the sixaxis controls to all of the zoomed in schemes of the guns… Just so you can make those minor tweaks at the last second.

In all honesty though… They shouldn't change it. Don't fix something that's not broken. It isn't broken it's the way it should feel. It gives a sense of realism and weight to the guns. Anyway I could I don't care what they do either way. I will still play it. (I've never been so consistently in awe of game graphics and sound before ;))

15 years ago

I didn't have any problems with the controls.

15 years ago

For me I didn't start enjoying the game as much as I do now until about half way through. I just recently realized it was the controls. All though first thing I did was change it so L1 was use sights and R3 was melee. (COD4ish) I absolutely love the game now that I got used to the controls. It gets you way more into the game, now that I look back on older games, those games felt as if you were a flying saucer that floated around with a gun sticking out of it. It would have been even better if they allowed you to see your legs. Also I have some problems with crouching and using the sights. They should add the option to just hit L2 once and have you guy STAY crouched.

mk ultra
mk ultra
15 years ago

I think you have the option to toggle the crouch hold on or off online, just not in the single player.

15 years ago

well i dont have the game, but i was in the beta for 2 rounds. i saw no issues with the controls of the game and everything seemed to work fine for me.

the one thing i didnt like was how when you run you run with your gun down. IRL you can run and shoot. you may not be accurate on hiting your taget much but you can run and shoot lol.

15 years ago

I like realism in my games. I think the resistance feels very good when you go to aim and whatnot. I had no problems aiming in the demo (I havent had a chance to pick the full game up yet.)

15 years ago

Yeah, feels great to me too. It will definitely take some adjusting since you can't instantly lob grenades like in some games, but I can't instantly lob grenades in real life either. Love the realism!

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Why can't these people just increase the aim sensitivity ? It can be done by going into the mythical land of 'Control Options' available in the forbidden 'Game Menu' .

Last edited by Sir Shak on 3/3/2009 1:13:30 PM

15 years ago


Lord carlos
Lord carlos
15 years ago

first RE5 now killzone,there sure are alot of spoiled brats out there.
"OMG this game controls differently from COD 4 blah blab blab BLAH!!!"
Time for some people to get a new hobbie methinks.

15 years ago

I have completed the campaign and played for quite a few hours online. No problems whatsoever. I have my X-Axis sensitivity up one notch from the default. Some people just complain for no reason and need to be kicked in the balls.

15 years ago

Yea, I honestly have no issue with the controls. Ever since I switched to Alt2 and unchecked the option to 'hold zoom' and now I do fine. Aiming from the hip doesn't work very well for me, however. So, needless to say, I don't use the shotty to often online lol

15 years ago

Hey guys! New to the forums but have enjoyed them for quite some time. I have all three systems but seeing on how I'm on my 3rd 360 (2 RROD..sigh)and my Wii (well lets just not talk about it) I have been looking forward to Killzone 2 for quite some time now. IMHO there a problem and its not just COD4 regret. The controls are just "not right". The lag is noticable and makes aiming frustrating. And that's my main and only complaint. KZ2 is amazing and I've never seen anything quite like it FPS wise but the control issues hold it back from greatness that the PS3 needs! I have to say that the controls in the demo are worse than the actual game. Played both.

15 years ago

Nice to have you posting, I'm glad I'm not the only one here who thinks the controls aren't as good as the game as a whole.

15 years ago

its purely a realism thing. you can call it lag if you want to, but i think it was ment to be like that. I call it momentum. Basically, imagine swinging something real heavy around while trying to aim it at something. Its not going to stop exactly on the point you want it to, without a little bit of adjustment.

Now im not saying this type of control mechanism is going to suit everyone, but I dont think it takes that long to get used to it (probably a couple of levels or so). Theres deffinately no other game like it.

I think if they update it, it should be an option in the difficulty settings (authetic handling on / off, or something like that)

Anyway, Its not the dam aiming thats the problem for me, its gettin those f#king rocket launcher guys in the dam palace during the Redic scrap (second to last difficuly setting) I just get wasted everytime. Any tips will be much appreciated guys. By the way, does anyone know if you can pick a random level to play when you havent finished the campain yet, does it screw up your game progress (like cod). not tried yet, but I noticed you cant save your save data to a memory stick.

Last edited by wano on 3/3/2009 5:28:57 PM

15 years ago

I think they've missed what to me is the bigger controls issue: hold-to-zoom instead of click-to-zoom. The heaviness of the controls is no problem for me; I just hate having to aim and zoom in with the same stick. I think it degrades accuracy.

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

You can change that, just go into control setings and un-check the box for hold aim.

Last edited by The Stig on 3/3/2009 2:24:43 PM

15 years ago

All right, so they listened. Excellent!

The world is a better place.

15 years ago

I kinda get what they are complaining about, but I'm fine either way. Maybe they could release a patch that would fix the "problem", but also let people keep the current controls if they choose to.

I like the realism, but at the end of the day, I want what makes the game more fun to play.

I will say that in my opinion, it's harder to get the aiming down than the other shooters I've tried. But maybe that's also because there is a lot of covering in the game, and it's harder to shoot someone.

P.S. I don't play Call of Duty 4. I've actualy only played the local multiplayer once, and didn't like it too much.

15 years ago

2 issues in my expereince. 1) is the dead zone in the right analog stick which makes quich reaction hard. 2) is the lag which cause an overshoot when you aim. Now I have to say thats its not that bad and the game is still very enjoyable.

The Stig
The Stig
15 years ago

To have both setups would make it uneven, me thinks. Either keep it for everyone or change it for everyone.

15 years ago

I like the controls in Resistance theare easy and simple. I like the R3 aim down sight its hard in COD4 when you cant shot from the hip. Always down sight.

15 years ago

WHOA! Crazy avatar!

15 years ago

yer, nice avatar

15 years ago

what's up with that avatar?

15 years ago

What everyone is trying to say is, its too big.

15 years ago

You can change the click to zoom option, and i'm pretty sure you can also choose a control scheme to put it as L1 for example.

15 years ago

Instead of complaining they should just adjust their controller in the controller adjustment menu.

I'm loving every minute and didn't notice anything wrong with the controls.

15 years ago

I liked R2 controls better. also R2 gives you the option to customize your control. I hope they add that.

15 years ago

oh COME ON! If you complain about controls, QUIT THE GAME, Go back to your Call of Duty games or your Halo games or Gears of War games or MGSIV/R2. Shut the hell up already, the controls are FINE and they are PERFECT.

GG, don't change them. Keep them.

Edit — And yes, like the person from above me said, GG needs to give us the option and allow us to customize our control options. They really need to do that.

Last edited by AceTatsujin on 3/3/2009 1:38:17 PM

15 years ago

You're definitely RIGHT but i think you need a chill pill though.

I don't even have the game,i should be complaining to Guerilla about giving me a free copy not those who got the game and are still ranting.

15 years ago

Customize is all that is needed, my opinion.

15 years ago

@Ace – Oh come on, perfect? No such thing. Just because someone complains about something, doesn't mean they need to quit playing it. We're not all the same. We have different reaction times, different sized hands, etc..

And it's funny cause if they are perfect, then there is no need to change them. So GG shouldn't allow customized control options.

(Sorry, just giving you a hard time.)

15 years ago

I have no problems what-so-ever with the controls.

15 years ago

I love the controls, I dont have a Problem with them either.

15 years ago

Me too, I love the feeling of weight. Its as realistic as shooting with electric guns on a foreign planet can be 😛

Alternate 2 config (with hold to zoom enabled) FTW!

Last edited by mikeyp323 on 3/3/2009 2:36:39 PM

15 years ago

It took me about 1.5 hours to get used to it, and now other games feel so unrealistic. Sev feels like he has weight and is carrying an actual gun. Im actually used to pc shooters, so lighting-quick controls are what im used to, so this was a huge jump. Its a bit harder to aim quickly on far away targets, but in real life its not exactly easy either.

15 years ago

..And suddenly the unreal silence is broken by an lament coming up from the deepest darkest abyss.
And from the seven dark gates of Activision. Call of Duty comes back to ruin the great controls of Heaven (Killzone 2)

preferably CoD is a poor game in my opinion and yet another typical yearly Activision game

King James
King James
15 years ago

I had a problem with the controls…until I went to the controller layout options and changed it to what I LIKE. Killzone 2 has 6 different options to play and you can toggle the "hold zoom" option.

The only way it could be better is if u could customize each button and make your own layout.

Last edited by King James on 3/3/2009 2:12:25 PM

15 years ago

QFTMFW! Totally agree..

Last edited by Daedusian on 3/3/2009 7:39:35 PM

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
15 years ago

I just got my copy yesterday and I love the realistic feel to the movements. If games weren't different with mechanics it would feel like we're playing the same game with a different title and characters. Part of the fun with video games is adapting to the things one game does differently than the next one. The next thing people will complain about is the character is different in every game.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 3/3/2009 2:17:05 PM

15 years ago

Great way to put it.

15 years ago

yea i play COD4 all the time and ive noticed that there is a slight delay when your shooting at someone in KZ2 also ive noticed the "wegihty" feeling everyones talkin about but people have to relize that this is NOT COD !!!! and there should be diffrence in the feeling of the game.but there should be a patch for the delay its a waste of time and ammo !!!

15 years ago

This is why it's always best to have EVERYTHING an option.

No one is "right"..
No one is "wrong"..

15 years ago

Took about an hour to get used to when i first got the demo…now, ive become dominant online…i even got top 1% trophy the first week…any other FPS feels extremely crappy in comparison

The game is amazing, but it's not user friendly…unfortunately, most people need wii-type controls to be able to play…Killzone 2 is a big boy game (no auto-aim here, kiddies)

Last edited by Itdoesntmatter on 3/3/2009 2:35:26 PM

15 years ago

Auto-aim sucks in games. In R2, when you are aiming at one person and it pulls you away to shoot another person beside them pisses me off. I love R2 but auto-aim doesn't ever need to be put in a game as a default, ever.

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